Workshops May + 2013
Please check the times listed as you may be in a different time zone.
Workshop time may be found on the registration site.
Most of these are free but a few do charge fees. Want to attend a workshop that requires a fee? Don't forget to look into Continuing Education Assistance from the Office of Commonwealth Libraries. You may be eligible for up to $600.
To register for the webinars/workshops below, either click the heading or the provided link. Also check the WebJunction Pennsylvania Calendar for additional offerings.
Miss a webinar? Many providers archive the recording.
Check out WebJunction’s archived webinars.
Access PA, POWER Library and Ask Here PA training is available online through WebJunction Pennsylvania with the following courses:
Access PA Database Online Beginner Trainingcovers using the Access PA website, searching the Access PA Database, using the VDX ILL system, and keeping your library's holdings updated in the Database [7 Act 48 credit hours].
POWER Library: AP Images
includes an introduction to the AP Images online interface, navigation and set-up options and searching each of the archives [3 Act 48 Credits].
Understanding and Promoting Ask Here PA
focuses on understanding how Ask Here PA works and on using, evaluating and promoting this valuable service [3 Act 48 credit hours].
VDX ILL System Version 4.1.3 Online Course
covers the new features available in this upgraded version, including new Work Queue labels, placement of notes, and new actions. [4 Act 48 credit hours].
Students are able to access the courses from any computer connected to the Internet to work independently any time of day or night. All certified Pennsylvania librarians and library aides are eligible to receive Act 48 continuing education credit hours upon completion of the courses. All who complete a course are able to generate a certificate of completion online. [3 Act 48 credit hours.]
To access the courses, eligible persons must create a free account on WebJunction, then request affiliation with WebJunction Pennsylvania.
Detailed Instructions for Registering for Courses:
- Visit the WebJunction Pennsylvania (
- Along the right-hand side of the PA WebJunction page, click the Request Course Access link.
- Complete the Request WebJunction Course Access form, indicating Pennsylvania as your State Partner.
- Course access requests may take 24 hours to process.
Once your WebJunction Course Access has been approved via email, follow the directions to enroll in any of the online courses from the WebJunction Course list, selecting Pennsylvania Courses, then Library Services to take one of the approved Act 48 credit courses listed above. If you experience any problems registering for a course, please email .
These instructions may also be found on the Access PA website by clicking the link labeled Access PA/POWER Library Online Training Via WebJunction.
April 30 and June 11
Protecting Collections: Disaster Prevention, Planning, & Response
When:April 9 & May 14 in Allentown, PA; April 10 & May 15 in Scranton, PA;
and April 30 & June 11 in York, PA
Cost:$50 per person (Pennsylvaniainstitutions) /$150 per person (out-of-state institutions)
One of the most important steps a cultural institution can take to safeguard its collections is to be prepared in the event of an emergency or disaster. This two-part program, presented as part ofSave Pennsylvania's Past,will guide participants in risk mitigation, emergency planning and preparedness, response, and recovery.For more information and to register, please click here.
Funded through an Institute of Museum and Library Services Connecting to Collections Statewide Implementation Grant,Save Pennsylvania's Past is a statewide effort to preserve the millions of objects and historic artifacts that shape theCommonwealth of Pennsylvania's history and define our nation.
May 1
What does a successful internship look like? (Nebraska Library Commission)
From advertising for the position to saying goodbye, thoughtful planning of an internship will go a long way to making the experience meaningful for you and your intern. Kathryn Brockmeier, from the Nebraska Library Commission, will also discuss ways your library and your community can benefit from an internship at your library. Time for brainstorming and sharing will follow the presentation. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Recruiting Professional Volunteers (NonProfit Webinars)
Finding qualified professionals to contribute as volunteers can be a challenge. This webinar provides leaders of non-profit organizations and social purpose businesses with tips and logistical steps to successfully engage professional volunteers, access new relationships, and build board membership. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Free E-Government Webinar for Public Librarians (American Library Association)
As governments continue to move services online, public libraries are a bridge between the government agencies and the communities they serve. To assist libraries in providing job-related e-government services to patrons, the American Library Association will host the no-cost webinar “E-Government in Action: Matching People with Jobs.” As part of the webinar, participants will hear from numerous e-government grant recipients on innovative workforce development programs that have successfully connected people with jobs. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
May 2-4
Successful Volunteer Interview Strategies (VolunteerMatch)
Interviewing each prospective volunteer can seem overwhelming, but it's one of the best ways to ensure that the volunteers you recruit are the volunteers you need. This webinar introduces a variety of question types used in volunteer interviews and offers strategies for honing your interview skills. Materials will be provided to help you implement this process in your organization, as well as a training syllabus so you can learn how to recruit and train a volunteer staff to assist with prospective volunteer interviews. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Sizzling Spring Cookbook Buzz (Library Journal)
Break out those farmer’s market carts, uncover that barbecue grill, and unfold your best checkered picnic blanket. Warm weather is an invitation to cook! Fantastic meals for sunny spring celebrations and family dinners start with fresh ingredients and fresh ideas. Join this Sizzling Spring Cookbook Buzz, and inspire your patrons to cook up something special! With fresh offerings from Running Press, Random House Inc., and Tuttle Publishing, spring will be nothing short of delicious. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
The Pennsylvania School Librarian conference will be held in Hershey
May 3
Tech Tools with Tine: MS Office Tricks (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Please this special series with technology trainer, Christine Walczyk, all about popular online tools. The series is meant to be short on talk about library context and higher concepts. It's really all about the tools themselves! The aim is to demonstrate how to use one tool in each webinar in under 60 minutes with time for Q&A built in. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
May 6
B-Ready: Building College and Career Readiness with Digital Resources (School Library Journal)
School librarians play a key role in ensuring that students have the tools and knowledge to succeed. Now, in light of the Common Core’s increased emphasis on college, career, and world readiness, is your school library equipped with the right next-generation digital resources for mastering 21st century skills? Using examples from Britannica Digital Learning’s exciting portfolio of digital solutions, this webinar will illustrate valuable criteria that school librarians can apply when evaluating online resources to support digital literacy development. Participants also will learn a new approach, using a third-party rubric, for guiding students through the objective assessment of resources they find when reading or researching online. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
May 7
LibraryYOU: Library as Content Creator
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 ♦ 1 pm Eastern / 10 am Pacific♦ 60 min
Early Registration
Learn how the Escondido Public Library partnered with local experts to create digital content for the library’s collection. Funded by an LSTA grant, the LibraryYOU project consists of a digital media studio, a website, and public training classes encouraging community members to share their knowledge and learn how to communicate through digital media formats. LibraryYOU helps strengthen connections with local businesses, establishing the library as a technology leader in the community.
This webinar covers how Escondido set up LibraryYOU and how other libraries, large and small, can set up similar community content creation projects.
Presented by: Donna Feddern, Digital Services Manager, Escondido Public Library.
North Central Library DistrictTrustee Workshop:
Leaders in Libraries: What The Best Do Best!
Featured speaker and facilitator, David Bendekovic, CEO of BA David Company, will share the “best of the best” in library leadership and strategies for success in today’s ever-changing social and economic environment. David developed the program while serving as program director at the Leadership Institute at Syracuse University. This workshop explores best practices, provides insights into how leading libraries are adapting to change, and allows attendees to conduct a self-assessment of their library. Participants can expect to acquire new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new perspectives from some of the best library leaders in North America.
The B.A. David Company is dedicated to furthering its mission—Helping People and Organizations Achieve Success—by providing leaders at all levels with the essential wisdom, inspiration, and resources needed to lead and build vibrant organizations where extraordinary things can happen every day. This program is for library trustees, library directors, and department heads.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 10am - 3pm James V. Brown Library in Williamsport
Welch Wing, 3rd Floor Lowry Room
There is a $25 fee, includes lunch, course materials, and a parking pass. The district cannot issue refunds. Please feel free to send a substitute.
Deadline: Tuesday, May 1, 2013
To register complete the following and mail with payment to: Sue Rider, 19 E. Fourth St. Williamsport, PA 17701
Geek the Library Informational Webinar (Geek the Library)
Get a complete Geek the Library overview and your questions answered in a live format. Our informational webinars are a simple way to learn about the details before committing to participate in the program. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Truth About Social Learning (Insync Training)
"Social learning" and "informal learning" are among the training industry's hottest phrases these days. But there's so much confusion over what they mean, and what they mean to those of us in the business. In this session we'll spend some time looking at real examples of social and informal learning as it happens in workplaces all the time, every day. Along the way we'll generate some ideas for locating, supporting and facilitating social learning opportunities toward the greater goal of enhancing organizational performance. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Outcome Thinking 1: Want Results? Then You Need to Shift to Outcome Thinking and Management (Grantspace)
Part one in our four-part series, Outcome Thinking and Management, in this webinar we’ll explore how these concepts and approaches are different from the way many of us still think—and their value when implemented. The intent of the session is to shift your mindset as a prelude to shifting the actions you take. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Worlds of the Imagination: What’s New in SF/Fantasy (Booklist)
Science fiction and fantasy remain greatly popular among genre fiction readers and are gaining new fans fast! In this hour-long, free webinar, hear what series promise to hit it big and what authors have upcoming volumes. Expand your universe without leaving your seat as representatives from Baen, Galaxy Press, Tor, and Tu Books cover titles for all ages. Moderated by Booklist Adult Books editor Brad Hooper. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Inbound Marketing: The Latest Techniques to Attract More Donors, Volunteers, and Others (NonProfit Webinars)
Nonprofits’ efforts to find supporters are rapidly being supplanted by the need for supporters to easily find you. Learn about specific, low-cost marketing and fundraising techniques that will drive more traffic to you online, and increase your “conversion rate” so more of them become donors, event attendees, and other supporters. We’ll examine how to implement inbound marketing by combining techniques like search engine optimization, pay-per-click, blogs, articles, websites, landing pages, calls to action, links, social media, and more to promote and leverage your content, boost online traffic, generate leads, and convert those leads into supporters. We’ll also discuss how to easily measure results to validate that your fundraising programs are working. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
May 7-8
National Legislative Day
This event is held in DC
May 8
Hastings StoryWalk: Walk, Read, Explore (Nebraska Library Commission)
The StoryWalk® Project combines family fun, exercise, and literacy into one great community activity. The concept involves posting pages of a book at certain intervals along a walking path. Library Director Amy Greenland will present lessons learned by the Hastings Public Library, especially in preparing materials for Nebraska wind and weather, and participant comments. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity (American Management Association)
Attend this webcast and learn about FranklinCovey’s program called “5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity.” The program, supported by science and years of experience, will give you an overview, key concepts and elements of a process that has helped countless individuals yield a measurable increase in theirproductivity. It will also give you hope, a renewed sense of engagement, show you how implementing these tools and concepts can makeor break your ability to achieve the most important outcomes in your work and personal life. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Behind the Scenes with Gale Publishing Stories (Library Journal)
Every book has a story. Peak behind the scenes…learn the secrets, curiosities, and fun facts about two essential reference series from Gale. Register today to reserve your spot in this informative session brought to you by Gale, Cengage Learning. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Managing Fundraisers; for the Non Fundraising Executive (NonProfit Webinars)
Specifically designed for President’s, CEO’s, Executive Directors and others without a fundraising background. This webinar will discuss the components of development planning, questions to ask, answers to expect, and potential red flags. Proper roles for executive leadership,ways to champion an increasingly effective office as well as techniques to bolster lesser results. Your organization deserves the best fundraising department and personnel possible. Be it a one person shop or much larger, how that department is managed will determine their effectiveness and in turn the number of dollars raised. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
May 9
How Senior Friendly is Your Website? (Accessible Technology Coalition)
The percentage of older people using the Internet continues to rise. As does the number of younger people who rely on the Internet for information and resources as they provide support to an older family member or friend. Learn what it means to deliver web content and navigation choices that are specifically geared for older web visitors and their families and caregivers.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Fall 2013 Librarian Preview (Booklist)
Be among the first to see and hear firsthand what Lerner has coming for readers this fall! Visit with Lerner Publishing Group’s editors as they unveil the new fantastic new books they’ll be publishing in Fall 2013. Get the inside scoop and sneak peek at Lerner’s new series, nonfiction titles, middle grade and YA fiction, graphic novels, and picture books for grades K-12 coming this January. Plus, learn about new digital offerings, as well as supports for Common Core State Standards, and free teaching guides, reader’s discussion guides, classroom activities, and websites that make lesson planning easy. For more information and to register for this program, visit:
Library Learning Goes Online (American Libraries)
Online learning is changing the way schools work. From elementary to graduate school to continuing education, online tools are creating new horizons in distance learning and new tools to supplement in-person learning. But what does this mean for libraries? How can we enhance traditional library instruction with online tools? How do we create standards in the face of technology that is constantly changing? For more information and to register for this program, visit: