Living Proud WA recognised for leadership in suicide prevention
Community Development (Organisation)
Tuesday 28th July 2015
Hobart, Australia: Living Proud WA were tonight recognised with a LiFE Award for excellence in suicide prevention at the 2015 National Suicide Prevention Conference.
“[I] strongly believe that initiatives that Living Proud put forward are extremely beneficial for the LGBTIQ community and community as a whole…Making services work more inclusively will make a real difference to saving lives and reducing the fallout of suicide in many communities and families.”
Deborah Costello, CEO
Injury Control Council of Western Australia
Living Proud LGBTI Community Services of WA Inc is a not for profit organisation based in Western Australia, providing support, information and resources to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and intersex community for nearly 40 years.
“The MHC commends the work done by Living Proud and is proud to continue supporting them in their important work in preventing suicide in Western Australia for the LGBTIQ community.”
Simone Kramer, A/Manager Service Delivery
NGO Purchasing & Development, Mental Health Commission WA
Living Proud Inc delivers training, participation on reference groups which support raising the awareness of issues faced for individuals within the LGBTI community and partnering with a national program (QLIFE) supporting the LGBTI community. Their majoy achievements include:
- The Living Proud Project, implemented under the OneLife WA Suicide Prevention Strategy.
- Provision of the Applied Suicide Skills Intervention Training and the SAFE TALK training.
- Delivery of the Opening Closets Mental Health training.
- Engagement of the WA Police, delivering training to new recruits regarding diverse sexuality and/or gender and intersex.
- Participation in the development of the Equal Opportunities Commission, “Supporting Sexual and Gender Diversity within Schools” guidelines.
“The ongoing contribution that they make to the LGBTI community as well as the wider community in regards to suicide prevention ensures that everyone is supported and kept safe.”
Larissa Kozulin
UnitingCare West, WA
The annual LiFE Awards recognise excellence in suicide prevention across six different categories including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Workplace, Media, Community Engagement, Community Development and Research. This year a LiFEtime Achievement Award is also being awarded for a significant contribution to suicide prevention.
They were presented as part of the 2015 National Suicide Prevention Conference in Hobart. Australia’s leading suicide prevention sector event provides a platform for more than 350 delegates to share in the latest research, policy and practice with a focus on delivering better outcomes for vulnerable communities.
2015 LiFE Award Recipients:
- Workplace: NSW Police Force Mental Health Intervention Team
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Julie Turner
- Community Development (Organisation): Living Proud WA
- Community Development (Individual): Lee-Ann Foord
- Community Engagement: Brian McErlean
- Media: ABC Mental As
- Research: NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention (CRESP)
- LiFEtime Achievement Award: Professor Diego de Leo
Media Contact: Kim Borrowdale, Suicide Prevention Australia
0409 149099 / 02 9262 1130 /
About Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA): SPA provides national leadership for the suicide prevention sector in Australia. SPA works collaboratively to develop a community that knows how to ask for help and how to give help. As the lead agency of the National Coalition for Suicide Prevention, we build and facilitate partnerships to reduce the stigma around mental illness and suicide, and to assist the healing for people with lived experience of suicide attempts and suicide.
About the Annual Suicide Prevention Conference:The Annual National Suicide Prevention Conference is the premier, multidisciplinary, educational event in the suicide prevention sector. The Conference provides a platform for the exchange of ideas to help achieve our agenda of halving suicides in Australia over the next ten years. This year the focus will be on the intersection of suicide prevention research, policy, practice and lived experience. /conferences
Talking about suicide in the media: A reminder of the Mindframe Media guidelines - - and for tips on how to talk safely and constructively about suicide.
Crisis support information
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
- MensLine 1300 78 99 78