Pupil Council Meeting

Monday 28November 2011

R.E. Room 1

Present (sederunt)

Mrs. Canning

Ms. Gillies

Mr. McKenna

M Mullen 2G

J Bailey 6E

A Rafiq 4F

K Morrison 2A

J Kerr 3D

J Fernie 3B

M Ahmed 2G

C Rennie 2F

U Rehman 3G

H Salah 2H

T Ahmed 2H

S Sidebottom 1C

B Etchu 1C

S Sattar 2G

L Umar 2F

R Madden 2G

G Bow 2G

E Thomson 2E

A Din 4E

Z Khan 1H

D Carroll 5E (minute)

U Ansari 6C

D Watt 6A

C Percival 6A

H Rafique 1E

  1. Minute from previous meeting accepted.
  1. New minute taker appointed for this meeting (D Carrol).
  1. Pupil Communication – Mr G Thomson (PE and PT Communication and Partnership Working)

Mr. Thomson explained to the group his role and the work he is doing in improving communications, involving more people and celebrating success at Bellahouston Academy. He asked for pupils to make more contributions to the Bella Bulletin and for feedback on the success of the bulletin. Mr. Thomson also asked for Pupil Council input to the parental newsletter which is issued regularly. Mr. Thomson also asked for support for the school website and school trips.

  1. Pen shop – Ms. Gillies

Ms. Gillies asked for volunteers to help run this very successful project. Senior pupils and staff are needed to supervise. Younger pupils are welcome to come along and help sell materials.

  1. Pupil Council Training – Mrs. Canning

There will be training for all pupil councillors in how they should conduct themselves and how to get the best out of meetings. Senior pupil, Kyle Thornton will help deliver the training.

  1. School Uniform

Mrs. Canning will be asking the group for feedback on the uniform policy and the newly introduced blazers.

  1. One Planet Conference

Mrs. Canning introduced Gemma Bow to the group. Gemma had been at the launch of this event on behalf of the school. The focus is to look at climate change and how it affects everyone. Gemma spoke of the presentations she’d seen and the activities she had taken part in.

  1. Glasgow City Council pupil council meeting

Mr. McKenna told the group that two pupils had been chosen to represent the school at this important meeting. Bessong and Mazhar will be at this meeting at Govan High on 2 December. They will come back to the group with their feedback at the next pupil council meeting


Pupils asked if the pupil council could have a regular date and time. This is not currently the case as it would mean pupils would miss too much class work. Future dates will be communicated on the Bella Bulletin.