Application: Encounter Europe – Visit Germany: A DAAD Seminar for Students from Australia and New Zealand at the European Academy Otzenhausen, 2.-15.12.2012
Application for the following course:
Encounter Europe – Visit Germany: A DAAD Seminar for Students from Australia and New Zealand at the European Academy Otzenhausen
From 2 – 15 December 2012
Name: / PhotoCurrently enrolled in … at (degree course(s), major(s), name of university)
Enrolled since:
Degree in (degree course(s), major(s), name of university)
Current address (street, city, state, postcode):
Nationality: / Phone:
Uni Email:
Non-uni Email:
Date of birth: / Place of birth:
Languages spoken (August 2012, good / fair / poor // years of school / university instruction):
Awards, academic honours, fellowships held
Previous visits to Germany (from … to …):
Other visits to Europe (country, from … to …):
I declare that the information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I shall inform the DAAD of all changes immediately.
Place, date, signature:
Application procedure
Application forms and all papers incl. university records should be sent to:
Jörn Hausner, DAAD Information Centre
c/o Goethe-Institut Sydney, 90 Ocean Street, Woollahra NSW 2025, Australia
If you have any questions, please email us at
Deadline for applications: August 31, 2012 at DAAD Sydney
A complete application (no copies required) consists of:
1) DAAD application form with passport photo
2) Curriculum vitae
3) Statement (approx. 150 words) explaining why applicant wants to attend the
„Encounter Europe – Visit Germany“ seminar and about your interest in Germany and Europe in general (on a separate sheet)
4) List of European Studies and related Courses taken (with course number and title,
on a separate sheet)
5) One (short) letter of recommendation by a professor / senior lecturer in the major field of study
6) Transcripts of university record and copies of diplomas; please enclose short explanation of grading system
Please make sure that all these items sent to the DAAD refer to „Encounter Europe – Visit Germany 2012“. Please note that only complete applications will be accepted. We regret that application materials cannot be returned and no reasons for decisions will be given.
Applicants will be notified about results by end of September 2012.
All the best! Alles Gute!