Module 8 Formative Evaluation Rubric

Investigating a coastal community in Louisiana using Google Earth

  1. Calculating the slope of the Louisiana Coastline at Isle de Jean Charles:


points / Plot the slope of the shoreline using the measurements from Google Earth
4 / Plot is accurately drawn and slope calculated correctly at approximately 0.0003 (or between 0.00025 and 0.00035; axes are labeled correctly; correct units are used.
3 / Plot is accurate, slope is correct, but some labels and units are missing
2 / Plot is inaccurate, but most of the elements are complete; slope is calculated but inaccurately.
1 / Plot is incomplete; slope is not calculated correctly.
0 / No attempt is made to draw plot or calculate slope.
  1. Modeling storm surge:


points / Using 1-D Model to find out how wind velocity values affect the storm surge level.
4 / All values obtained when using 1-D model are accurate. Should be in the region of: 1.5; 2.8; 4.0; and 7.3 (with some variation).
3 / More than 50% of the values obtained using the 1-D model are accurate
2 / Less than 50% of values obtained using the 1-D model are accurate
1 / Model was used and values recorded but inaccurately
0 / No values entered
  1. Reflection Question:


points / The town of Isles de Jean Charles receives 6 m of water, what effects would the residents experience?
4 / A thoughtful reflection demonstrating that the student understands that with a storm surge of only 2 meters there would be flooding in Isle de Jean Charles and at 6 m (19.7 ft.) the flooding would be disastrous for houses raised less than this height. The student demonstrates some understanding of what coastal flooding is like for the residents.
3 / Reflection demonstrates an understanding of the serious flood risks at this level of storm surge and what people must do to cope, but some ideas miss the point.
2 / Reflection is short and misses a number of points, indicating that the student has not gained a good understanding of the seriousness of the situation.
1 / Brief reflection with little thought or attention to details.
0 / No reflection.
  1. Compare Isle de Jean Charles to a nearby community to be protected by the “Morganza to the Gulf” hurricane protection levee


Points / Student uses Google Earth to make measurements of distance from the Gulf, and calculate height of hypothetical storm surge for community of Dulac, to determine if a new levee will provide protection.
4 / The measurements are reasonable and the student concludes that Dulac will be protected in the given scenario.
3 / Measurements are not quite accurate and a false conclusion may result.
2 / Measurements are inaccurate; student concludes Dulac will not be protected.
1 / Incomplete work and inaccurate or invalid answer to the question.
0 / No measurements or results.