Thoughtful Choices:
Literacy Instruction for Beginning Readers Who Use Braille or Dual Media
Handouts Needed for Presentation
1. Agenda and Objectives
2. Handout List
3. ABC Braille Study Quiz
4. Planning Sheet for Guided / Assisted Reading
5. Planning sheet for Analyzing Student Writing
6. Student Writing Samples (3)
7. Blooming Orange
8. Snowy Day worksheet
9. Ant City worksheet
10. Leaf Logic worksheet
11. PowerPoint Slides (10 sections)
BRAILLE Hard Copy Handout List
1. Simulated Braille Examples from PowerPoint Slides (includes student writing samples)
2. Agenda and Objectives
3. Handout List
4. ABC Braille Study Quiz
5. Planning Sheet for Guided / Assisted Reading
6. Planning sheet for Analyzing Student Writing
7. Blooming Orange
1. Resources and References
ABC Braille Study
2. The ABC Braille Study: Results and Implications for Teachers (Swenson)
3. The Acquisition of Literacy Skills by Young Children who are Blind: Results of the ABC Braille Study (JVIB) (Note: This article is posted in both .pdf and Word format.)
Reading Basics
4. 37 Most Common Phonograms
5. Individualized Contraction Assessment Recording Sheet
6. Full Contraction Assessment (all 189 contractions)
7. Accessing the online contraction checklist on the EBT website
8. Dolch Word Checklists
9. Zeno Word List
10. Book Level Comparison Chart
11. Oral Reading Fluency Data Hasbrouck and Tindal
Emergent Literacy Learning (Note: The three articles about IMABLE are posted in both .pdf and Word formats.)
12. Tactile Sight Words and Familiar Names Checklist
13. Sarah’s Story: Using the Individualized Meaning-centered Approach to Braille Literacy Education (I-M-ABLE) JVIB
14. A Theoretical Rationale for Using the Individualized Meaning centered Approach to Braille Literacy Education with Students Who Have Mild to Moderate Cognitive Disabilities (Wormsley) JVIB
15. I-M-ABLE: A Pathway to Literacy JVIB
Unique Needs of the Dual Media Learner
16. A Second Look at Large Print Materials (Swenson)
Guided Reading: Teaching with Trade Books
17. Analyzing Trade Books for Instructional Possibilities
18. Suggestions for Planning a Guided Reading Lesson
Writing Instruction for Beginning Braille and dual Media Learners
19. Tactile Editing Marks
20. Editing Checklist for Student
Collaboration with Classroom Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Families
21. Mission Possible Sample
22. Literacy Instruction for Students Who are Blind: A Framework for Delivery of Instruction