“Camp Crosswell: Where Learning is an Adventure”


The School District of Pickens County

Superintendent – Dr. Danny Merck

1348 Griffin Mill Road, Easley, South Carolina 29640, (864) 397-1000

District Web Site:

School Web Site:


Challenging our students to

Utilize their minds

By setting goals for

Success in and beyond the classroom!


We believe:

Students are our first priority and must have equitable educational opportunities.

A committed staff fosters ongoing learning.

A safe and caring learning environment, in which students are encouraged and motivated, is essential.

Education is a shared responsibility between home, school, and community.

Our students are unique and valuable.

Through school programs our students will learn and contribute to society.

Our school equips students with technological skills to enter tomorrow’s workforce.

Lifelong learning is the key to success.


Student Achievement-Each Student will be academically challenged to reach his or her individual potential growth.

Learning Environment- Students will be provided safe, supportive environments for learning.

Quality Personnel- Quality personnel will be recruited, developed and retained in all positions.

Communications- Clear, frequent communications will increase stakeholder’s knowledge and support.

Resource Management- All resources will be managed effectively to provide a quality learning environment.

Dear Students and Parents,

Crosswell Elementary is a special place where we strive to build on each child’s strengths! I am very excited about the upcoming year. This year our theme is “Camp Crosswell: Where Learning is an Adventure” and we will explore our strengths and how we can work together for success. We hope that you will become involved in our school activities as a vital part of the team. Help us each day as we partner with you in educating your child!

Please read this handbook carefully with your children and save it for reference throughout the year. It has been updated with information that is current for 2016-2017. You will also receive pertinent information on Mondays through our parent newsletter, Crosswell Connections, with our updated monthly calendars, and on our school website at Each teacher also has a classroom website that has important information regarding upcoming assignments and other classroom needs. You can also gain access to your child’s grades, attendance, and lunch account information through the website. Phone calls with recorded reminders will be sent periodically through our Parent Link system. Stay connected to us this year through these valuable resources!

Feel free to contact me with any concerns or suggestions. If you need to reach me other than in person, please call me at (864) 397-1610 or email at .

How can you get involved in our school? Consider joining the PTA or School Improvement Council. We have a great team of parents who provide valuable leadership for our school. We also encourage our parents to seek out classroom and school wide volunteer opportunities. Volunteer training is held several times at the beginning of the year and is followed by multiple sessions during the school year.

We hope you will work side by side with us for a great year!

Andy Holliday, Principal

* This handbook is provided for parents and students in order to provide a better understanding of the rules and procedures at Crosswell Elementary. Please read and discuss this handbook with your child. Please keep this as a handy reference.

The School District of Pickens County provides a copy of Back To School: A Handbook for Students and Parents in the School District of Pickens County. Please refer to the district handbook for additional information concerning the policies and practices of the School District of Pickens County.




Daily Schedule…………………………………………………………………………………….5

Inclement Weather……………………………………………………………………………….5

190 Day School Calendar(Given on Meet the Teacher Night; Listed on School and District Website; Provided upon request)

Curriculum and Instruction…………………………………………………….……………..………...6



School Supplies…………………….………………………………………………..…………..6

Standards Based Instruction…..………………………………………………………….…….7

Helping at Home.…………………………………………………………………………..…….7


Projects…………….……………………………………………………………………………..7 Tests………………….………….………………………………………………………………..7 StandardizedTests….....…….………………...... …………………………..………….8

Elementary Grading………..……………………………………………………………………9

Report Cards…………….……………………………………………………………………….9

Special Instructional Programs…...….……………………………………………………….11

Student Organizations……..………..…………………………………………………………11


Communication from School…………………………………………………………………..13

Parent Communication with School…………………………………………………………..13

Parent and Family Involvement……………………………………………………………..………..14


School Improvement Council…………………………………………………………..……...15


Special Events……….………………………………………………………………………….15

Policies and Regulations………………………………………………………………..……………..17

School Rules……………………………………………………………………….…………...17






Early Dismissal……………………………………………………………….………………....26

Pre-Arranged Absences……………………………………………………….……………….27



Health and Safety…………………………………………………………...... ………………….27





Car Riders…………………………………………………………………………………..……29

Bus Riders……………………………………………………………………………………..…30

History of Crosswell………………………………………………………...…………………………..31





Mr. Andy Holliday, Principal

Ms. Jessica Harris, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Dawn Powell, Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Pam McDaniel , K4
Mrs. Monica Banks, Assistant
Mrs. Jane Hall, K5
Mrs. Nancy McFadden, Assistant
Mrs. Alyson Taylor, K5
Mrs. Joni Cook, Assistant
Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd, K5
Ms. Christie Corwin, Assistant
Grade 1
Ms. Haley Boggs
Mrs. Amy Carter
Ms. Lindsay Gagnon
Mrs. Kerry Flynn
Grade 2
Mrs. Melissa Albertson
Mrs. Sydney Garrett
Ms. Melissa Willis
Grade 3
Mrs. Ann Burdette
Mrs. Samantha Head
Mrs. Kristin McClure
Ms. Holly Owens
Grade 4
Mrs. Kristin Chapman
Mr. Robert Mckie
Mrs. Brooke Williams
Grade 5
Mrs. Miriam Husso
Mrs. Randi McLaurin
Mr. Heath Moore / Related Arts
Ms. Greta Alexander, Physical Education
Mr. Jason Moody, Physical Education
Mrs. Samantha Langdale, Music & PLTW Instructor
Mrs. Tamara Holloway, Art
Mrs. Mandy Bowling, Technology Assistant
Mrs. Binta Osbey, Media Specialist
Special Programs
Mrs. Tammy Davis, Reading Coach
Ms. Rachel Kaskin, Instructional Coach
Mrs. Susan Sill, Reading Interventionist/ Reading Coach
Special Education
Mrs. Patricia Chastain, Speech
Mrs. Cayce McMannis, Special Education
Mrs. Hilery Hennessee, Special Ed. Assistant
Mrs. Denise Menchyke, Special Ed. Assistant
Mrs. Whitney Johnson, Gifted/Talented
Mrs. Stefanie Whitmire, Special Education
Support Staff
Mrs. Tracey Nelson, Nurse
Mrs. Tari Guest, Data Entry Clerk
Mrs. Belinda Robson, Secretary
Mrs. Theresa Mobley, Food Service Manager
Mrs. Sarah Heaton, Food Service
Mrs. April Johnson, Food Service
Mrs. Kimberly Nix, Food Service
Ms. Kelley Johnson, HWC Director/K4 Kindercare
Mr. Sam Taylor, Plant Engineer
Mrs. Janis Cox, Custodian
Ms. Joan Hamilton, Custodian



7:15 - 8:00 a.m.The school building will be open for students when the first school bus arrives at 7:15 a.m Students should not arrive before 7:15 am. Students who arrive before 7:15 a.m. must remain outside the building and are notsupervised. All children who arrive at school between 7:15-8:00 a.m. will go directly to their assigned areas. Teachers on morning duty will supervise children. If you choose to walk your child to the front doors of the school in the morning please park in a lined parking spot. Due to safety concerns please do not allow your child to cross the car rider line without being escorted. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. must be signed in by a parent/guardian in the office.

7:50 AMBreakfast is served in the classroom each day. Students must arrive at school by 7:50 AM so they can place an order for breakfast.

7:50-8:00 a.m.Students are picked up from their assigned waiting areas and proceed to class. School begins. Children should be in their classrooms and ready for a great beginning to the school day.

8:00 a.m.Students arriving in their classroom after 8:00 a.m. are counted tardy. Please provide an excuse if your child is late.

2:30 p.m.School is dismissed. Students must be picked up by 2:50 p.m. After 3:00 p.m. parent/guardian will need to come into the office to sign their child out. If your child is picked up after 3:00 PM, they will be taken to the Homework Center and a charge of $5 will be applied for one day of HWC.


(See District Handbook under General Information)

All students and parents should listen to a local radio station or television station on any morning when snow or ice is evident or expected. These stations will report information based on instructions from the superintendent of schools. Information is also posted immediately on the school and district website at: Parent Link, our phone communication system, will be used when possible. Please make sure our school has correct contact information and notify the school immediately if any contact information changes.

A decision about closing schools or delaying the opening of schools will be made as early as possible. Bus drivers are instructed not to leave home under doubtful weather conditions until instructions are announced over local radio or television stations. If school opening is delayed, the news will carry instructions about the time of school opening. If weather conditions materialize during the school day and dismissal becomes necessary, notice of the decision will be sent through ParentLink and posted on the website and television stations.


(See District Handbook under Curriculum & Instruction for additional information)

Parents frequently ask what they can do to help their children succeed in school. Although a child's education is happening during the time he/she is in a classroom, parents and educators share a joint role in this process. Together we can help your child experience success!

The faculty of Crosswell Elementary would like to offer some suggestions that can help your child's school experience be a positive one.

  1. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest at night. Most children need at least 8 hours of sleep.
  2. See that your child has breakfast. A hungry child is often inattentive and irritable.
  3. Send your child to school properly dressed for the weather. Don’t forget to label those coats and gloves!
  4. Establish a time each day for doing homework. If possible, this should be the same time each day. Remove items that tend to distract your child while he studies, such as TV, or loud noises.
  5. Listen to your child read. See that homework is completed and assist them, if necessary.
  6. Allow some time for your child to be free of any school responsibilities each afternoon. Remember your child has been in school almost as long as you have been at work and some free time will benefit them.
  7. Provide your child with responsible chores around the house. These should be adjusted to the age, size, and maturity of your child. Each child wants to be a contributing member of the family.
  8. Provide your child with opportunities to talk with you about their daily activities.
  9. Speak positively about the school and teachers in front of your child. If you are upset about a school-related matter, contact the appropriate person for a conference.
  10. Come and meet your child's teacher, attend PTA, and volunteer time to the school when possible. Your involvement with the school is important to your child.

We care about your child. We are here to help your child learn and we want them to look forward to coming to school each day. We will rely on your assistance to make your child's school experience a success!


The state provides free textbooks for all students in elementary school. These textbooks are barcoded and checked out electronically to each student. A student should have his/her name written in ink in each textbook that is issued to him/her. If a textbook is lost or damaged the student must pay the assessed amount. Supplementary books and materials are provided for the students.

State Board of Education Regulations require payment for the loss of or damage of any book, beyond ordinary wear and tear from the student’s parent or guardian. The school may require pupils, parents or guardians to pay for lost or damaged books. In the event of non-payment the school may deny further benefits of the Free Textbook Program.


Please provide your child with the requested school supplies and replenish them as needed during the year. Supply lists are available in the office, on our website and many stores print them and display them near the entrance. Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance regarding supplies. Home-School envelopes will be given to all students. Assignment books for Grades 3 through 5 will be given out at the beginning of the year. Due to the safety factor and limited storage space, rolling book bags will not be permitted in any grade unless deemed medically necessary.


Educational standards help teachers ensure their students have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful by providing clear goals for student learning. They do not tell teachers how to teach, but they do help teachers figure out the knowledge and skills their students should have so that teachers can build the best lessons and environments for their classrooms.

Crosswell Elementary follows the state adopted standards for English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Parents should become familiar with the standards for the appropriate grade of the student. These standards are available on the state department website using the address below. Look under “I’m Looking For” and then select State Standards under Additional Resources.


We believe that each student is unique and valuable. Through our programs, students will learn and contribute to society. Teachers evaluate students daily and determine what instructional steps they should take to meet a child’s needs. Our teachers differentiate their lessons based on learning style and learning level. Differentiating by learning style involves presenting information in a variety of formats to accommodate various types of learners. This may include hearing the information, seeing the information, doing hands-on activities, using technology or using movement to learn. Teachers modify the level of materials to present information that is necessary for that grade’s standards while adjusting the difficulty for the student. This often occurs during small group or one on one instruction. Your child’s teacher will be happy to discuss instruction given to your child when you conference with them.



Homework is an extension of classroom instruction and should be challenging and meaningful. Families have busy evenings so make sure you plan ahead for studying and homework completion. Students typically have homework on most school days. Nightly reading and studying is encouraged even if no homework is given. A definite time should be set-aside in the home each day for homework. Homework will be on material that has been taught in class and usually requires about 10 minutes per the grade level of the child. Please keep in mind that the time will vary according to the difficulty of the assignment and the rate at which individual students work. If your child has difficulty completing a homework assignment you should do the following:

  • Attempt to complete the homework for sections that your child understands.
  • Return the homework the next day showing the work that was attempted.
  • Send a note to the teacher to ask questions about the assignment. Parents should notify the teacher in writing when their child is unable to complete homework assignments.

A homework center is available to students in grades 5K-5 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. All participants will be charged $25.00 per week. Please see Homework Center under the “Student Organizations” section.


Students will occasionally be assigned projects to further support their instruction. Projects may be completed in class, at home or in a combination of the two. Teachers will send information explaining the project directions, materials needed, how it will be graded and the due date(s). Project information will also be posted on the teacher’s website. Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any questions or need assistance with any materials.


Tests will be given periodically to determine how well a student understands the material. Information on tests has been covered through classroom instruction. Homework and studying provide additional practice on these skills. Teachers include information on what is being tested in their newsletters, on their websites and through study guides. Make sure you help your child review the information to prepare for tests and contact your child’s teacher with any questions.

Standardized Tests

Crosswell Elementary follows the district and state testing programs. Standardized achievement and aptitude tests are administered and test results are available, upon request, to the parents. Standardized test data is never used for grading purposes in the regular classroom. It is used to identify those areas in which students show academic strength or weakness and to help the school improve its instructional program.


EasyCBM is a benchmark test used in kindergarten and Grade 1 to determine reading readiness and performance with reading skills.


DRA2 is an early reading assessment completed at different times of the year for kindergarten through Grade 2. Reading fluency and comprehension are assessed.

MAP Testing

SDPC uses a formative assessment called MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) in grades K through 10. MAP is a computerized adaptive test developed by NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association). MAP measures students’ academic growth from year to year in the areas of mathematics, reading, and language usage. When students take a MAP assessment, the difficulty of the test is adjusted to the student’s performance. If a student answers correctly, the questions become more difficult. If a student answers incorrectly, the questions become easier. Students take 48-52 questions, answering approximately half of the items correctly and half incorrectly.