Behavior of Polymer Chains Grafted from Latex Particles at Soft Interfaces

Emiko Mouri*, Hayami Sakamori1, Kohji Yoshinaga1,2, Teruyuki Nakato1

1Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology

Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology, 1-1 Sensui, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu 804-8550, Japan

*Corresponding author e-mail: tel&fax: +81-93-884-3335

2Present address: Nagasaki University, Department of Material Science andEngineering

e-mail addresses:

Ms. HayamiSakamori:

Prof. Kohji Yoshinaga:

Prof. TeruyukiNakato:

Supplementary Materials

Table 4.Diameters of PSL-PMMA and ratios of diameters.

Sample-code / Hydrodynamic
/ nm / Diameter (-A)**
/ nm / Diameter (-A)/
Diameter† / Diameter (-A)/
Diameter with Fully-extended chains‡
PSL-PMMA-25k / 200 / 196 / 0.98 / 0.85
PSL-PMMA-48k / 280 / 337 / 1.2 / 0.99
PSL-PMMA-67k / 330 / 416 / 1.3 / 0.94
PSL-PMMA-105k / 290 / 590 / 2.0 / 0.93
PSL-PMMA-146k / 200 / 934 / 4.7 / 1.1
PSL-PMMA-200k / 280 / 1088 / 3.9 / 0.97

* Obtained by DLS measurement.

** Calculated diameter from occupied area of -A isotherm at 1 mNm-1at air-water interface.

†Ratios of Diameters obtained by -A isotherm and DLS.

‡Ratios of Diameters obtained by -A isotherm and calculation with fully-extended PMMA chain model.

Figure 9 q2- plot from DLS data, in which q is the scattering vector and  is the decay rate of the time correlation function. Measurement are performed at scattering angle of 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 degrees by DLS-7000 (Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd., Hirakata, Japan) Data for samples with polymer molecular weight of 25000 (open square), 47000 (open circle), 67000 (open triangle), 105000 (cross), 146000 (filled square), and 2000000 (filled triangle)

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Figure 10 SEM images of PSL-PMMA. (SM-7000FSK, JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) A drop of sample solution of PSL-PMMA-105k (0.2 mg mL-1) was dried on a glass substrate and treated with carbon coating before SEM observation. SEM observation was performed by SM-7000FSK (JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Polymer brush immobilized on PSL core is visualized

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Figure 11 -A isotherm of PSL-PMMA-200k at the air/water interface. Vertical line show calculated area which PSL core (119 nm in diameter) particle would occupy

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Figure 12 Cs-1 for PSL-PMMA of extra samples with polymer molecular weight of 25000 (filled triangle), 67000 (open triangle), and 146000 (square) at atthe air/water interface plotted against surface pressure. Cs-1 is obtained from -A isotherms in Fig.2

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Figure 13 Cs-1 for PSL-PMMA of extra samples with polymer molecular weight of 25000 (filled triangle), 67000 (open triangle), and 146000 (square) at the decane/water interface plotted against surface pressure. Cs-1 is obtained from -A isotherms in Fig.2

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Figure 14 Cs-1 for PSL-PMMA of extra samples with polymer molecular weight of 67000 (open triangle) and 146000 (square) at the dibutyl ether/water interface plotted against surface pressure. Cs-1 is obtained from -A isotherms in Fig.3

Mouri et al.