Academic year for which admission is being sought (e.g. 2014-2015)______

  1. Personal details:

Surname/Family name______

First name______

Date of birth______

Country of birth______


Permanent address______

Home address______

Phone - Landline______Mobile______

Fax number______E-mail address______

Employment details
(Current Employer) / Position / From / To
Responsibilities(separate sheet may be used)
  1. Qualifications (please enclose transcripts, certificates and curriculum vitae)

Degree/Diploma / Institution / Date of study / Degree/Diploma obtained
  1. Please indicate names and address of two referees below, and enclose their recommendation letters with your application.
  1. ______



  1. ______



  1. Sponsorship

If you are admitted into the Postgraduate Diploma Programme, do you think your employer will allow you to attend the 10-day face-to-face intensive session at the Tanzania Institute of Education in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania?
Sponsorship Confirmation
Participants or their employers are required to meet the training costs.
UNESCO entities, partners in the programmemay contribute to the payment of partial or full tuition fees for some countries. However trainees benefiting from UNESCO tuitions will be responsible for funding their travel to Dar es Salaam and living costs during the face-to-face session. The criteria of selection for UNESCO tuition sponsorship are:
  • geographicaland gender balance,
  • new participating countries,
  • participant profile (priority is given to curriculum developers, teacher trainers and assessment/quality assurance officers),
  • participant’s involvement in in-country/national curriculum processes.
Special attention is given to countries engaged in ongoing curriculum reforms, and inUNESCO programmes such as the Basic Education in Africa Programme (BEAP), Capacity Building for EFA (CapEFA) and Chinese Funds in Trust (CFIT) Teacher target countries.
Beneficiaries of UNESCO tuition sponsorship should submit a letter from their supervisor authorizing the training, and a personal letter confirming commitment to completing the Diploma programme on time.
How do you intend to finance your tuition fee? (mark a tickin the box below that applies)
Self Employer UNESCO tuition sponsorship
Other(s), specify:
Name and address of your sponsor (where applicable)
  1. Please include the following with this application form:
  2. Certified transcript and certificates
  3. CV detailing employment and employment experience
  4. Two passport-size photographs
  5. Evidence of sponsorship(or self-sponsorship)
  6. Letters of recommendation

Additional Information / How did you learn about the Postgraduate Diploma Programme?
(check all of the boxes that apply)
Advert in brochure Internet search
Website(s) Other (please specify) ______
  1. Statement of authenticity

I hereby declare that all the information provided in this form is true and no attempt as been made to mislead UNESCO and the implementing partners of the programme. Should any misinformationbe discovered after admission to the training, UNESCO and the diploma accrediting body, the Open University of Tanzania reserves the right to cancel theadmission.


Send your complete applicationbefore September 30, 2014to:

Ms. Angela R. Katabaro, Training coordinator

Director Curriculum Development and Review

Tanzania Institute of Education, Box 35094

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Phone: +255222771108, Mobile: +255 754 866928

Successful candidates will be informed via their email addresses, therefore please make sure that you have included your full contact details, including your email address in a legible way.