National Farm to School Network
Farm to School Mini Grant Application 2015
Mini Grant Project Narrative Template
Applicant School or School District Name: ______
Directions: Please enter your school or school district name above and complete the following sections adhering to the word limits listed. Remove the examples provided in the Measurable Outcomes table and replace with your own project outcomes.
1. Need & Readiness:Please provide additional background illustrating the needs within your school or district prompting your proposal. How will the funding specifically help you to address gaps, needs and goals? Also, provide any information showing how your school or district is prepared to accomplish the proposed project and how the funding will aid school capacity to succeed. [Max 200 words]
2. Goals, Activities & Timeline:Please clearly outline your project goals and the activities or strategies that you are planning in order to meet those goals. At the end of the project duration, what will be your key accomplishments or outcomes? Be sure your proposed outcomes align as closely as possible with min-grant Program Outcomes (listed in the first page of the application), and when feasible, develop project outcomes that are measureable, to be included in the table below. Please also include your plans to promote the project to your school community (i.e. using school announcements, newsletters, social media, school hall posters, etc.). [Max 500 words]
3. Measurable Outcomes: Based on your proposed goals and activities, please include a minimum of 2 relevant measurable outcomes, and more if appropriate in the chart below. Examples are provided, please remove them before submitting.
Measurable Outcomes / Project Activity/Description (Include number)F2S related events/educational opportunities / Carrying out 3 garden community parties, including 100 students and 20 community members/parents
Increasing the variety and amount of local foods / Monthly tasting (6 total) featuring 2 new local products as part of Harvest of the Month (total of 12 new local products), reaching 500 students
Building/Enhancing school gardens and educational opportunities / Expanding 1 elementary school garden and initiating 2 new school gardens at middle school, reaching 300 students and providing 200 pounds of edible food
Integration of school garden and nutrition education into existing curriculum / Integration of classroom time into the garden as part of existing nutrition education curriculum, reaching 100 students for a total of 10 hours of instruction
Inclusion of F2S related goals into school wellness policy / Integrating one new policy goal related to school gardening into school wellness policy
F2S Planning or readiness activities for long-term program sustainability / Development of one F2S team that includes a local non-profit organization, FFA Chapter, 4-H Club, and Master Gardeners to aid in F2S coordination
4. School and Community Commitment: Please describe current and/or proposed new partnerships that will support project success and the role they will play. These relationships may be within the school, or with external community partners and are strongly encouraged. Partners mentioned in this section are good candidates to provide a letter of support. [Max 200 words]
5. Project Sustainability:Please describe your vision for project sustainability. What proposed activities will build maintainable aspects of your proposal? How does this proposal support long term farm to school growth in your school or district? [Max 150 words]