January 9, 2014
6:30PMCity-County Government Meeting Room
Present:Also Present:
Kenneth Usry, MayorNora Douglass
Alton Belton, Councilmember
Clifford Lunceford, Councilmember
Sadie Brooks, Councilmember
James Jones, Councilmember
John Smalley, Councilmember
Don Powers, City Administrator
Jimmy Plunkett, City Attorney
Dianne Landers, City Clerk
Mayor Usry called the January 9, 2014 Regular Council meeting to order. The invocation was given by Don Powers, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag.
Councilmember Belton moved to approve the December 12, 2013 minutes, followed by a second from Councilmember Brooks. All were in favor and the minutes were approved.
Resolution Airport Entitlement Grant:
This resolution, from the Georgia Department of Transportation, authorizes execution of the Entitlement Grant Contract for security fencing along the road that goes to the new Augusta Tech training building, as well as a new Airport Layout Plan (ALP). The ALP is an FAA required engineering document that covers the property regarding surveying and topography, along with a description of the planned activities for the next twenty years.
The bids on both of these jobs have been approved prior by the City Council and the County Commission.
The funding for the work elements are broken down as:
Federal Share$166,341.00
State Share$5,858.00
Local Share$7,607.67
The local share is split 50/50 between the City and the County. Our portion (City) is $3,803.98, and is in the approved 2014 budget.
Councilmember Brooks moved to approve the resolution that allows the contract for entitlement spending to be signed and to proceed. Councilmember Smalley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried by all.
Warranty Deed, Tanya Stephenson and the City of Thomson:
During 2013 the City of Thomson leased a piece of property on the northeast corner of Railroad and O’Neal Street from Tanya Tyner. Lease rate was $600 per year. She in now interested in selling the property only and not leasing it.
She was given an offer from the City to purchase said property at $6,100 and agreed.
Councilmember Smalley moved to authorize purchase of this property at a price of $6,100, followed by a second from Councilmember Brooks. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Gas Engineering Contract:
Mr. Bruce Bagnasco, our gas system consulting engineer, has left the firm of Keck and Wood and taken a similar position with AMEC Environmental and Infrastructure. The City of Thomson Gas Director has recommended that we maintain our relationship with Bruce and would like for the City to contract with AMEC. Mr. Bagnasco has knowledge of our system, its configuration, and works well with our gas personnel and office staff.
The recommendation is that the City pursue a new contract with AMEC, as Bruce’s new employer, which is identical to the contract now in effect with Keck and Wood, ensuring a continuity of service for gas engineering. This would involve closing out our current contract with Keck and Wood and getting a new one in place with AMEC.
Councilmember Jones moved to give Don Powers, City Administrator, the authority to negotiate with AMEC as described and get them under contract, provided that the cost of the contract be identical or lower thanthe current one we have with Keck and Wood. Councilmember Lunceford seconded the motion. All were in favor or motion.
Bid Review Garbage Truck:
The City of Thomson has requested bids for a Solid Waste 20 cubic yard rear loading garbage truck. This will replace ourolder garbage truck (1989 model) and the 2003 model will become our backup. The bids presented were:
(1) Amick Equipment Co$143,560.00 – Diesel
Lexington, SC 29072$194,120.00 – CNG
(2) Consolidated Disposal$129,721.00 – Diesel
Smyrna, GA 30081$180,981.00 – CNG
(3) Freightliner of Augusta$134,831.00 - Diesel
Augusta, GA 30907$182,925.00 – CNG
The recommendation is to buy the truck with the CNG option. The discussion centered on fuel savings and the extra initial cost for the CNG option. Savings are conservatively estimated to be approximately $8,000 per year (using current prices for CNG vs. diesel) and a payback on the cost difference between the CNG option and diesel of approximately 6.3 years.
Councilmember Belton moved to approve Consolidated Disposal’s bid for a rear loading Garbage truck at $180,981.00. Councilmember Smalley seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried.
Lease Agreement City of Thomson and New Cingular Wireless-Amendment to Tower Agreement:
Cingular Wireless has asked for permission to change and add new antennas to our water tanks and to cover this with an amendment to the current agreement.
Georgia Municipal Association, our consulting service for cellular contracts, has recommended an additional monthly charge of $1,000 and for the cell company to be responsible for any engineering costs to ensure that the structure remains safe and sound. Cingular presently pays $1,300 monthly and has agreed to pay the additional $1,000 a month.
Councilmember Brooks moved to approve the recommendation to accept the amendment as developed by GMA’s cell consulting service, followed by a second from Councilmember Smalley. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Budge Amendments for 2013:
The following “balancing” budget amendments as suggested by auditors and requested staff for the 2013 budget:
General Fund $54,640.00 Revenues and Expenses
Water Fund $34,400.00 Revenues and Expenses
Gas Fund $62,700.00 Revenues and Expenses
Solid Waste $72,500.00 Revenues and Expenses
Maintenance $9,150.00 Revenues and Expenses
Councilmember Belton moved to accept the amendments to the 2013 budget. Councilmember Brooks seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Alcohol Ordinance Amendment:
Chapter 3, Article 2 of the present Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance #499 is hereby amended to add the following:
Section 3-52.1 Consideration of application, approval conditional.
Section 3-51-2 Disqualification criteria.
Section 3-53.3 Direct financial interest restricted.
Chapter 3, Article II, Section 3-59 of the Ordinance 499, “Hearings for denial, suspension or revocation of license” is hereby repealed in its entirety and placed in lieu thereof is the following:
Section 3-59. Suspension, revocation, denial or renewal or transfer.
Chapter 3, Article I, Section 3-11 of Ordinance #499 is hereby amended as follows:
- To remove the citation to “section 6-12©” in the last sentence and replace in lieu thereof the following:
“section 3-12(c).”
This change is to correct a typographical error in the current ordinance.
This is the first reading on the amendment to Ordinance Number 499.
Councilmember Smalley moved to approve the moratorium to the Alcohol Ordinance for 45 more days. Councilmember Belton seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Moratorium on Gaming License.
Councilmember Jones moved to approve the recommendation for a 60 days moratorium on the Gaming License. Councilmember Smalley seconded the motion.
The second and final phase of rate leveling for water and sewer rates went into effect in the January 2014 utility bills.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm.
Dianne Landers
City Clerk