Chair: Cllr. Bridget Fortune Vice Chairman: John Fletcher Treasurer: Cllr. Caroline Seymour
Secretary: Peter Cole
Wednesday 4th February 2015
7.30pm at the Stokesley & District Community Care Association, Town Close
Cllr. Bridget Fortune (Chair) Hambleton District Council & Rudby Parish Council
Peter Cole Hambleton District Council
Phil Henderson Stokesley & District Community Care Association
Cllr. Heather Moorhouse NYCC & Easby Parish Council
Barbara Beveridge Battersby Junction Community Association
Mary Frew Kirkby Parish Council
Adele Wilson NYCC
Jan Garrill Two Ridings Community Foundation
Cllr. David Hugill Hambleton District Council
John Ozzleton Hutton Rudby Community Hub
Noelle Yorke Hutton Rudby Community Hub
Kath Watts Hutton Rudby Community Hub
Hazel Warhurst; Cllr. Caroline Seymour; Cllr. Frances Greenwell; Cllr. Andy Wake; Cllr. Ron Kirk; John Fletcher; Caryn Loftus;
1. Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Fortune introduced Jan Garrill from the Two Ridings Community Foundation and Adele Wilson from the NYCC Stronger Communities Programme and welcomed John Ozzleton, Noelle Yorke and Kath Watts from the Hutton Rudby Community Hub to the meeting.
2. Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 15th October 2014
Agreed as a true record thereof. It was noted that that under agenda item 5 it should have read ‘Stokesley & District Community Care Association’, not ‘Easingwold & District Community Care Association’.
3. Matters Arising
It was agreed that future meetings of the Group be held at the Stokesley & District Community Care Association’s Town Close offices.
4. The Two Ridings Community Foundation
Jan Garrill, Chief Executive of the Two Ridings Community Foundation, described the role of the grant making charity and explained how it invests endowments held in perpetuity to generate an income which it then allocates to community projects across North & East Yorkshire, York and Hull. Established in 2001 the Yorkshire network makes over £6m each year in donations and between 2012-2014 awarded a total of £27,350 to 12 community groups across Hambleton. The Foundation also supports a number of local grant making and development programmes on behalf of national agencies (Comic Relief, the People’s Health Trust etc.) and manages community benefit funds such as those associated with windfarm developments. Grant schemes available to community projects across Hambleton include Grassroots Richard Weare, the Stokesley & Great Ayton Fund, the Catalyst fund and Arts for Change. For further information please contact Jan at:
5. The NYCC Stronger Communities Programme
Adele Wilson, the Stronger Communities Programme Delivery Manager for Hambleton, described her role and the four cross cutting themes of the programme; libraries, community transport, youth provision and health services for older and vulnerable people. Adele will be working alongside community groups across Hambleton to explore how these services can be delivered despite further cuts in NYCC public spending in order to make savings of £75m by 2020. Adele confirmed that consultation is underway to gauge the appetite for a ‘community-managed’ library in Stokesley and that with a move towards targeted support in partnership with North Yorkshire Youth universal youth provision will no longer be delivered by NYCC.
6. The Hutton Rudby Community Hub
John provided an update on the project to create a ‘community hub’ at the Methodist Church in Hutton Rudby to improve social cohesion and interaction in the village. The building will host a series of activities throughout the day and will incorporate a coffee house, a library, broadband and soft play provision. Grant funding has been secured for phase 1 of the development and it is anticipated that the facility will open in May 2015. Further phases of the development include the installation of an energy efficient heating system and enhanced IT projection facilities. A consultation exercise is to be undertaken on the 5th February to explore further uses of the ‘hub’. It was noted that regular church services continue to be held in the building.
7. Priority Project Update
§ Battersby Junction Play Area: A grant application has been submitted to Broadacres to help cover the costs of a planning application for the scheme. If a grant application to Biffa for £50k is successful then excavation work will start on site. Further grant funding may be available through LEADER and the North York Moors National Park Authority. Quotes are being sought for the inclusion of a pavilion/shelter in the scheme.
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§ Swainby Playing Field: It was reported that the BMX track is being well-used and well-managed.
§ Stokesley Cycleways: HDC grant funding has been secured to continue negotiations with SUSTRANS and the landowners who may be affected by the proposed ‘Endeavour Way’. Once these negotiations are complete and ‘heads of terms’ agreed the SUSTRANS feasibility study will be made public and consultation with the wider community will be undertaken.
§ Yatton House: The project is on schedule but evidence of need is required from service users both from Hambleton and Redcar & Cleveland to demonstrate the facility is sustainable.
§ Kirkby Bank Trod: Concerns were expressed that damage has been done to the trod which is a Scheduled Monument and is one of only two such trods left in the UK. The Local History Group and Kirkby Parish Council are seeking to have a Traffic Regulation Order placed on the trod to prevent further damage. It is understood that the current Traffic Regulation Order covers 4x4 traffic in both directions but motorbikes in an upward direction only. It was agreed that a letter be written on behalf of the Group to Douglas Huzzard, Senior Project Manager at NYCC, requesting that a new Traffic Regulation Order be enforced for all vehicles in both directions, thus preventing further damage.
§ Hutton Rudby: The outdoor play equipment is being well used and it was agreed that the project be removed from the Group’s priority project list.
8. Finance Report
In Caroline’s absence Peter reported that the Group had £291.63 in reserves.
9. Any Other Business
§ The HDC ‘Making a Difference’ Grant 2015: Peter confirmed that the Council has launched a new, one-off ‘Making a Difference’ grant. The aim of the grant programme is to invest in local projects that will contribute to the Council’s own priorities and which will make a significant impact on the lives of Hambleton residents. The project must contribute to at least one of the Council’s priorities:
§ Supporting economic growth
§ Improving health and wellbeing
§ Improving access to services
§ Supporting a changing population
A total of £25k is to be made available to community projects in the 5 sub areas across Hambleton. Each sub-area will hold a Member’s ‘Judging Panel’ to consider the grant applications and to recommend how the £25k budget will be allocated. The Judging Panel recommendations will be presented to Cabinet on 7th July 2015 where the final approvals will be made. Parish Councils, individuals, businesses and statutory organisations are not eligible to apply.
§ Community Defibrillator (cPAD) Initiative: It was noted that Parish Councils have been contacted by the Hambleton, Richmondshire & Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group inviting them to take part in the initiative and to install community defibrillators (cPADs) in rural communities. A total of 25 defibrillators are available free of charge which will be issued on a ’first come first served’ basis and free training is provided. For further information about the scheme please contact John Darley at
10. Dates of Meetings in 2015
§ 8th April
§ 10th June (AGM)
§ 5th August
§ 7th October
§ 25th November
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