HaitiHumanitarian Fund Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2008
The regular monthly meeting of Haiti Humanitarian Fund/Haiti Twinning Committee washeld at St. Pius X Catholic Church on Monday, November 3, 2008. President Mike Manningcalled the meeting to order and led the opening prayer.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as corrected.
Financial Report
Pat Geis gave the financial report. We had deposits of $200 and no expenditures for a balance on hand as of 11/3/2008 of $5501.51.
Pres. Manningstated we should have 2 treasurers, one for intake of funds and one responsible for payouts. Elsie agreed to be the intake treasurer and Celine Draper agreed to be the payout treasurer. We will vote at the next meeting.
Marci Parrish reported on the progress of celebratory dinner that will be held Nov. 30. She needs more help. Marci will hold meetings Nov. 5 and Nov 12 to work on picture displays, decorations, etc. Announcements will be put in the bulletin for the next few weeks and will be made from the pulpit on the weekend of the dinner.
We need to purchase 30 table clothes to keep for the exclusive use of HHF and kept separately from the church inventory.
Fund Raiser
Pat Geis reported that she has contacted several restaurants/caterers regarding the dinner. She should have responses and proposals for the next meeting.
Mike reported on the play. The theme/setting is an auction house murder mystery. Maria Johnson and Linda Manning are writing it. We should begin collecting auction items. We will need a few for the play and then many for the silent auction. Mike has written letters to past sponsors, which will be mailed this week, inviting them to the Celebratory Dinner (11/30) and announcing the date of the Dinner/Theatre (1/31/09).
Suchet reported on his fund raising efforts and gave Pat checks totaling $615 to be deposited in the HHF account.
Also, Suchet reported on the conference at the CDC presented by Paul Farmer of Global Health Equity. Farmer was optimistic about AIDS success in Haiti. Coincidently, he will be in Haiti during the time of our next mission trip, Feb.14-21. How can we coordinate with his efforts? Should we do more screening for AIDS and TB?
Dr. Jean Cadet of our group will be in Haiti with EmoryUniversity med students the end of November and will let us know his observations and if he has any recommendations.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 1.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Geis, Secretary