RII30115 Certificate III Surface Extraction / ABN: 562 341 875 41
ACN: 160 957 979
PO Box 1630, Thuringow Central, QLD 4817
24/7 phone: 1 300 TOP JOB
Enrolment Form /
RPL Eligibility & LLN Assessment Form
Version: 1.0 | Date: 4 February 2017
- Course Information – Visit our website for full details (
Course Name: / RII30115 Certificate III Surface Extraction / Units included:
- RIIENV201D Identify and assess environmental and heritage concerns
- RIIRIS301D Apply risk management processes
- RIIWHS201D Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
- RIICOM302D Communicate workplace information
- RIIGOV201D Comply with site work processes/procedures
- RIISRM304D Maintain stockpiles
- RIIMPO304D Conduct wheel loader operation
- RIISAM202D Isolate and access plant
- RIIMPO337D Conduct articulated truck operations
- RIIMEX302D Assess ground conditions
- RIIERR302D Respond to local emergencies and incidents
- RIIMP0205D Operate roller /compactor
- RIIWHS202D Enter and work in confined spaces
About the Qualification:
This qualification reflects the role of employees such as production operators in an open cut mine or quarry, who perform tasks involving a broad range of skilled applications in a varied work context, using some discretion and judgement in selecting equipment, services or contingency measures. Licensing, legislative, regulatory and certification requirements that apply to this qualification can vary between states, territories, and industry sectors. Relevant information must be sourced prior to application of the qualification.
Under the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program, the Queensland Government will subsidise the majority of the training costs. Students should expect to contribute through a student fee. These fees will subsidise the services required to provide the training and may be paid by the student, an employer or a Job Services Australia (JSA) provider.
Non Concessional $10
Concession $5
Concessions to be eligible for a concession, you must hold a health care, pensioner or concession card and/or be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.
- Candidate Information
Surname: / Click here to enter text. / Email: / Click here to enter text. /
Given name/s: / Click here to enter text. / Telephone: / Click here to enter text. /
DOB: / Click here to enter text. / Mobile: / Click here to enter text. /
Gender: / Click here to enter text. / Work: / Click here to enter text. /
Age at time of enrolment: / Click here to enter text. / Postal address: / Click here to enter text. /
City/ Suburb:
Postcode: / Click here to enter text. / Emergency Contact: / Name:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Cultural Background: / Where you born in Australia?
If no, state country of birth:
Click here to enter text.
City of birth:
Click here to enter text. / Are you of: / Aboriginal origin?
Torres Strait Islander Origin?
Citizenship: / ☐Australian Citizen
☐Australian Permanent Resident
☐Student Visa
☐Visitors Visa / ☐Holiday Visa
☐New Zealand Citizen
☐Temporary Resident Visa
☐Business Visa
- Educational & Employment Background
Highest level completed at school: / ☐Yr 12 or equivalent
☐Yr 11 or equivalent
☐Yr 10 or equivalent
☐Yr 9 or equivalent
☐Yr 8 or equivalent
☐Never attended school / Which year did you complete the school level?
Click here to enter text.
Are you still attending secondary school?
Which language do you mainly speak at home?
☐Other: Click here to enter text. / Previous qualifications achieved
☐Bachelor Degree
☐Certificate I
☐Certificate II / ☐Certificate III
☐Certificate IV
☐Advanced or Associate
☐Other Diploma
Tick which boxes BEST describes your employment situation / ☐Employed full time
☐Employed part time
☐Self employed
☐Employer / ☐Unemployed – seeking fulltime employment
☐Unemployed – seeking part time employment
☐Not employed – not seeking employment
Employment Details / Employer:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Do you give consent for a copy of your Statement of Attainment be given to your employer or other external party?
If yes, please provide details (email address)
Click here to enter text.
- Suitability assessment
Tick which BEST describes your main reason for undertaking this training? / ☐ To get a job
☐ For personal interest
☐ Self-development
☐ Develop my existing business
☐ Start my own business
☐ A different career / ☐ Better job or promotion
☐ Requirement of my job
☐ Extra skills for my job
☐ To get into another course of study
☐ Other reasons: Click here to enter text.
Disability / Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long term condition?
☐ YES ☐ NO / ☐ Impaired hearing
☐ Physical
☐ Intellectual
☐ Learning Disability
☐ Impaired Vision
☐ Medical Condition
☐ Acquired brain impairment
☐ Other:Click here to enter text.
- Enrolment Information
Course Fee: / $Click here to enter text. / Start Date: / Click here to enter a date.
Payment Methods: / ☐ Cash
☐ Invoice
☐ Credit Card / ☐ Ezypay
☐ Gov Fund
☐ Voucher / Delivery Method: / ☐ IB = Institution Based
☐ FF = Face to Face
☐ FWB = Flexible Work Based
☐ RPL = Recognition of Prior learning
Payments Received: / $Click here to enter text. / Duration: / Click here to enter text. /
Visit our website for the most current information on courses offered by TPA:
- Course information:
- Certificate 3 Guarantee:
- Enrolment procedure:
- Student Handbook:
Training and Personnel Australia will provide training and assessment services outlined in the Training and Assessment Strategy and Session Plans* as negotiated with the participant/employer. Training and Personnel Australia reserves the right to negotiate with participants/employers on a case by case basis and will formalise such negotiated arrangements in writing prior to commencement.
Training and Personnel Australia agrees to provide the training outlined in the Training and Assessment Strategy including any arrangements pre-negotiated with the participant/employer.
The services can only be successful with full participation of the participant and (where applicable) his/her employer/supervisor. The participant acknowledges this and will make every effort reasonable and possible to complete the training.
Should Training and Personnel Australia be unable to complete its responsibilities for the delivery of training, Training and Personnel Australia will work with another provider to continue with the training.
Participants agree that if they intend to seek RPL, they will notify Training and Personnel Australia upon submission of their enrolment form and an application made as soon as practicable after enrolment. Participants further agree that, unless negotiated with Training and Personnel Australia, applications for RPL (not including evidence) will be submitted within two weeks of confirmation of enrolment being received. Where RPL forms a component of the full qualification (e.g. one or more units of competency) full qualification fees are due and payable unless prior arrangements have been made in writing between the participant and Training and Personnel Australia.
Information on fees and charges have been read and agreed to in accordance with the Fees and Charges Schedule Training and Personnel Australia.
Information on cancellation (including applicable refunds) is available in the Training and Personnel Australia Student Information Handbook.
The information I have provided in this enrolment form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I confirm that I have read understand the Student Information Handbook and Enrolment Agreement. In signing this Agreement, I confirm that I requested enrolment in my chosen course and that Training and Personnel Australia has provided me with sufficient information on the delivery and assessment arrangements for the course. My decision to complete and submit this enrolment form has been completed without coercion.
I further confirm that by signing this form, I unconditionally:
- confirm, accept and agree to bound by, the terms, covenants, and conditions stipulated in
- The student training plan
- Fees, Charges and Refund Policy
- Student handbook
- Acknowledge and confirm that all information relevant to my training has been provided to me
- If paying via Direct Debit ", I agree to the total amount approved and to the repayment amount as stated in the "Direct Debit Pre Application Form" and further more declare this arrangement will not cause me any financial hardship.
Print Name: / Signature:
Date: / Click here to enter a date.
- RPL Eligibility Assessment
General Questions
You may leave these questions blank if:
☐ Unemployed – seeking full time work
☐ Unemployed – seeking part time work
☐ Not employed, not seeking work / My current or most recent industry of employment is:
☐ Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
☐ Mining
☐ Manufacturing
☐ Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
☐ Construction
☐ Wholesale Trades
☐ Accommodation and Food Services
☐ Transport, Postal and Warehousing
☐ Information Media and telecommunications
☐ Financial and InsuranceServices
☐ Rental, Hiring and real estate services
☐ Professional, Scientific and Technical services
☐ Administrative and Support Services
☐ Public Administration and Safety
☐ Education and Training
☐ Healthcare and socialassistance
☐ Arts and recreationservices
☐ Other: Click here to enter text.
My current or most recent occupation is:
☐ Manager
☐ Professional
☐ Technician or TradeWorker
☐ Community or personal service worker
☐ Clerical or Administrative worker
☐ Sales worker
☐ Machinery operator or Driver
☐ Labourer
☐ Other: Click here to enter text.
Recognition of previous competencies
Haveyoucompleted any industry relatedcourses inthe past? / ☐ YES ☐ NO
If yes, please explain what the course involved. You may be eligible for a credit transfer if you have completed any courses with the same units you are enrolling into. You will be required to supply the original or certified copies of your statement of attainment before a Credit Transfer will be granted.
Click here to enter text.
Skills / Experience Summary
This section summarises your self-assessment of your existing skills and experiences relevant to the requirements of the units of competency included in this qualification. Please answer this section as truthfully as you can, to ensure we can provide you with the most optimal learning experience suitable to your needs and objectives.
Use the following scale to rate your skill level:
0 – No prior relevant learning or work experience
1 – Knowledgeable
2 – Experienced
3 – Expert
In the comment section, provide details of where, how, and when you acquired your relevant knowledge, skills or experience. Provide examples where applicable. Also consider what evidence documents you will be able to provide to demonstrate your relevant skills/experience. See Appendix E for examples of evidence documents.
Skill / Experience / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / Comments
-identifying and assessing environmental and heritage concerns in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-applying risk management processes in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-working safely and following WHS policies and procedures in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries
-sourcing, interpreting, clarifying and applying site safety information
-listening carefully to health and safety instructions and information
-responding to and clarifying information and directions
-carrying out work instructions that complies with WHS policies and procedures
-selecting, wearing and caring for personal protective equipment for all activities that require personal protective equipment
-applying safe lifting and manual handling techniques
-identify and report on WHS issues to appropriate personnel
-recognising and following procedure to respond to alarms
-completing workplace reporting procedures / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-locating, interpreting and applying relevant operational information (research and interpretative skills)
-interpreting and applying common Industry terminology, and interpreting work procedures and processes (technical literacy and communication skills)
-obtaining information on technical working practices / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-Complying with site work processes/procedures in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries.
-planning and completing task to achieve agreed outcomes as determined by site processes and procedures
-adjusting performance requirements to comply with processes and procedures
-monitoring and recommending changes to overcome noncompliance with site procedures/standards
-reporting noncompliance of processes and procedures to supervisors
-completing required site documents and reports / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
maintaining stockpiles in the Extractive and Coal and Metalliferous mining / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-conducting wheel loader operations in the Coal and Metalliferous mining and Extractive / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-isolating and accessing plants in Resources and Infrastructure Industry / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-conducting articulated haul truck operations in Civil construction, Coal and Metalliferous mining and Extractive / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-assessing ground conditions in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
-maintaining stockpiles in the Extractive and Coal and Metalliferous mining
- confirming and implementing barriers and signage
- carrying out inspection of the stockpiles and surrounding areas
- dumping and moving stockpile materials
- removing and dispose of contaminants
- maintaining stockpile structure and battering angle
- conducting basic operational maintenance including servicing, lubrication and cleaning
- processing written records and reports
-responding to local emergencies and incidents in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
entering and working in confined spaces in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / Click here to enter text.
NOTE: RPL only relates to training provided by the RTO.
A full assessment is required on ALL occasions in accordance with the Assessors Guide.
- Learning Strategy
Learning Style
What type of Learner are you? / What type of support (if any) will assist you to complete this course?
Please tick at least one box:
☐I learn best by listening
☐I learn best by doing
☐I learn best by watching / Please tick whichever is/are applicable:
☐One on one
☐Reading and writing
Past learning experiences
In my past learning, the really good things were:
Click here to enter text.
In my past learning, the things I didn’t like were:
Click here to enter text.
- Literacy and Numeracy Assessment
This section will determine if you meet the minimum literacy and numeracy requirements to enter this course.
This assessment covers ACSF:
- Learning at level 3
- Reading and writing at level 3
- Numeracy at level 2
Read the guide below on how to refinish woodwork.
Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the article.
Adapted from Safe Work Australia
Is a dogger required when using a vehicle loading, bridge or gantry crane?
Vehicle Loading Crane and Bridge and Gantry Crane HRW licences include the application of load estimation and slinging techniques to move a load. A licensed operator of a vehicle loading, bridge or gantry crane is therefore able to make judgements on the load and slinging method and select and inspect the lifting equipment to be used for the crane they are licensed to operate.
However, the licensed operator cannot direct a vehicle loading, bridge or gantry crane operator in the movement of a load when the load is out of the crane operator’s view or operate the vehicle loading, bridge or gantry crane themselves, if the load is out of their view. In these circumstances a dogger is required to direct the crane operator.
If the load is in view of the crane operator throughout the lift and all the other conditions listed in Table 1 are met, a competent worker other than the crane operator can sling the load.
Questions 1 to 6 assess your Learning, Reading and Writing Skills against ACSF level 3. Use complete sentences where you are asked to provide a description or an explanation. A minimum score of 3/6 is required**.
1)Briefly explain what the article is about
Click here to enter text. /
2)Is a dogger required in the following scenario?
A mobile crane is used to lift beams to the second storey of a building under construction. The beams are dissimilar and various slinging techniques are required. The mobile crane operator cannot see the landing area for the steel beams. No safe work lifting procedures have been documented.
Click here to enter text. /
3)Justify your answer in question 2.
Click here to enter text. /
4)Is a dogger required in the following scenario?
A factory making aluminium panels uses a bridge and gantry crane to move the panels around the workplace. The panels are always in view of the plant operator. Safe work lifting procedures have been documented and signed off by a competent person. All workers involved in the lift have been trained in the safe work lifting procedures.
Click here to enter text. /
5)Justify your answer in question 4.
Click here to enter text. /
6)In your own words, describe what a dogging is.
Click here to enter text. /
Questions 7 to 10 (4 questions) assess your Numeracy Skills against ACSF level 2. A minimum score of 2/4 is required**.
7)If a harness can support a maximum weight of 2 tons, will it be able to support the weight of 5 metal beams weighing 200 kilograms each? (1 ton is equal to 907 kilograms)
Click here to enter text. /
8)How much will 8 metal beams weigh?
Click here to enter text. /
9)1/3 of all the metal beams are aluminium, and 2/3 are steel. Which pie chart below shows the correct ratios for the aluminium and steel metal beams?
/ Aluminium / / Steel
/ / /
☐A / ☐B / ☐C / ☐D
10)If there were 30 beams delivered in total, how many beams are aluminium?
Click here to enter text. /
**Learners who do not meet the minimum required score for this assessment may require additional support to take this course. This is in accordance with TPA’s strategies to ensure learners entering the course meet the minimum core skills requirements to successfully complete the course and meet all its relevant learning objectives. See TPA’s Additional Support Policy for more information, or ask your enrolment adviser about it.