1.1Tender procedure details
Tender procedure no.: / ......Title of tender procedure: / ......
Budget: / ...... / Contracting Authority: / ......
Type of Procedure: / …………….
Date of contract notice: / ...... / Expiry date of the deadline for the submission of tenders: / ......
1.2Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders
Decision for establishment of the Competent Body: / ......Coordinator of Competent Body: / ......
Member of Competent Body: / ......
Member of Competent Body: / ......
Member of Competent Body: / ......
Member of Competent Body: / ......
1.3Submitted tenders
The Minutes for the Opening of Tenders are submitted as attachments.
No. / DATE / TIME / PLACE / SUBJECTThe Minutes of the above meetings are submitted as attachments.
2.2Preliminary examination of the completeness of tenders
NOTEThis paragraph presents the results of the preliminary examination of the completeness of the submitted tenders. To better present the results, it is recommended that a relevant Table be established, in accordance with the guidelines and the template given in paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide. Once completed, this Tableshould be inserted in the present paragraph of the Qualitative Selection Report or be submitted as an attachment.
If the examination identifies deviations which are considered to be either minor (and thus not leading to rejection of tenders) or major (and thus leading to a recommendation for the rejection of tenders), the final conclusion of the Competent Body should be givenhere, together with a mention of the relevant documentation or simply a reference to the Minutes supporting the relevant decision.
2.3Verification of formal requirements for participation
NOTEThis paragraph presents the results of the verification of the fulfilment by the tenderers of the formal requirements for participation. To better present the results, it is recommended that a relevant Table be established, in accordance with the guidelines and the template given in paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide and based on the participation requirements specified in the tender documents. Once completed, this Table should be inserted in the present paragraph of the Qualitative Selection Report or be submitted as an attachment.
If any of the participation requirements of the Table is not fulfilled, the relevant documentation of the decision of the Competent Body's decision could be mentioned here or simply a reference to the minutes supporting the relevant decisioncould be given.
2.4Verification of fulfilment of the qualitative selection criteria
NOTEThis paragraph presents the results of the verification of the fulfilment of the qualitative selection criteria of the contract. To better present the results, it is recommended that a relevant Table be established, in accordance with the guidelines and the template given in paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide and based on the participation requirements specified in the tender documents. Once completed, this Table should be inserted in the present paragraph of the Qualitative Selection Report or be submitted as an attachment.
If the examination identifies deviations which are considered to be either minor (and thus not leading to rejection of tenders) or major (and thus leading to a recommendation for the rejection of tenders), the final conclusion of the Competent Body should be given here, together with a mention of the relevant documentation or simply a reference to the Minutes supporting the relevant decision.
If any of the participation requirements of the Table is not fulfilled, the relevant documentation of the decision of the Competent Body's decision could be mentioned here or simply a reference to the minutes supporting the relevant decision could be given. Should any clarification on the submitted items be deemed necessary, the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders may request clarifications in accordance with the provisions of the Law. The procedure followed for the provision of clarifications shall be described in the following paragraph.
2.5Provision of clarifications
NOTEThis paragraph presents specifically any cases of supporting documents for which the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders requested clarifications, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide.
If such cases exist, they should be mentioned here specifically, together with a summary description of the reason for which the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders judged that the provision of relevant clarifications may be allowed. At the same time, a relevant note should be added in the corresponding cells of the tables of the previous paragraphs, providing a reference to this paragraph.
2.6Ranking of tenderers
NOTETenderers shall be listed in this paragraph in their ranking order (as this will result by applying the instructions given in the relevant section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide), in the case of the restricted procedure and if the tender documents provide for limiting the number of candidates to a predetermined maximum number.
It is obvious that in all other cases, paragraph 2.6 is be omitted.
2.7Signatures of the members of the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders
NAME / SIGNATURE / DATE3.technical evaluation report
No. / DATE / TIME / PLACE / SUBJECTThe Minutes of the above meetings are submitted as attachments.
3.2General evaluation of technical offers
NOTEThis paragraph presents the results of the general evaluation of the technical offers of the tenderers who passed successfully the qualitative selection stage.
It is pointed out that the results of this phase consist in the following:
- Listing of all offers with no deviation from the requirements of the tender documents.
- Listing of the offers with deviations leading to rejection.
- Listing of offers with deviations which were considered to be minor and as such do not lead to rejection.
3.3Presentations of technical offers
NOTEThis paragraph gives a summary description of the procedure followed and the conclusions which the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders may have reached during the presentations of the technical offers, if any were held, with reference to the detailed Minutes kept according to the provisions of the relevant section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide.
It is obvious that if the tender documents do not provide for the procedure of presentations, paragraph 3.3 is omitted.
3.4Provision of clarifications
NOTEThis paragraph presents specifically any cases of ambiguities in the technical offers, for which the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders requested clarifications, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide.
If such cases exist, they should be mentioned here specifically, together with a summary description of the reason for which the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders judged that the provision of relevant clarifications may be allowed, and a reference to the relevant correspondence which must constitute an integral part of the Evaluation Report.
3.5Marking of technical offers
NOTEThis paragraph presents the results of the marking of technical offers, for the tenders that were not rejected in a previous stage. To better present the results, it is recommended that a relevant Table be established, in accordance with the guidelines and the template given in the corresponding section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide, for each one of the offers marked. Once completed, these Tables should be inserted in the present paragraph of the Technical Evaluation Report or be submitted as attachments.
The Technical Marking Tables should be accompanied by a detailed documentation of the marks given, which should follow the guidelines of the corresponding section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide. The detailed documentation may be included as is in the present paragraph or a reference to the Minute(s) supporting it may be provided instead.
This paragraph should also include the ranking of the technical offers, in the case of contracts for which the tender documents provide that tenders failing to obtain a mark higher than the minimum percent rate, as specified in the tender documents, of the mark obtained by the tender with the highest technical evaluation mark, shall not proceed to the stage of evaluation of Financial Offers. For the purposes of presenting this ranking, it is recommended that a relevant Table be established, in accordance with the guidelines and the template given in the corresponding section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide. Once completed, these Tables should be inserted in the present paragraph of the Technical Evaluation Report or be submitted as attachments
It is obvious that in the case of contracts for which the award criterion is simply the lowest price, paragraph 3.5 is omitted.
3.6Signatures of the members of the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders
NAME / SIGNATURE / DATE4.financial evaluation report
4.1Opening of Financial Offer Sub-envelopes
Date of opening of the Financial Offer sub-envelopes / ......The present paragraph 4.1 is included in the Report only when two sub-envelopes are foreseen.
No. / DATE / TIME / PLACE / SUBJECTThe Minutes of the above meetings are submitted as attachments.
4.3General evaluation of financial offers
NOTEThis paragraph presents the results of the general evaluation of the financial offers of the tenderers whose technical offers passed successfully the technical evaluation stage.
It is pointed out that the results of this phase consist in the following:
- Listing of all offers with no deviation from the requirements of the tender documents.
- Listing of the offers with deviations leading to rejection.
- Listing of offers with deviations which were considered to be minor and as such do not lead to rejection.
- Listing of any cases of abnormally low offers for which relevant clarifications were requested, according to the provisions of the corresponding section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide
4.4Marking of financial offers
NOTEThis paragraph presents the results of the calculation of each offer's relative cost, for those offers that passed successfully the stage of the general financial evaluation.
It is obvious that paragraph 4.4. refers only to cases of contracts for which the award criterion is the most economically advantageous tender, and in all other cases it should be omitted.
4.5Final ranking of tenders
NOTEThis paragraph presents the final ranking of the tenders that have boot been rejected in a previous stage of the evaluation procedure.
To better present the ranking, it is recommended that a relevant Table be established, in accordance with the guidelines and the template given in the corresponding section of paragraph 4.3.4 of Chapter 4 of the Guide (depending on the award criterion). Once completed, these Tables should be inserted in the present paragraph of the Financial Evaluation Report or be submitted as an attachment.
4.6Signatures of the members of the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders
The present form, containing the indicative contents of the Evaluation Report,consists of four (4) distinct sections:1. General Information
2. Qualitative Selection Report
3. Technical Evaluation Report
4. Financial Evaluation Report
The above distinct sections are completed during each distinct phase of the evaluation procedure.
More specifically:
A. Where the tender procedure is conducted in accordance with the restricted procedure, the Qualitative Selection Report constitutes a separate report and should be submitted for approval to the Competent Body for the Award of the Contract. Therefore, in these cases, the first two sections of the standard Evaluation Report must form a standalone document.
Β. Where the tender documents provide for the submission of tenders using two separate sub-envelopes (participation documents and technical offer; financial offer), the Qualitative Selection and Technical Evaluation Report constitutes a separate report and should be submitted for approval to the Competent Body for the Award of the Contract. Therefore, in these cases, the first three sections of the model Evaluation Report must form a standalone document. It is understood than in the case of the restricted procedure where to separate sub-envelopes are used, there should be two distinct documents which will be submitted for approval (i.e. the first two sections after the conclusion of the qualitative selection stage, and the third section after the conclusionof the technical evaluation).
C. In the above cases (Α and Β), after the financial evaluation stage has been concluded and the final ranking of tenders has been established, use of the complete text of the model Evaluation Report is recommended (including all four sections), with incorporation of any necessary modifications which may arise as a result of the decisions taken by the Competent Body for the Award of the Contract in the preceding stages.
D. In the case of the open or simplified procedure where only one envelope is used, the model Evaluation Report may be used as a uniform document.
The Final Evaluation Report is duly submitted and is accompanied by the tenders and any other element of the tender procedure file which the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders may have available.
The submission of the Final Evaluation Report signals the conclusion of the activities of the Competent Body for the Evaluation of Tenders, subject to the future need, if any, to support the Contracting Authority, should a hierarchical recourse be filed against the final decisions of the Competent Body for the Award of the Contract.