Ch. 27 Part 1 RQ’s - from my notes…VISUALS ARE FOUND IN TEXTBOOK CH. 27…
-Similar to quote from past president…? Who/when?
- Which political party – when?
- Imperialist or anti-imperialist perspective?
2 627 pc – 627 brown box
(pc) – title?
- in the map on the pc…what 4 places are shown (as offered in the menu)?
- Who is eating? Who is serving?
-Imperialist or anti-imperialist perspective?
- Newspaper? When?
- What new consciousness?
- What 5 new sensations/motivations?
- What task is in the “mouth of the people?”
- What change does it mean for the U.S. Republic?
3 628 bbox – 628 pc ContextualNote: Secretary of State, Richard Olney, is serving under President Grover Cleveland from 1893 until 1897…in the midst of the worst financial depression of the 19th century…remember by 1890, the census bureau announced that the “frontier” was gone/closed…We began to look beyond the contiguous territory to expand…or explode…What would be the new “safety valve?” (rhetorical question to consider….as we make decisions about expansion)
(bb) – What Foreign Policy “doctrine” from the 1820’s is Sec. Olney proclaiming that the USA, now, can demand be respected and enforced?
(pc) – Olney and Cleveland almost come to blows with ______? Over a boundary dispute ______?
- The “Great Rapprochement-Reconciliation” that comes at the conclusion of the above conflict…means that the USA and ______become BFF’s Forever from this point in time…and still are today?
4 629 Painting – 630 Map
-Who is the last native ruler of Hawaii….who is overthrown by the white planters in 1893, grandchildren of the original missionaries from New England who came to Hawaii in the 1820’s during the 2nd Great Awakening?
- In what year is Hawaii annexed by the USA?
5 631 bbox – 631 painting – 641 pc
- Jingoe – define?
- How do the Spaniards propose to honor the US Jingoes?
- The explosion of this US Naval Ship is the “spark” which ignites a war…name the ship and the nation with whom we go to war in 1898?
- What quote from Sec. of State, John Hay, served under President McKinley, is used to describe the above war?
6 632 Photo –
- An effect of the war…was the reconciliation of these two former enemies, name the enemies?
7 633 Map – 634 Photo
- Title of map?
- Commodore Dewey wins a key naval battle where May 1, 1898?
- When does Manila actually surrender?
- Who is pictured in the photo, he is brought to the islands by the Americans in 1898?
- In 1901, he leads an insurrection against which country?
- Which side does he support in WW2?
- How old is he when he dies?
8 634 bbox – 635 photo – 635 map
- Who is writing in the bbox?
- What is his subject?
- Title of the photo?
- Title of the Map?
- Where do TR and the Roughriders fight?
9 636 bbox – 636 asterisk
- Who?
- Subject?
- What, specifically, are the 4 things …that “was left for the USA to do with the Philippines/Filipino’s?
(asterisk) – How does the information in the asterisk contradict McKinley in the Bbox?
10 637 poster – 640 poem (in 1st paragraph of text) Note: There were many motivations attached to the process of the USA becoming an Empire…. Or NOT…to become an Empire…. A part of the anti-imperialist group was motivated not to bring these areas “under” the US flag for racist reasons…. They called the people ______?
- What was “hotly” debated in the USA?
(poem) – Who wrote the poem?
- What are the 3 key words in the poem that give us a clue to their motivation for empire?
- The acquisition(s) of where brought millions of people of “color” under the American flag?
Reading Questions -Notes /CH 27
Busch note:
11 What is your assignment for Monday?
12 What century is called the “American Century?”
13 What is the name of our early foreign policy called under GW?
14 What do we call our FP as we progress west after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803?
15 In the 1820’s we want to protect our claim to the contiguous western area …and develop a new FP idea…which has two parts…1- non-colonization and 2- non-intervention. What is this new FP idea called?
16 What event beginning in earnest by the mid 1800’s is the motivation for the European powers to begin to grab colonies again…similar to 17th and 18th centuries…. To enrich their nations?
17 What are the two (2) “continuities” called?
18 What 3 Pacific areas do we begin to want influence over during the early 19th century (1800’s)?
19 Where is the new “safety valve,” that will settle the political and social unrest that develops during the Gilded Age, according to some?
20 What question….or the answer(s) to what question continues to define ourselves and our identity as Americans still today?
Intro –CH27
21 What event brought enormous changes to the USA after the Civil War and which also CHANGED AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (foreign policy) ?
22 What law passed in 1787 differentiated the USA from the nasty Europeans on the issue of expansion or Empire?
23 Was the USA an “Empire” by 1890?
24 Technically what does the USA become by the end of the 19th century, albeit somewhat controversially?
Imperialist Stirrings – Motivations for expansion overseas
25 What could the addition of overseas markets do for the USA?
26 What are the names of the two (2) newspaper publishers most closely identified with “yellow journalism?”
27 In Josiah Strong’s book ______, What does he want to spread to the “backward” peoples of the non-civilized world?
28 What is the name of the philosophy? - Which guides the above action…also the name of a famous poem by famous British author, Rudyard Kipling, “the jungle book.”
29 What two men are associated with a JINOGOISTIC foreign policy?
30 Alfred Thayer Mahan’s book, ______, published in 1890 was massively influential around the World and even, many believe, led to the build up of the European Military states…which led to WWI.
31 What does the US build in the early 1900’s that is motivated by the above book and allows us to more speedily travel from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans…to defend our new “colonies?”
32 In the summary of FP motivations for the USA…. What is it called when business interests dominate our FP decisions?
33 What is our FP called when we use “white man’s burden” as a basis for our FP decisions?
34 What is our FP called when we act in a competitive manner as a basis for our FP decisions?
*****make sure to read the Note****in the Notes****here
How does the USA in the late Gilded Age become involved internationally?
35 According to the summary previously discussed…. How would you classify James G. Blaine’s “Big Sister” policy – in Latin America?
36 With what four (4) nations do we have conflict with from 1889 until 1893?
37 According to my notes…what was our “national mood” becoming?
Monroe’s Doctrine and The Venezuela Boundary Dispute – Great Reconciliation
38 America and Great Britain almost go to war over the boundary between British Guiana and Venezula in 1895 -1896… Why don’t we? (clue: “patting the Eagle’s head”)
39 What is the end result of this conflict ….that has a huge influence even today?
Spurning the Hawaiian Pear
40 – in 1875 and 1887 we make treaties with Hawaii for economic benefits and ______? (HUGELY SIGNIFICANT***)
41 What law passed by Congress in 1890 motivated the white planters in Hawaii to overthrow the native government? Why?
42 Does President Grover Cleveland immediately annex Hawaii?
43 Which President annexes Hawaii? When? Why?
Cubans rise in Revolt
44 What amount of investment did businesses from the USA have in Cuba? How much trade annually did the USA do with Cuba? (during the period when Cuba was a colony of Spain by the 1890’s)
45 in 1896 What is the name of the vicious Spanish General who takes over in Cuba and where does he force civilians to move into?
46 What group in the USA begins to attempt to push the USA towards War?
The Mystery of the Battleship
47 What is the name of the famous American artist hired by Hearst to go to Cuba and draw pictures to publish in his newspapers…and is famously told by Hearst, “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the War?”
The Spark that Causes War
48 What US Battleship explodes mysteriously in Havana harbor in 1898, which leads directly to war with Spain?
49 What does the USA learn actually causes the Battleship to explode in the 1970’s ?
50 Finish this quote: “Remember the Maine!______!
McKinley Unleashes the “Dogs of War”
51 Initially, does McKinley want war?
52 Initially, does Wall St. (business interests in the USA) want war?
53 What (2) things happens in Congress on April 11, 1898?
54******* Why is the 2nd thing that happens in Congress significant? (How does it attempt to continue to differentiate us from the Imperialist Europeans)
War with Spain
55 What was the State of our Army at the beginning of this war?
56 What was unique or new about our Navy?
57 Who orders Commodore Dewey to take the “Hong Kong Squadron” to attack the Philippines, “just in case” war is declared?
58 How does Commodore Dewey become an American Hero?
Unexpected Imperialistic Plums
59 How long does Dewey have to wait for soldiers from the Army to invade the Philippines? With which nation do we almost fight while we were waiting? What nation helps us?
60 Who aids the USA in defeating the Spanish….then when the USA does not grant the Philippines their freedom…leads a war/insurrection against the USA?
61 What is the Citizenship status of Hawaiians when they are put into “territorial” status based on the process passed into law in the NW Ordinance of 1787?
The Confused Invasion of Cuba
62 The Armies continuous blundering is apparent as they leave which Florida city for Cuba?
63 What type of uniforms were issued to the American Soldiers fighting in the Tropics?
64 What is the name of the group of soldiers recruited by TR…but commanded by Col. Leonard Wood?
65 How did the US Army get to the shores of Cuba?
66 What group of US soldiers actually leads the charge, in which TR followed, up “San Juan-Kettle-El Caney- Hills?”
Curtains for Spain in America
67 What happens to the Spanish fleet when they leave the protection of Santiago harbor, as Admiral Cevera predicted?
68 How many US casualties were there during the Sp-Am War? Most due to what?
69 What company sold the US Army “embalmed beef?”
McKinley heeds Duty, Destiny, and Dollars
70 What is the name of the Treaty that ends the Spanish-American war?
71 Why don’t we get the Philippines for free, like Guam and Puerto Rico in the Treaty?
72 What were McKinley’s two (2) options considering the Philippines?
73 What does Wall St. (American business interests) believe the USA should do?
74 What does McKinley do? How much? What is his policy for the Philippines called?
America’s Course (Curse?) of Empire
75 How were the Philippines different from all our previous acquisitions? (Several)
76 What group forms in America to oppose the acquisition of the Philippines?
77 What was this groups two (2) main arguments against the acquisition of the islands?
78 What were the (4) reasons “expansionists” wanted the Philippines?
79 What member of the US Senate changes his vote…and is the deciding vote allowing the USA to acquire the Philippines? What does he claim this will allow the USA to do, later?
Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba
80 The “Insular Cases” heard in the US Supreme court answer a vital question, which was what?
81 What was the Supreme Court’s answer?
82 According to the case…how would the people who lived in these areas now be described considering their relationship to the USA? (1 word)
83 Who is appointed “Administrator” of Post-War Cuba?
84 According to the Pre-War TELLER AMENDMENT…what should immediately occur in Cuba?
85 How does the Post-War PLATT AMENDMENT (written into the new Cuban Constitution) CHANGE THE TELLER AMENDMENT?
86 Name the Doctor who finds the source of Yellow Fever? The people working on what future project benefits from this Dr.’s efforts?
87 What are the (3) conditions, specific, that the PLATT AMENDMENT….REQUIRES…before Cuba gains its “independence?”
New Horizons in Two Hemishpheres
88 Copy the quote that describes the effect of the Spanish American War on the USA?
89 How long does the Spanish-American War last?
90 The notes state, “The USA did not start with ______BUT…it ends with the ______?
91 Which acquisition of the USA becomes known as our “Achilles Heel?”
92 Lessons of War….which branch performs exceptionally? Who creates the “general staff” and “war college” after the War to better train the US Army officers?
93 The Growth of the popularity of “scientific racism” further cements the Jim Crow Segregation of the South and leads to a huge rise in the membership of the KKK by the 1920’s…What film is known as the 1st “blockbuster” film in US History… and begins to change the Civil War’s story in our memory…becoming known as the “Lost Cause” and further cementing the USA being dominated by white ,Anglo-Saxon, protestants for many decades?