- Fact File on a Greek God
- Diary entry from a Greek Olympian/Theseus when he killed the Minotaur
- Cartoon strip of the Minotaur Myth
- Write own Greek Myth
- Character description of the Minotaur
- Greek poetry
- Hero Wanted poster
/ 1. Responding to the Text
- Use front cover. Ask questions about where the story
- Story map/timeline of events or mapping journey
- Writer talk: Discuss use of speech/speech marks?
- Writer talk: How is the text organised?
- Features of a cartoon strip – short sentences, very little
- Writer talk: look closely at the language that adds
verbs, effective adjectives, specific nouns and similes.
- How does the author weave the story thread using the
- Draw a timeline of actions and report on how the author
- Watch video clip:
- Storyteller session –read part 1 of the Greek myth, Minotaur and Theseus.
2. Capturing Ideas
- Freeze frame role plays at different points
- Breakfast TV style role play – interviewing Theseus, Aridane, King Minos – how the events of the story changed their lives
- Explore characters’ feelings at different points in the story
- Use dialogue from cartoon to write a playscript and act it out
- Class performance of the story
- Use plasticene to make Minotaur models
- Design own labyrinth
- Debate – was Theseus one of the first superheroes?
- Conjunctions game
- Warming up the word - generating synonyms for aharacters’ feelings
- Improve a sentence- focus on the grammatical elements that need consolidation or review
- Topic sentence game - give topic sentence. Children suggest contents of paragraph
- Choosing relevant adjectives to describe hero and mythical
- Develop use of speech marks/inverted commas
- Develop expanded noun phrases
- Varying sentence structures for effect
- Structuring topic sentences to open paragraphs or
- Opening paragraphs using adverbials of time and place
Guided Reading Possibilities
- Read and explore other Greek myths.
- Identify and discuss features of text type for final written outcome. Level of text can be pitched at each groups’ level, ensuring both access and challenge.
- Watch and discuss Daedalus and Icarus:
4. Modelled Writing
Shared Writing
Guided Writing
Independent Writing
- Produce own cartoon strip of the story
- Write own story thread for their myth
- Write own Greek myth based on the story of the
• Locate the River Tyne on a map
Research flying competitions from other cultures / PSHE
• How does hope help Dad and Lizzie?
- What is your dream?
- Forces – how can things fly?
- Living things - birds
Pattern and form in feathers
If you entered a human bird competition, what would your invention look like? / Useful Links