Monthly Police Report
JULY 2015
Auto Accidents: 7/16 A minor two car accident occurred on East Shore Road. Both parties agreed to decline
A police report and were assisted with an exchange of information. No injury and no tow
7/16 A single car auto accident occurred at the corner of Beverly Road and East Drive. A village sign was knocked down. Report was taken and hwy notified to repair sign. No injury and no tow
7/17 A legally parked vehicle on Arleigh Road was struck by an unknown vehicle that fled scene. A report was taken for insurance purposes and filed with NYS
7/31 A two car auto accident occurred on East Drive. One of the motorists was injured and checked at scene, but refused transport to hospital. One vehicle towed from scene by Fagan’s towing
Aided Cases:7/9 An Arleigh Road resident was transported to North Shore Hospital after suffering complications from diabetes
7/11 A Kensington Gate resident was transported to North Shore Hospital after possibly suffering a stroke
7/14 A Kensington Gate resident refused transportation to North Shore Hospital after suffering a fall from the bed. Assistance was given to return to bed
7/15 A patient of 192 East Shore Road was transported to North Shore Hospital after complaining of severe stomach pain after a procedure
7/16 A Kensington Gate resident was transported to North Shore Hospital with a possible hip fracture
7/21 A Kensington Gate resident was assisted after suffering fall in home. Aided refused medical attention and transport to North Shore Hospital
7/24 A Kensington Gate resident was transported to North Shore Hospital after being observed unresponsive but breathing
7/28 A Fatal aided was reported at an Arleigh Road home. NSLIJ AMT was at scene for pronouncement. All notifications were made to family and doctors and body was released to funeral home
7/30 A Kensington Gate resident was removed to North Shore Hospital after suffering back pain and bruising after a fall
7/31 A motorist involved in an auto accident on East Drive was checked at scene and released after refusing transport to hospital
Ambulance Calls: The Vigilant Fire Company Ambulance responded to all of the above aided cases.
Alarms:The Department responded to15 active alarms during the month, all were found to be false burglar alarms.
Assists:Assistance was given to Great Neck Estates Police Department 18 times, and received from Great Neck Estates Police Department11 times.
Burglaries:Nothing to report.
Cases:7/28 A report was taken in conjunction of a fatal aided on Arleigh Road. The proper authorities were notified and funeral home was notified and at scene
Fires:7/6 Vigilant FD assisted at a Nassau Drive residence with a report of co2 in the home. The alarm was due to a faulty detector and no damage reported
7/7 Vigilant FD assisted at a Nassau Drive home with a general alarm. The system was set of in error by resident. No damage reported
7/16 Vigilant FD assisted at a Beverly Road residence after a fire alarm was set off. Alarm was found to be set in error by resident. No damage reported
7/23Vigilant FD assisted at a Beverly Road residence with a report of co2 in the home. The alarm was due to a faulty detector and no damage reported
7/30 Vigilant FD assisted at a North Drive home with a general audible fire alarm. The alarm was found to be set in error and no damage reported
Larcenies:Nothing to report.
Vacant Homes: The number of homes reported vacant during the month was 26. All were found to be secure.
-A fatal aided case, listed above, was attended to at an Arleigh Road residence.
-GNEPD were assisted at the scene of a possible burglary in progress. Found to be resident’s son who forgot his key, breaking in to the home.
-A welfare check of a Nassau Dr resident was conducted at the request of a 911 operator. Resident found to be having an anxiety attack. Resident refused medical attention.
-Workmen returning to a Nassau Dr site after a weekend off noticed minor damage to a piece of equipment on the site. No police action requested.
-A water main break in front of a Kensington Court residence was located and reported to Great Neck Water Authority.
-Several lift assists were given to a Kensington Gate resident throughout the month.
Resident’s children were contacted regarding the condition of the resident.
-A construction site on Nassau Drive was checked and secured after workmen left the gate open at the end of the day.
-An Arleigh Rd resident who forgot their keys was assisted in gaining entry into their home.
-A roadway sign survey was completed at the request of the Village Clerk.
-Several bank runs were conducted at the request of the Village Clerks.
-Landscapers were monitored and advised regarding the gas powered leaf blower law during the month. Appearance tickets were issued when necessary.
-A property line dispute between neighbors on Beverly Rd was attended to by officers.
-Routine directed patrol of the park and pool area was conducted throughout the month both during daylight hours and at night.
-GNEPD was assisted with a mental aided at a Middle Neck Rd address. Transport.
-A North Dr resident was assisted after an apparent road rage incident in the area of his home.
-An Embassy Court resident requested assistance at a possible burglary in progress. NCPD were notified and PO responded to scene with complainant. Glass door found to have been broken by a rock kicked up by landscaper equipment.
-Numerous reports of coyote and/or fox sightings were received. Officers on patrol during the night hours have seen fox in the village at various locations. No confirmed sightings of coyotes.
-Several lost or disabled motorists were assisted during the month.
-A Great Neck resident was assisted with information regarding a check scam.
-Numerous lift assists were given at a Nassau Drive residence throughout the month.
-A minor power outage occurred in a small portion of the village after a strong summer storm. Power was restored fairly quickly.
-Temporary No Parking signs were deployed at various locations throughout the month.
-Speed Dolly was deployed at numerous locations throughout the month.
Car #657 was patrolled1123 miles. The odometer now reads15316miles.
Car #658 was patrolled1250 miles. The odometer now reads63757miles. Oil change service performed.
New Flag was purchased and deployed on the Village Flagpole.
Conlon: Off 6hrs personal time 7/17. Conducted interviews with potential recruit candidates 7/23. Attended NCPD Academy Graduation Ceremony 7/30.
Giraulo: Worked 8hrs “Stop DWI” Grant OT 7/3. !2hrs OT 7/6. Conducted interviews with potential recruit candidates 7/23, and 7/31.
Nasta: Worked 3hrs “Stop DWI” Grant OT 7/3. 2hrs OT 7/30. On vacation 7/16 through 7/25. Conducted FTO duties during PO Gallo’s field training.
Costello:Worked 12hrs OT 7/19 and 7/21. On vacation 7/3 through 7/11 and 7/29 through 7/31. Conducted FTO duties during PO Gallo’s field training.
Fiore: Worked 6hrs OT 7/17, 12hrs 7/25. Off 12hrs personal time 7/21. Conducted FTO duties during PO Gallo’s field training.
Gallo: Worked 4hrs “Stop DWI” grant OT 7/3. Completed the Field Training portion of his academy training throughout the month. Graduated from the Nassau County Police Academy 7/30.
Sgt. Giraulo 3124
P.O. Nasta 291
P.O. Costello 6
P.O. Fiore 27
P.O. Gallo 51
Totals: 7386
VTL:10 Stop sign violations,9 No insurance violations, 3 No license violations, 4 Speeding violations, 5 Cell phone violations, 2 Seat belt violations, 1 Failure to signal violation, 1 Unsafe pass violation, 1 Excessive tint violation, 3 Inadequate brake lights violations
PARKING:4 Two hour parking violations, 1 Parked within 30’ of stop sign violation, 1 Blocking sidewalk violation
Village Ordinance: 1 Failure to maintain property violation, 1 failure to register/landscaper violation, 4 Operating gas leaf blower during prohibited date’s violations
Respectfully submitted;
Sergeant C. Giraulo