Our aims at Tibberton CE Primary School for the Sports Premium Grant 2016-17

At Tibberton C.E. Primary School, our aims for PE across the school are to:

·  Sustain and continue to develop the quality of PE lessons across school.

·  Offer a range of activities and sports to all children in school.

·  Encourage all children to participate in sport and try new activities.

·  Ensure all children experience enjoyment and achievement in PE.

·  Encourage children and their families to be more active and lead healthier lifestyles.

This year we are also aiming for the School Games Mark Gold award.

How we spent the Sports Premium Grant (£8642) in the Financial Year 2016-17

Details / Sports Premium Funding / Outcomes and impact
Employment of a specialist teaching assistant to support PE lessons. / £5340 / Enhanced and sustained quality provided during PE lessons across the whole school and in after school clubs (gymnastics club).
Telford and Wrekin Sports Partnership
Access to school sports coordinators, PE coordinator network meetings, staff CPD and inter-school sports. / £876 / PLT attendance T&W sports update meetings.
CPD for staff including swimming and Inclusive PE training.
Entry to all T&W Level 2 competitions.
CPD for NQT and support staff provided by Pete Blair.
Coaches and specialist teachers employed to deliver high quality PE lessons, support class teachers and provide CPD for staff. / £300
£100 / CPD for staff provided to further knowledge and skills within cricket, swimming and basic fundamentals.
Chance to Shine Cricket Programme. (Y3&4, Y5&6)
Arthog Outreach Centre – Y1&2 pupils developed team- building skills through a range of challenging outdoor activities.
Equipment purchase / £0 / Pupils have continued to benefit from new sports in PE lessons due to purchases made through Sainsbury’s vouchers for schools scheme.
Bronze Ambassadors and Change for Life.
Swimming CPD took place in Spring 2016 but costed to 2016-17. / £0
£190 / Change for Life club was run by Y5 & 6 Bronze Ambassadors through the Summer term during lunchtimes, encouraging a range of children to try out different physical activities. This year a more sustainable approach of current Y6 pupils training Y5s is taking place.
Swimming CPD upskilled NQTs in preparation for teaching swimming during the Summer term, developed confidence to deliver accurately and brought extra resources available to all staff at school.
Monitoring and management
PLT release when attending competitive events, for administration and planning time. / £859 / Audit of equipment, pupil surveys and audit of surveys, planning and management of events, action planning and monitoring of coverage.
Collaboration between schools within the Newport cluster and attendance of the Telford and Wrekin PLT meetings has allowed sharing of good practice, resources and established a network of PLTs.
Sporting fixtures and swimming lessons. / £1140
TOTAL / £8805

The overall impact of the Sports Premium Funding 2016-17 was:

·  Improved knowledge, skills and confidence within teaching and support staff following CPD and staff meetings around swimming, dance, gymnastics and inclusive PE.

·  An increased number of pupils participating in inter-school competitive events.

·  An increased attendance at extra-curricular sports clubs, particularly cross country across all of KS2.

·  An increased level of pupil interest and enjoyment due to a wider range of activities and supported PE lessons.

·  The achievement of the School Games Mark Silver award.