Creative Lismore Artstate Application Form

This form is to be completed by individuals or groups wishing to be included in the Creative Lismore Artstate program.

Creative Lismore Artstate is an opportunity for artists and arts organisations in and around Lismore to participate in the Artstate Lismore program. Participants will be able to stage their own, self-funded and non-curated events that coincide with the Festival program and have those events listed in the official program.

If you/ or your group are holding multiple events which you would like to have included, a separate Application Form needs to be completed for each event.

  1. Event Organiser’s Details

Organisation Name
Contact Person’s Name
Contact Person’s Position
Street Address
Postal Address
(if not same as above)
Website/ blog
Other platform
  1. Event Details

Event Name:

Event Type (please tick):



☐Open Studio


☐Community event


☐Other, please specify

3.Event description(no greater than 20 words, for promotional purposes):

4.Event dates (must be between 30 November and 3 December)

Start: Click here to enter a date. Finish: Click here to enter a date.

Event opening times:

Event location:

5.Is your venue accessible?



6.Who is your event for/ who is the expected audience?

7.Is this an over 18’s only event?



8.Is there an Entry Fee?

☐Yes, if so how much per/ ticket? $


9.Are you a member of Creative Lismore


☐No – please complete membership form and email to

10.Please attach a high res images which may be used for promotional purposes.

What will we do for you?

  • A listing in the program as aCreative Lismore Artstate event
  • A listing on the Artstate Lismore 2017website

Media Consent:

I/ We agree that Regional Arts NSW is permitted to adopt, amend or modify any material provided for promotional purposes; to enable Regional Arts NSW to insert sponsor logos and to align materials to conference themes, colours or for technical reasons. These changes are consented to and I/ We agree such changes do not infringe My/ Our moral rights in the works. Regional Arts NSW agrees that any changes of content or non- marketing/ format based changes will be with My/ Our consent and that consent will not be unreasonably withheld.

Cancellation Policy:

I/We agree to immediately advise Regional Arts NSW if the event is cancelled.

Personal information collected by Regional Arts NSW will be used to process your application to be included in the Creative Lismore Artstate program. The personal information held by Regional Arts NSW can be accessed upon request. For a copy of our Privacy Policy visit

I/we have read and agree with the conditions of submission for an application to Creative Lismore Artstate program.

☐Yes ☐No


Returning This Form

Applications to the Creative Lismore Artstate program close 5pm 3 November, 2017

Once this form is completed, please save as Creative_organisationname’ and return by email


Creative Lismore at Artstate Application Form