Lecture 9 Page 1

Lecture 9: Carbohydrate structure.

Properties we already know about commonly encountered sugars:

The most common sugar most people encounter is sucrose. Properties of sugar are you already familiar with:

  1. It is sweet. Interestingly not all carbohydrates are sweet. Taste glucose and you will find it to be fairly boring. Fructose, the major sugar in honey is incredibly sweet. Sucrose, commonly known as sugar, contains glucose and fructose and is also sweet. Fructose is supposed to be ~8X sweeter than sucrose. Maybe another reason why they include sucrase in chocolates.
  2. It is very soluble in water. Think how much sugar you can put in your tea if you wanted to. You can make up 2 M sucrose solutions with relative ease.It is very thick though. Try making toffees. You dissolve 3 cups of sugar in 1 cup of water.

The hydrophilic nature of sugar ie. its solubility is due in part to all the hydroxyls, as we saw in the structures in the last lecture. Sugars are found as part of many biological molecules, both macromolecules and many cofactors. For example DNA and RNA both contain sugar in the backbone of the polymer. This repeating sugar-phosphate backbone makes the outside of the DNA double helix hydrophilic and protects the hydrophobic bases. ATP, NAD and a host of other cofactors all contain ribose which does make them more soluble in aqueous media. Bases, such as adenine and nicotinamide by themselves are quite hydrophobic.Carbohydrates are often attached to proteins, forming glycoproteins. These glycoproteins are often found on cell surfaces as antigens or receptors. Lipids and carbohydrate also combine forming lipopolysaccharides. These are also often found on the cell surfaces, particularly of bacteria. They become the antigens for the immune response. Part of the role of carbohydrates on proteins and lipids maybe solubility in various locations.

Carbohydrates are the most abundant class of organic molecule so we had better find out something about the chemistry of them. They appear in so many other significant biomolecules.

Consider glucose,the quintessential sugar:

Glucose, is a high energy compound. The complete oxidation of 1 mole of glucose to 6CO2 yields 2870 kJ of energy. In cells this is trapped as lots of ATP (somewhere around 30).

It is vitally important that blood glucose levels be kept at ~5 mM. Why?

Glucose is a reducing sugar -this an old term that many of you may have heard of.

Let’s consider the basic monosaccharides.

They have a carbon chain of between 3 and 7 carbons and have names like trioses (3C), tetroses (4C), pentoses (5C), hexoses (6C0, heptoses (7C).

BUT the really important bit about monosaccharide structure is the =O. This can be a keto group  ketoses or an aldehyde group  aldoses.

Numbering the carbons:

The carbons on glucose are numbered from the aldehyde group (referred to as C-1). The carbons on fructose are numbered similarly, thus the keto group is attached to carbon 2. While this numbering may seem academic and bordering on the pedantic it is very important when you use radioactive isotopes. If you wish to have a 14C label on a particular carbon you specify the carbon by this numbering system. Later on when we examine the metabolic fate of glucose you will find certain carbons in the glucose skeleton have particular fates. This numbering unambiguously specifies which carbon we are talking about. BE FAMILIAR WITH IT!!

The stereochemistry of carbohydrates.

The internal carbons –HCOH- are chiral. If you take glucose there are 4 chiral carbons. Each has 2 possible isomeric forms so you have 16 different stereoisomers of an aldohexose; 8 D-isomers and 8 L-isomers. D-Glucose, the universalsugar of life, is just one of them.

The D and L convention is based on the Fischer Projection of the molecule relative to glyceraldehyde, which must be an important molecule if they keep referring to it.

Some terms for the spatially challenged:

Stereoisomers are molecules with the same formula but different spacial arrangements. Within this there are some sub-groups. Stereoisomers that are mirror images of each other are called enantiomers. Stereoisomers that are not mirror images (differ in configuration about more than one chiral carbon) are called diastereomers. Two sugars that differ in their configuration about one carbon are called epimers. Galactose is an epimer of glucose. Mannose is also an epimer of glucose. However, galactose is not an epimer of mannose, they are diastereomers. To convert galactose to glucose requires a complicated set of reactions involving epimerases.

The cyclisation of monosaccharides:

This bit is really important and underpins a lot of the structures that contain sugars. In solution, glucose and other sugars cyclise to form ring structures. Alcohols readily and reversibly react with aldehydes to form hemiacetals. In the case of monosaccharides the aldehyde reacts with a hydroxyl on the same structure. The rings formed are usually 5 or 6 membered rings. 6 membered rings are similar to a compound called pyran and such sugars are known as pyranoses. 5 membered rings are known as furanoses as they are similar to a compound called furan. Alcohols also react with keto groups to form hemiketals.

Carbohydrate rings are often drawn as a Haworth projection. The 5 or 6 membered ring lays perpendicular to the plane of the paper with the thick, bold lines representing the side closest to the reader.

As the ring forms, the hydroxyl (which was the derived from the O of the aldehyde or keto) can end up above or below the ring. If the –OH ends up above the ring it is called beta, if it ends up below the ring it is alpha. The carbon with the =O attached is called the anomeric carbon. In the case of glucose this is carbon 1. In the case of fructose it is carbon 2. What makes this anomeric carbon so important (hence why we give it a name and you have to learn it) is that the configuration about this carbon changes in solution. Glucose is in equilibrium in solution between the alpha form  the open chain form and the beta form. To convert from the alpha form to the beta form does not require an enzyme. Glucose is most stable in the beta form, probably because the –OHs (the bulky side chains) are lying equatorial to the plane of the ring.

Sugar Tests:

A sugar with a free anomeric carbon, (which allows the transient formation of the aldehyde species in solution), such as glucose, is capable of reducing H2O2, ferricyanide, some metal ions (Cu2+, Ag+) and other reagents. This is the basis of Fehling’s test and explains the term reducing sugar. In Fehling’s test the aldehyde reduces the Cu2+ ions in an alkaline environment to form Cu2O and is itself oxidized to a carboxylic acid (gluconic acid in the case of glucose). The Cu2O is red and precipitates.

Benedict’s test and Tollen’s test involve the reduction of Ag+ and precipitation of Ag metal by reducing sugars, producing a silver mirror. The aldehyde group again is oxidized to a carboxylic acid. Glucose is now usually measured enzymatically, using glucose oxidase.

There are a number of tests for other sugars which are based on the formation of a furfural derivative, in strong mineral acids by dehydration. These derivatives then condense with specific phenolic compounds to produce coloured derivatives. The coloured products form the basis of many qualitative and quantitative sugar tests. Examples include the diphenylamine reaction (which is specific for DNA, not RNA), the orcinol test (which distinguishes RNA from DNA) and resorcinol (Seliwanoff reagent) for fructose.

The aldehyde group also makes glucose quite dangerous to have in your body at high concentrations for long periods of time. Hence your body has elaborate mechanisms for maintaining the [glucose]blood constant at ~5 mM. If the concentration increases too much for too long the glucose starts reacting with proteins in your arteries. A measure of the management of diabetes is the glycosylation of hemoglobin. Some of the nastier symptoms of diabetes can be attributed to glucosylated proteins in the cornea (blindness) and arteries (circulation problems).

Other important things about the ring structures.

The rings are not planar like aromatic rings and the bases in nucleotides. There are no conjugated double bonds and the sugar rings do not absorb ~260 – 280 nm.

The rings are not rigid and can exist in a number of puckered conformations, the most favoured being the chair form (shown below) and the boat form.

Common Dissacharides

Sucrose is a disaccharide of fructose and glucose. The glycosidic bond that joins the two monosaccharides attaches from the carbon 1 of glucose in the alpha orientation to carbon 2 of fructose, hence it is written as glucose--1,2-fructose. Note that the anomeric carbon of glucose (C1) and the anomeric carbon of fructose (C2) are not free to uncyclise and reform. Sucrose is no longer a reducing sugar.

Lactose,(D-galactosyl:14-D-glucose) found in milk, is a disaccharide of galactose (an epimer of glucose which differs from glucose in its conformation about C4) and glucose.

Maltose (:1 4 glucose) is the disaccharide of 2 glucose units joined from C1 to C4. It contains a reducing end.

Starch and glycogen consist of repeating units of maltosejoined by:14 linkages with :16 branch points. There are different types of starch based on the number of branch points. Amylose, the unbranched form assumes a helical conformation in solution. Iodine fits nicely into the middle of this helix resulting in a strong blue coloured complex, the basis of the iodine starch test.

Cellulose is an interesting polymer. It is a homopolymer of glucose like starch except the linkages joining the glucose units are :14 rather than :14. With this linkage flatter chains result which layer on top of each other in a staggered fashion with interchain H-bonding, giving the cellulose its strength. Cellulose is resistant to degradation by most acids and amylases and cannot be digested by most animals. Cellulases are produced by certain bacteria and these bacteria live in the gut of grass eating animals and termites. Other polysaccharides of biological interest are chitins (made up of repeating N-acetyl glucosamines (NAGs) in a similar conformation to cellulose) which make up crustacean exoskeletons, agarose (a galalctose polymer) and heparin.