LYBS Board Meeting Minutes



Littleton Police Department CR

Board Members present at the meeting were:

John Davis Larry Frisoli Gary Wilson

Bernie Lane Rob Warner Tom Furlong

Tom Morey Ron Cochran Ed McCarthy

Brook Moore Paul McGregor Tyler Gray

Board members not present:

Chuck Decoste

Coordinators/Volunteers/Guests present:

Brian Doyle Gary Lacroix Pete Barbella

Dave Collari Brian Miller Fran Richard

Laura Dauphinais Jen Regan Shawn Abetz

Rodi Adema Mike Gearty Ivan Pagacik

John Davis called the meeting to order at 7:40pm.

·  Roll Call (attendance)/Visitors

·  Review of Minutes from Last Meeting

o  The board approved the minutes from March 2nd minutes.

·  Open Positions

o  President – Brook Moore was nominated, seconded and voted in by a unanimous show of hands. John Davis ceded control of meeting to Brook.

Field Scheduler – Jen Regan was nominated, seconded and voted in by a unanimous show of hands.

o  These will be updated on the website.

·  Concessions – tabled

·  League Coordinators

o  TBall – Brian Doyle; 8 teams of 8 players. Still short a couple of coaches. A few are still missing their CORI forms.

o  Baseball Rookie – Mike Gearty; teams will be finalized tonight; eight teams of 9 players. Two coaches need to be CORI’ed

o  Baseball Minors – Larry Frisoli. Draft is Friday April 1st; 9:30pm at Frisoli residence. Three teams.

o  Majors 60 – Ed McCarthy; five teams. Coached are ID’ed. Draft will held Sunday April 3rd or Monday April 5th. Place TBD

o  Major 70 – Paul Macgregor will have two teams. Draft is next week.

o  Babe Ruth – Gary Wilson; 13 year old team in Patriot League and a 13-15 y-o team in the Minuteman League. Rosters are due April 10th. April 16th and the week of April 25th (Patriot)

o  Rookie SB – Tony Cunha; 35 girls; 4 teams and coaches have been selected.

o  Minor SB – Rob Warner; 4 teams and have been selected. A few rules changes in the Cortland but not major concerns.

o  Major SB – Bernie Lane three teams and have been picked. Schedule is being determined.

o  Senior SB – Bernie Lane has 14 signed up and 8 are committed. One team will be fielded.


o  Laura needs to be updated in real time regarding any changes to coaches and board/coordinator lists. Due the end of March.

·  Jet Field/Pod Update

o  Ivan has received approval to set a pod at Jet Field. Estimates have come in at around $500. LYSA was contacted for storage of portable mound in the trailer there. Approval from LYSA is pending. This will free up funds for ticket booth updates.

·  Registration Update

o  Fran Richard; overall 7% decrease from last year. Eight rookies are listed as unpaid but these are T Ball registrants and owe the extra balance (three paid today). Once team rosters and coaches are have been confirmed it needs to be sent to Jen for posting on website.

·  Coaches Clinic

o  Bill Peterson coordinated this previously. Scott Amet at At Bats is our contact. Tom Furlong will discuss this with At Bats this weekend. Format is usually split by level being coached.

·  Treasurer’s Report (Tom Furlong)

o  $27000 (P&R) including payment of field maintenance and scraping of Jet Field. Portable mound has been ordered. Chuck is getting equipment order finalized.

o  $38000 (Booster); down payment of Spinners and CPA fees (tax prep and updates).

·  Sponsorship (Tom Furlong)

o  Chuck Decoste and Tom Furlong met last night and split it up. Some repeats have contacted the league. Other new requests are coming in. Sponsor money goes right into the Booster account.

·  Practice Scheduling

o  Jen Regan met with Peter Marek (last year’s scheduler). Suggested to follow last year’s process. Ed McCarthy has worked up a novel process. This will need to be reviewed by the board and then voted on.

o  Jen will send last year’s schedule to the coordinators.

o  Ivan anticipates Macintosh game schedule on Monday, March 28th. Ivan will forward that to Ed McCarthy so umpires can be coordinated.

·  Equipment

·  MAC League

o  Bat restriction was lifted.

·  Equipment – Shed

o  Ten keys for shed behind Town Hall were made but not all are accounted for. Keys need to be collected and then re-distributed to coordinators and president.

·  Calendar Update

o  Shawn Abetz would like to propose May 14th for Photo Day. A vendor was selected (same as last year). Shawn will hold on to Sponsor Plaques. Approved.

o  Spinners’ game is on the calendar (Sunday, June 26th).

o  Can Day is May 7th.

·  MAC League (Ivan Pagacik)

o  Coaches’ Meeting is April 11th. All coaches need to attend. Location to be communicated.

o  Change to play-offs. Cost of umpires will be split between the two teams.

o  Season starts April 25th and goes until June 10th.

·  Equipment Shed – Keys

o  Most coordinators have keys. Larry F. does not have a key.

·  Equipment (Tom Furlong)

o  Inventory will be known this weekend.

o  Orders for new equipment will follow.

o  Portable mound has been ordered.

o  Chuck is getting equipment orders together.

o  A sample of the drying agent will be ordered to assess for this year.

·  Equipment Apparel - tabled

·  Eagle Scout Project Update

o  Scout has responded. He is putting together the plan and list. Once the Boy Scout Council approves the plan it can be reviewed/approved by LYBS Board via email.

·  Tournament Team Selection Process

o  Ivan made changes (hi-lited) and circulated to LYBS Board prior to meeting. Discussion centered on how to split up ages and the “voting universe.” Regarding the voting universe discussion, some felt the language was unclear especially regarding whether or not assistant coaches vote or just provide consultation.

o  Ivan will incorporate feedback and will be discussed at the next board meeting.

·  New Business

o  Can Day (Ed McCarthy) – May 7th; Transfer Station, Shell Station, Donelans, Middle School; Larry Frisoli will contact Citgo at the west end of town.

§  At the Middle School – Only the oldest kids and only two at a time and only approach once they leave. Request for parents to be there.

§  Schedule needs to be put together. Ed can help with this but he cannot be there on that day.

o  Kid Umpire Sign Up Night (Ed McCarthy) – 8th grade and up; Tuesday, March 29th at the KIVA Room (LHS). Bernie Lane provided some comments and concerns. Ed will make sure to address this with the volunteers.

o  Safety/New Coaches Meeting. Gary Wilson will discuss with Dan Conceison. John Davis to reserve room.

·  Next meeting

o  April 14th – 7:30pm; John Davis to reserve the LPD CR

·  Meeting adjourned

o  9:45pm