19TH MARCH 2007
The Meeting commenced at 16:30 pm and concluded at 17.45 pm
Councillor Jeff Allen – Elected Member (Chairman)
Colvin Aldous – Governor Representative (Vice-Chairman)
Councillor Mrs Sandra Moore – Elected Member
Iain Stokes – SLM/Ashdown Leisure Centre
Peter Cotton – School Advice & Support Services
Karl Miles – SLM
Mrs Elizabeth Jones – Ashdown Technology College
Keith Newman – Ashdown Technology College
Clive Smith – Leisure Services
Anthony Rogers – Leisure Services
Lisa Gardner – Legal & Democratic Services
Members of the public present: 0
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Peter Adams (Elected Member), Bill Craig (Governor Representative), Danielle Batty (Student Representative), Tom Darlington (User Representative/Poole Hockey Club), Kelvan Finch (SLM) and Jennie Sykes (Poole Athletics Club).
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th January 2007, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
The Chairman welcomed Anthony Rogers, Recreation Manager (Leisure Services), to his first meeting of the Ashdown Community Use Management Committee and confirmed that Anthony would be working closely with SLM and both of the Schools on the Leisure Centre Partnership.
Perimeter Fencing
The Chairman proposed that consideration be given to taking a collaborative approach to funding completion of the perimeter fencing with a view to strengthening the business case presented to the Planning Obligations Working Party (eg, contributions could be sought from Leisure Services/SLM/Ashdown Technology College/Haymoor Middle School and School Advice & Support Services). There was a need to identify the remaining sections of fencing requiring completion and to obtain preliminary costings -
That Iain Stokes & Keith Newman identify the sections of perimeter fencing requiring completion (including priority areas) and obtain preliminary costings.
Athletics Track
Iain Stokes reported that no further discussions had taken place to date with Poole Athletics Club with regard to the issues raised during the full risk assessment of the Athletics Track in July 2006. A tear had emerged in the track surface presenting a potential trip-hazard and a key issue was how resurfacing would be funded at a likely cost of £12,000. Track officials might also rule that meetings were not held until the track had been repaired.
That further consideration be given to repairing the Athletics Track as a priority.
Tennis/Netball Courts
Ashdown Technology College had been informed of an incident at a local School where a pupil had broken a leg on a similar surface to the Tennis/Netball Courts and a report was awaited on the incident. The School was seeking to use the Tennis/Netball Courts during the next academic term although might be prevented from doing so in the near future due to health and safety concerns.
Members agreed that a risk assessment of the Tennis/Netball Courts should be undertaken as a priority and completed collectively by Ashdown Technology College, Leisure Services and SLM.
The Committee concurred with the suggestion that consideration be given to transforming the Tennis Courts into a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) to extend the community use of the resource. A business case could be presented to the Planning Obligations Working Party to seek funding illustrating how further income would be generated by the MUGA, with consideration given to exploring additional sources of funding (eg, from the Lottery/Sports England/Football Foundation etc).
(i)That a risk assessment be undertaken on the current condition of the Tennis/Netball Courts conducted collectively by Ashdown Technology College, Leisure Services and SLM;
(ii)That quotations be obtained by Iain Stokes for (i) upgrading the surface to improve safety and (ii) transforming the Tennis Courts into a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA);
(iii)That consideration be given to submitting an application for funding to the Planning Obligations Working Party illustrating how further income would be generated by a MUGA and to exploring additional sources of funding (eg Sports England/The Lottery/The Football Foundation).
A discussion took place with regard to the Leisure Centre improvements during which members noted the following –
- The works were scheduled to commence on 19th June after examinations had been held and would be completed over 18 weeks;
- Further consideration would be given to potential use of the vacant space above the studio as the scheme progressed;
- The access doors to the upstairs would remain as they were currently, but access to the School Canteen and Learning Support Centre would be restricted.
That Iain Stokes and Keith Newman undertake a tour of the campus to consider the improvement works/ health safety aspects/ fire escapes, etc.
Health & Safety Certificate
Members were informed that Anne Murphy, Business Manager at Ashdown Technology College, had requested that a copy of the Contractor’s Health & Safety Certificate be provided before the capital works commenced -
That Iain Stokes provides a copy of the Contractor’s Health & Safety Certificate to Anne Murphy, Business Manager at Ashdown Technology College prior to commencement of the capital works.
Community Hall Access
Keith Newman highlighted concerns over the security of the School building since the premises were fully accessible through the Community Hall doors. Members noted that the doors also served as a fire exit and suggested consideration was given to improving security, eg, by installing an electrical system through which the fire doors opened when the alarms were activated and at other times keeping the doors locked.
That Keith Newman & Iain Stokes explore how the doors to the Community Hall could be modified to improve security.
Members were informed of the continuing problem with the accumulation of litter around the campus which had become more apparent since litter pickers had stopped attending the site. The School had informed pupils of the effects of litter in the community but felt further consideration could be given to arrangements for litter collection on the Campus.
That further consideration be given to the arrangements for litter collection on the Campus.
Role of the Community Use Management Committees (CUMC’S)
Clive Smith reported that a Stakeholder Survey had been drafted for members of the CUMC’s to provide views on the future roles of the Committees and copies would be issued to Members in the coming weeks.
A discussion took place with regard to the future role of the CUMC’s during which Members highlighted the following points:-
- The Questionnaire could be issued to other key Stakeholders for feedback;
- Councillor representation on the CUMC’s assisted in keeping Elected Members informed of local developments;
- The Sports Council could be represented on both of the CUMC’s;
- A draft structure for user involvement had been presented previously to the Rossmore CUMC for consideration; and
- SLM had established User Groups for many of the Leisure Centres and could introduce similar arrangements for the Ashdown & Rossmore Leisure Centres.
(i) That a draft Stakeholder Survey be provided to members of the CUMC’s in the coming weeks; and
(ii)That an update be provided to a future meeting.
Iain Stokes, Senior Manager, Ashdown Leisure Centre provided a (i) Performance Monitoring Report – Poole Contract 2006/07& (ii) an income statement per area 2006/07 and drew attention to the following:-
- The total attendance at the Leisure Centre for 2006/07 to date was around 2,000 less than for the same period for 2005/06, with a month-on-month reduction of around 10%, but the pattern was expected to reverse following the redevelopment;
- Memberships had declined during February due to confusion amongst customers over additional payments for activities;
- Improved vending machines had resulted in a marked increase in sales since September;
- Card payment facilities had been introduced and Quest accreditation was to be sought for all 3 Leisure Centres;
- The Leisure Centre had been awarded 88% following a recent Health & Safety standard inspection;
- A computerised booking system was to be introduced for all 3 Leisure Centres in June enabling bookings to be made on the internet and a link would be added to the Borough of Poole website.
Anthony Rodgers proposed that previous years’ income figures were provided at future meetings to enable comparison and Members concurred with this suggestion -
(i) That the Leisure Centre Manager’s reported be noted; and
(ii) That previous years’ income figures be provided at future meetings.
Summer Community Activities
Peter Cotton confirmed that during the Summer 2006, School Advice & Support Services and Leisure Services had provided community activities on Sundays, funded mainly through the lottery with a small fee charged per session. Schools had issued questionnaires to pupils with many indicating that they would like to participate in activities at the Leisure Centres.
Anthony Rodgers confirmed that the Recreation Team was involved in the Football Focus Scheme alongside other School-based initiatives and the County Sports Partnership could be approached to provide coaches for activities.
Members agreed that further consideration should be given to whether community activities could also be offered this Summer -
That Peter Cotton, Anthony Rogers, Virginia Bailey and SLM explore whether community activities could be provided during this Summer.
Monday 11 June at 4:30pm at Ashdown Technology College.