Curriculum vitae
1994-1995Courses of Qualitative researches methods at Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia
1966University of Latvia, obtained a MA degree in philology (Latvian language and Literature
Academic Employment
From 1992University of Latvia agency “Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia”
The previous work experience
1990-1992Director’s assistant at the Livonian historical State Protection “Līvod Rānda”
1987-1990Coordinator of “People’s Archive” project at the Latvian Culture Foundation
1977-1987Editor at the publishing office of Encyclopedia
1975-1975Head of the department at the Ventspils Historical Museum
1969-1975Editor at Latvian television
1966-1969Teacher of Latvian language and literature at secondary school, Zentene, Tukums region
Social appointment
From 1997Chear of NGO “Dzīvesstāsts” (Life-story), Latvian oral history researchers association
The research themes oral history, life-story, biography, gender approach, values in the life stories, individual, ethnic and cultural identities, regional identity
Research grants
- Executor in European Regional Development Fund project No. 2010/0195/2DP/ „The development of Capacity and Promotion of International Cooperation of Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia”, 3. activity (2011.09.- 2012.03.);
- Researcher in Latvian Council of Science Fund No. 09.1531 “Formation of consciousness of national identity after the reestablishing of independence in Latvia: tendencies and factors”, 2010-2013;
- Researcher in National Research Programme „National Identity (language, Latvian history, culture and human security)”, Project no. 3, 2010-2014;
- Researcher in National Research Programme“Letonika” (Latvian Studies):studies of history, language and culture, project no. 1.13. Collective and individual identity in life stories, 2005-2008, 2009;
Conduction of international projects and cooperation
2009-2012Coordination of Nordplus Framework Programme “Education through Oral History Fieldwork”
From 1997In collaboration with Information Centre of USA in Riga the project of web-page
1994-1996In collaboration with the Nordic Council in Riga the photo exhibition “The identity of Livonian in life- stories” has been demonstrated in Norway, Island, and Finland
1993In collaboration with the Nordic Information Bureau field- work and seminars in Oslo, and Halmar, Norway; Collaboration with the Norway’ Ethnology Center at Oslo University, the Norway Gerontology research center in Oslo, the Museum of Norwegian Emigration in Halmar (Norway)
1990Field-work expeditions and seminars in London’s, UK, and USA, Canada; collaboration with Indiana’s university, in Bloomington, USA
Other Activities
From 1991Managing and participation in field-work expeditions “Life stories in Latvia’s regions” (e.g., in Latvia: Saldus district (2010) Turlava’s district (2006, 2007), in Varkava’s district (2005); outside of Latvia: Gr. Britain “Latvian exile’s life stories” (2011, 2010) Sweden „Looking for Curonians” (2007), „Changing Identities: Latvians in Sweden” (2007), in Lithuania „Looking for Curonians” (2004).
From 1995 Organizing of international workshop “Multidisciplinary approaches to the life-stories, oral history research”
Arranged books
Zirnīte, Māra. Lībieši Ziemeļkurzemes ainavā. (Livonians in Northern Kurzeme). Rīga: Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde, 2011. P. 107.
Oral History: Migration and Local Identities. Ed. by Ieva Garda-Rozenberga and Mara Zirnite. Riga: National Oral History, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2011. P. 253.
Mēs nebraucām uz Zviedriju, lai kļūtu par zviedriem. (We didn’t go to Sweden to become Swedes). Ed. by Bela, BaibaandZirnite, Mara.Riga:Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia,2010. P. 335.
Oral History Sources of Latvia. History, Culture and Society through Life Stories. Ed. by Zirnite, Mara and Hinkle, Maija. Riga: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2003, 2nd ed. 2005. P. 228.
Spogulis: Latvijas mutvārdu vēsture. Dzīvesstāsti: vēsture, kultūra, sabiedrība (Miracle: the OH of Latvia. Life stories: history, culture, society). Ed. by Mara Zirnite. Rīga: National Oral History, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2007. P. 357.
Spogulis: Latvijas mutvārdu vēsture (Miracle: the OH of Latvia) Ed. by Mara Zirnite. Rīga: National Oral History, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2001. P.293.
Through the Eyes of a Child, the book arrangement by Mara Zirnite, published by the “Latvia during 50 years of Occupation” Museum Foundation, Riga 1997.
Chapters in books
Mara Zirnite. Curonian Language in Sweden: Saved by Migration. In: Oral History: Migration and Local Identities. Ed. by Ieva Garda-Rozenberga and Mara Zirnite. Riga: National Oral History, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2011, pp. 213-221.
Zirnīte, Māra. Dzīvesstāstu ekspedīcijas pie latviešiem zviedru zemē. (The field-works for Latvian life stories in Sweden). In: Mēs nebraucām uz Zviedriju, lai kļūtu par zviedriem. (We didn’t go to Sweden to become Swedes). Ed. by Bela, Baiba. Riga, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2010, pp. 105-148.
Zirnīte, Māra.Paaudzes dzīvesstāsts trimdā un Latvijā (The story of generation in exile and Latvia). Kultūras identitāte dimensijas. (The admeasurement of culture identity). Ed. by Krūmina-Koņkova, Solveiga and Mara Zirnite. Riga:Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2011, pp. 189- 206.
Zirnīte, Māra. Dzīvesstāstu pētniecības ekspedīcijas pie latviešiem Norvēģijā un Zviedrijā. (Life Story field-works among Latvians in Norway and Sweden).In: Letonika. Otrais kongress. Nacionālā mutvārdu vēsture. Reliģiskās idejas Latvijā. Otrā grāmata. Sast. B. Bela, M. Zirnīte un A. Podmazovs. Rīga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2008, 88.-103. lpp.
Zirnīte, Māra. Vārkaviešu dzīvesstāsti. (The Life stories in Varkava). In: Vārkava. Tradicionālā kultūra un mūsdienas. Sast. J. Kursīte un J. Stauga. Rīga: Madris, 2008, 287.-299.lpp.
Zirnīte, Māra. Konfrontācija ar varu rucavnieka Miķeļa Bidiņa dzīvesstāstos (Confrontation with power in the life story of Mikelis Bidins, Rucava, South Kurzeme). In: Kultūra un Vara. Raksti par valodu, literatūru, tradicionālo kultūru. Sast. J. Kursīte un J.Stauga. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2007, 74.-82. lpp.
Zirnite, Mara. Livonian life-story – source of Identity. In:Lives, Histories and Identities I. Tartu: University of Tartu and Estonian Literary Museum, 2002, pp. 38-56.
Articles in scientific journals
Zirnīte, Māra. Reģionālā identitāte mutvārdu vēstures skatījumā. (The regional identity from the view of Oral History). Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 2005, Vol. 5, pp. 8-22.
Zirnīte, Māra. Dzīvesstāsti – identitātes avoti par sēļiem un Sēliju (Life Stories –a source of identity of Selonians and Selia).Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 2001, Vol. 5/6 (55), pp. 128-139.
Zirnīte, Māra. Lībieši mutvārdu vēstures avotos (The Lives as represented in the sources of the Latvian oral history). Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 2000, Vol. ¾ (54), pp. 84-95.
Zirnīte, Māra. Nacionālā mutvārdu vēsture: modelis un interpretācija (National oral history: the Latvian model and interpretation). Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 1996, Vol. 4/5 (50), pp. 138-142.
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