The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Heathfield Junior School

Minutes of the meeting of the Full Governing Body held at the school on

26 June 2013 at 6:45pm

Constitution/Membership and Attendance

LA – 3/3 / PARENTS – 6/6 / COMMUNITY – 4/4 / STAFF – 4/4
Munira Wilson / Steve Croad / Graham Dearman / Paul Clayton
Asad Mahmood / Peter Ficken / Shazia Fletcher / Amy Homer
John Coombs / Joan Gibson / Fatima Amjad / Keith Willoughby
Jackie Marson / Caroline Davies / Jessica Fisher
Biola Oladejo
Helen Stiles

bold = absent

Apologies: S Croad, M Wilson

Absent without apologies: P Ficken, A Mahmood

Also attended: Christine Bhika - Clerk

Christine Morgan - Associate Member

Warren Wilkinson - Independent Education Advisor

Ashley Aryee - Prospective Community Governor

1.2 / Apologies and Membership
Warren Wilkinson and Ashley Aryee were introduced to the meeting. Warren’s role is to enhance the governors’ understanding educational data and supporting their role in effectively challenging the School. These agenda items will be dealt with first. Ashley joined the meeting as a prospective community governor.
It was announced that AH will not be renewing her membership in September, creating a vacancy for a teacher governor. FA is resigning at the end of this academic year. Apologies were received and accepted as recorded above. No apologies were received from PF or AM. JF sent apologies for being late. KW was re-elected unopposed as staff governor. / ACTIONS
2. / Notification of Any Other Business
·  Performance Management Policy
·  Contract with Pride.
3. / Declaration of Interests
There were no declarations for this meeting.
4. / Minutes of the previous meeting – 15 May 2013
The minutes were signed and agreed as a true reflection of the meeting.
5.1 / Matters Arising
Progress Weeks have now been set and sent out to all governors.
5.2 / The joint matter of the boiler maintenance contract has now been resolved.
5.3 / All other actions from the meeting were completed.
6.1 / Sub Committee Reports
Sites and Buildings
JC reported the committee had agreed to the following work being carried out during the summer holidays;
·  Refurbishment of pupil’s toilets and washrooms,
·  Replacement of old windows and doors, which will help energy efficiency,
·  Completion of the perimeter fence and widening of pedestrian gate,
·  Refurbishment of the Language Unit classroom.
6.2 / KW reported that since the meeting the health and safety inspection had passed with an outstanding.
6.3 / Finance and Personnel
JC reported that the committee was recommending the final draft budget for approval by the FGB. Governors formally approved the budget. The Surplus Balance was signed by the Chair. These are to be submitted to the Finance Department. / Agreed
7.1 / Update on Infant Headship
As the Infant Headteacher has resigned, it was announced that PC will become their Interim Headteacher from September until a Headteacher is appointed. An open discussion followed. Governors wanted assurance that there will be no negative impact on the Junior School as a result. PC will remain Head of the Juniors and he reminded governors that a strong leadership team has been built over the last few years and he has no concern that there would be any detrimental effect. Governors agreed but will monitor the situation along with the management team. / Agreed
7.2 / Governors questioned what changes to the staff structure would be necessary if this was made a permanent arrangement. PC noted that this is currently a temporary arrangement and staff structure would be considered when necessary. However, governors felt it would be prudent to be prepared as a Governing Body if we were approached by the Infants to either federate or amalgamate. An action was therefore set to invite Graham Willett to the next Full Governing Body meeting who was felt could advise the Governing Body on these matters. / Action
8.1 / Head’s Report with support from Warren (This item was discussed first)
Governors had received the report prior to the meeting. PC was asked to explain the data on pupil’s achievement. JG requested that results are reported as a cumulative figure, so that progression could be seen.
8.2 / Jessica joined the meeting at this point at 6:50pm. BO and SF both joined the meeting at 6:55pm. Governors questioned why data from one class showed lower progression than the rest in the year group. One explanation for this is the higher proportion of EAL pupils in that class and it was explained that this was one of the reasons for the class reorganization that was currently taking place. Clarification was sought for why some of the results were divided into four groups instead of three, the reason was that they benefited from an extra support group in that subject. FA arrived at this point in the meeting at 7pm. It was agreed that the cumulative data would be included for the report at the next FGB meeting. Governors were encouraged to be familiar with both the OFSTED and FFT dashboards. The OFSTED dashboard is public and can be accessed from their website when entering the school’s postcode. FFT data is obtainable from the School. / PC
8.3 / Governors checked that level 4 figures for written English were fully accepted and were told yes. As one of the moderators, CM checks the marking. Schools are moderated externally every 4 years to ensure levels and marking are accurate. Governors congratulated the School on another good result and the continued improvement of 1%. Governors asked whether or not there would be any level 6s achieved. Level 6 pupils are registered as G&T.
8.4 / The Quality of Teaching section was discussed in detail, including the new performance management policy. Governors observed that the two example targets shared were too much like tasks. PC explained that the summary sheet was a record of discussion between the appraiser and appraisee and the suggested areas for development would form the basis of the final PM targets for each teacher. Governors also questioned what would specifically make a ‘good’ grade 2 an outstanding. It was felt it would be good to capture what could turn the good into an outstanding grade. It was agreed that the Head will report this PM information to governors in future. Governors need to consider whether teachers are giving ‘best value’ i.e. are the most experienced teachers the best teachers? It was noted that this is often covered by F&P committee. Governors asked how the Teachers’ Summary document relates the pay awards. PC explained that this is still to be finally confirmed and will be set out in the Pay Policy (tba). Governors noted review of the Performance Management and Pay Policy is to be done annually.
8.5 / Behaviour and Safety of Pupils – absence rate has gone up slightly this year from 4.26 to 4.56. However, this trend was reflected nationwide in the autumn term. The persistent absence figure was requested, this will be presented in the SAP. One fixed term exclusion, the same pupil as last term. This pupil has spent a large proportion of the term in the behavioural unit, which has enabled the pupil to complete her primary education. The Oldfield Behavioural Unit closes at the end of this term but will be replaced by the new hub.
8.6 / Leadership Management – Keith Tysoe visited the school for a learning walk. The process was explained, he checks that PC’s judgments are accurate. The result of this exercise was distributed to all governors at this point. It was reported that Keith Tysoe agreed with the vast majority of PC’s judgments. JF explained the Literacy Marking Policy. Maths marking will be developed in the same fashion. Governors did not understand why there is not an industry wide “best practice” method of marking, and after being told one is not available, still did not understand why not. Governors requested that updates on curriculum and year group leadership should be included in this section in future reports.
8.7 / An additional five pupils will be added to the 119 from the infants who will join the school from the Infants in September. In addition to the new staff mentioned in the report, a new NQT has been appointed to replace Hannah Jones. Cory Smith will be leading in Music, his degree is in performing arts.
9.1 / Governor Action for SAP 2013-14 with support from Warren
JG reflected on the monitoring by governors and felt it was important that a purpose of this monitoring was understood by all. After detailed discussion it was decided that the individual governors that were involved in the process gained a better understanding of aspects of the school i.e. monitoring of teaching and learning and use of data. It was also agreed that there should be a regular structure to feedback the governors’ views of the monitoring process. It was agreed that governors’ involvement in the Progress Weeks adds value and will be developed further in next year’s School Action Plan. See Evaluation Section of SAP 2012-2013 and SAP 2013-14. Next year’s progress weeks are now published, a minimum of two governors are needed for each progress week. Governors are to inform CB which one (and which bit) they are going to by 21 July 2013. Governors to understand that they are not monitoring things they are not qualified to monitor such as lesson quality (although all observations are welcomed and valued), but are reviewing the school as a whole and whether the school’s monitoring and management is robust.
10.1 / Evaluation of SAP
JF took governors through the evaluation of Speaking and Listening Priority. She reported that in terms of impact the signs are positive. Official assessments for speaking and listening now have to be reported on to the secondary schools. It has been noticed that children’s answers in assembly are more thought out. Governors asked whether there was a gender difference in pupil’s speaking and listening ability, however there is not an obvious trend. It was suggested that Teaching Assistants could be used to collect data on this. There was a discussion on how parents can support speaking and listening. It was agreed that a question on this will be included in the survey.
10.2 / Governors were taken through the Think Link and Art priority B by AH. She explained in detail the system taken on board for Think Link, which is made up of geography and history subjects. Governors questioned what evidence there is of impact, and the silver, bronze, gold system was explained. Governors asked what systems other schools use. Although it is unknown what other primary schools use, this model was developed from the system used by Twickenham Academy.
10.3 / The last priority on pupil’s behaviour outside of the classroom was discussed. It was reported that surveys have been completed by visitors and supply teachers and the general feedback has been very good. It was reported, while on school journey, that very positive feedback had been received on pupil’s behaviour. The success of the SMSA team is shown by the huge reduction in the number of children exhibiting disruptive behaviour. Whether or not pupil’s behaviour could be evaluated as good or outstanding was discussed. What is stopping it from being outstanding should be stated in the SEF.
11.1 / Communication of Expansion and Building Updates
Lengard, the builders, have reported that they are currently on schedule in Section 1 of the new build and slightly behind in Section 4 (reception). At the moment any delay can be accommodated. Teachers reported that the only inconvenience is when classes have to use the field. It is not impacting on class time.
12.3 / Any Other Business
The contract for the catering company, Pride, is due for renewal. As they have proved successful in increasing the take up of school meals from 916 for June 2010 to 2,814 for June 2013, it was agreed to renew their contract. It was also reported they have dealt very well with the change in kitchen facilities.
Performance Management policy was adopted in full.
JG thanked both FA and AH for their contribution to the Governing Body and presented them with gifts as a thank you. It is the end of a successful year and PC thanked the Governing Body for their input over the past year. / Agreed
13. / Dates of Future Meetings
CB is to send out a draft of meeting dates, once Governor Support have released the meeting planner. It was agreed times and days would be set as follows:
·  FGB Wednesdays at 6:45pm
·  F&P Wednesdays at 7pm
·  S&B Mondays 4:15 pm. However, CB stated that generally, she is only available until 5pm, it was therefore agreed that governors record the meeting on the occasions that she is unavailable.
·  SAP Tuesdays at 6:45pm / CB

The meeting ended at 9 pm.

Summary of Actions and Agreements
6.3 / The final budget was approved by governors. / Agreed
7.1 / Governors agreed to PC becoming Interim Head for the Infant/Nursery School / Agreed
7.2 / Graham Willett to be invited to the next FGB meeting. / FGB
8.2 / PC to add cumulative progression data to the next Heads report, / PC
8.5 / Report persistent absence figures to SAP. / PC
8.6 / Include extended leadership performance in next Heads Report. / PC
9.1 / Agree governors’ method of reporting back from progress weeks. / JG
9.1 / Governors to select and book their dates for attending progress weeks and inform CB. / Governors
10.1 / Any difference in levels between boys and girls speaking and listening skills to be reported to SAP. / PC
10.1 / Question about improvement in S&L to be included in Parent Survey / PC
12.1 / Agreed to renew the catering contract with Pride. / Agreed
12.2 / Performance Management policy formally approved and adopted. / Agreed
13 / CB to send out draft of meeting dates for next academic year. / CB

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Signed ______(Chair) Date______