Online Course Review Tool
Online Course Review Tool
This tool includes review items in four major areas: Course Design, Course Implementation, Interactions, and Assessment[1]. The items are based on best practices for the design and implementation of online courses. We recommend that you look for evidence of all of the items; if any are not evident in your review of the course, you can ask about them in your post-review meeting.
Scoring Guidelines
3 / 2 / 1Very evident throughout the course / Evident during most, but not all, of the course / Not evident in the course
Course Design
Score- The course site makes course requirements transparent, and includes course objectives, learning outcomes, assessment methods, materials information, and participation expectations.
- The course is well organized and easy to navigate; the design visually guides and directs students’ attention. It is clear where students are to begin the course, and how they can get help during the course. Content is made available to students in manageable segments (e.g., units) that are logically sequenced.
- Unit-level learning outcomes and learning activities are aligned with course-level outcomes.
- Learning activities utilize credible resources in a variety of formats; e.g., voiceover presentations, streaming video, audio or video recordings, case studies, e-books.
- The course site includes expectations for assignment completion and submission, grading policies, and instructor response time for questions and grading student work.
- Minimum student technology competencies, skills, and requirements for the course are clearly stated. Links or explanations of technical support are available on the course site.
- The course adequately addresses the needs of students with disabilities via alternative instructional strategies and/or referral to special institutional resources.
- The course includes an opportunity for students to provide feedback on course elements at least once during, but before the end, of the course.
Comments on Course Design:
Scoring Guidelines
3 / 2 / 1Very evident throughout the course / Evident during most, but not all, of the course / Not evident in the course
Course Implementation
Score- The instructor contacts students at the beginning of the term to provide information on how students are to access the course and begin the first unit.
- One of the first assignments requires students to explore the course requirements and introductory materials. Another early assignment requires students to introduce themselves to the other students and instructor.
- The instructor uses announcements to keep the class current and build community, and keeps the online calendar current to remind students of upcoming deadlines.
- The instructional materials have sufficient depth in content and are sufficiently comprehensive for students to meet the learning outcomes. Materials are in formats appropriate for the online environment.
- The instructor provides clear instructions on how to utilize course components and/or complete each course assignment.
- Course assignments provide students with ample opportunities to practice and apply concepts and skills in realistic and relevant ways that reinforce learning outcomes.
Comments on Course Implementation:
Score- The course includes ample opportunities for interaction and communication, student to student, student to instructor and student to content. These opportunities utilize appropriate tools (e.g., discussion boards, chats, web conferences) and meaningful prompts that require thoughtful application of course content.
- Learning activities are designed to encourage/require students to initiate communication with the instructor and/or other students to attain learning objectives.
- The instructor clearly conveys expectations for appropriate interactions and models a positive communication style. The instructor monitors collaboration activities for respectfulness based on online communication standards and University behavior policies.
- The instructor responds to student questions promptly, consistent with the timeline for responses stated in syllabus.
Comments on Interactions:
Scoring Guidelines
3 / 2 / 1Very evident throughout the course / Evident during most, but not all, of the course / Not evident in the course
Score- The course includes formative assessments to determine whether students are keeping current with the class and learning the content.
- The course includes summative assessments to determine whether students are meeting the course learning outcomes.
- Assessments are varied in format (e.g., journals, essays, quizzes, projects, exams).
- The instructor provides constructive feedback on assignments and assessments within timeframes stated in the syllabus.
Comments on Assessment:
Overall comments on thecourse
© Arizona Board of Regents, 2014
[1]Items adapted from:
Illinois Online Network Quality Online Course Initiative,
Rubric for Online Instruction, California State University Chico,
Online Course Assessment Tool, Western Carolina University,
Online Course Review Rubric, University of Arkansas—Fort Smith,
Ternus, M.P., Palmer, K.L., & Faulk, D.R. (2007).Benchmarking quality in online teaching and learning: A rubric for Course Construction and Evaluation, Journal of Effective Teaching, 7(2), 51-67.