Course Description:

American History and Government is a one-year course that focuses on the study of American History from colonial times to the present with emphasis on common themes, such as; cultures, geography, economics, politics, religions, and government. This course will culminate with the NY State Regents examination in American History and Government.


In order to succeed and do well you need to develop and demonstrate the ability to use a variety of skills. These include: critical thinking, analytical thinking, drawing conclusions, recognizing points of view, map and chart reading, understanding bias, essay writing, logical thinking, and creativity. We will work on developing these together.

Homework & Assignments:

Homework is assigned to enforce concepts and themes taught in class. I do not assign busy work. Without doing homework you will not be successful in this class. It must be in blue or black ink, or in pencil. Homework is due at the beginning of each class the day it is due. Assignments not turned in at this time (except in cases of legal absences) will not count. I do enforce this policy strictly!


Homework – 10 to 100 points depending on size of assignment (20% of Total)

Quiz / Tests 100 - 200 points (45% of total)

Projects / Papers 50 – 100 (20% of total)

Class Participation 1-4 (15% of total)

Extra Credit projects totaled at 100 points per-semester. You are only eligible for extra credit if you have a passing average at the time.

I use infinite campus grade book so grades should be updated real-time.

Please allow 2 weeks for essays and major projects to be posted.


The purpose of you being in this class is to discover our history and to pass the regents exam in the summer. If I feel that you are doing anything to prohibit the learning of others in the classroom I will politely ask you to stop what you are doing and get back on task. If you continue to behave in such a manner you will be asked to leave, referrals will be issued, and administrators will deal with you. I will also talk to you about your behavior one on one and together we will work out someway to improve you attitude and the learning environment for all. If this measure fails, your parents will become involved in the matter. If you are late and the door is closed show your pass through the window and I will let you in. If you have no pass go to TRSH.

Electronic Equipment:

As per the electronics equipment policy I have the right to set my own policies in my class. I personally have no problem with the use of cell phones in class for the purpose of math, scheduling, surveys, or music when appropriate; just don’t use it when I am teaching. Important text messages and phone calls may be done however I ask you to simply step out into the hall to make the communication. Frequent interruptions will not be allowed.

Missing a day:

If you should miss a full day, you are to make up missed assignments the following day. If you only miss my class you are to arrange a time that day to take the quiz/test and get the homework. Do not expect me to chase you down and tell you what you have missed; this is not my responsibility it is yours.

You have 5 days to make up a missed exam before it becomes a zero.


You are expected to bring a 3 ring binder with separators and a notebook, pen/pencil, folder, and textbooks to every class. I have a three-ring hole puncher on my desk for you to use. Keep all tests assignments and quizzes for review later. Do not store anything in my classroom I will throw it out. I have a class set of books therefore you will not be lugging it back and forth.

Current Events:

As an educator I feel it is imperative for young people to be informed about issues that affect their lives. This is why there is a strong emphasis on current event issues in my classroom. Usually I will tie in a current event with a lesson or include a current event on a quiz or test as a bonus question. If you watch the news read the paper or browse the Internet’s news sites you should be well prepared for these questions.

I am here to help. If you have any questions about an assignment, or a grade or anything we have gone over in class, please stop by during one of my free periods, or after school.


Most materials are available on line at these websites:

This is my schedule. If you do not reach me please leave your contact information and I will do my best to get back to you within 24 hours.

Period / Times / Monday
1 / 7:30-8:15 / Internship*
2 / 8:20-9:00 / Internship*
3 / 9:05-9:45 / Internship*
4 / 9:50-10:30 / Regents US History
D - 24
5 / 10:35-11:15 / Regents US History
D - 24
6 / 11:20-12:00 / AP Gov/Econ
D - 24
7 / 12:05-12:45 / Social Studies D.I.C
8 / 12:50-1:30 / AP Gov/Econ
D - 24
9 / 1:30-2:15 / Regents US History
D - 24
Class Participation Rubric
Criteria / Points
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Attendance / Promptness / Student is always prompt and regularly attends classes. / Student is late to class once every two weeks and regularly attends classes. / Student is late to class more than once every two weeks and regularly attends classes. / Student is late to class more than once a week and/or has poor attendance of classes. / ____
Level Of Engagement In Class / Student proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions more than once per class. / Student proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions once per class. / Student rarely contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions. / Student never contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions. / ____
Listening Skills / Student listens when others talk, both in groups and in class. Student incorporates or builds off of the ideas of others. / Student listens when others talk, both in groups and in class. / Student does not listen when others talk, both in groups and in class. / Student does not listen when others talk, both in groups and in class. Student often interrupts when others speak. / ____
Behavior / Student almost never displays disruptive behavior during class. / Student rarely displays disruptive behavior during class. / Student occasionally displays disruptive behavior during class. / Student almost always displays disruptive behavior during class. / ____
Preparation / Student is almost always prepared for class with assignments and required class materials. / Student is usually prepared for class with assignments and required class materials. / Student is rarely prepared for class with assignments and required class materials. / Student is almost never prepared for class with assignments and required class materials. / ____
Total----> / ____