Thank you all who have and/or will offer suggestions for Meridian Township’s Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. The latest still draft is available for comment at

The following are some highlights from a Peer Review conducted on 12/22/16 with about 10 members of the Michigan Green Communities Climate Work Group.

  • Include a forward by a high ranking government official such as the Township Manager, Mayor (if applicable), or Chair of the Township Board
  • Highlight the economic development potential -- $ retained in the community, 6 to 1 return on investment, multiplier effect, etc. Matt Naud has a grad student report that might be helpful.
  • Include the resilience benefits (decreased dependence on fossil fuels, reduced climate change, reliability of grid, etc.)
  • Include metrics. Consumers Energy has been helpful in other communities in providing community-level data. Water data may be available from the East Lansing-Meridian Water and Sewer Authority and the Lansing Board of Water and Light.
  • Consider building a “Sustainability Team” with representatives across the organization (water, solid waste/recycling, planning, parks, forestry, utility, energy, parks, etc.)
  • Involve students – high school, college, etc. as interns – paid, for credit, unpaid, etc.
  • Traverse City has generated interest in their “Green Team” with all the publicity exposure of their 100% Renewables by 2020 Resolution. Example: Grand Rapids and Northport also have similar goals.
  • Kate Madigan and Jamie Kidwell-Brix have developed an excellent list of Climate Action Plans ( Small communities and townships often partner with neighboring municipalities. Meridian partners with E.L. on Water/Sewer and electrical inspections… perhaps this plan and action steps offer potential as well?
  • Ann Arbor builds sustainability in to City decision-making in a couple ways:
  • Capital improvements are rated in relation to their impact on 16 sustainability goals.
  • Resolutions include a brief paragraph describing both sustainability and budget implications.
  • Health impacts should be mentioned and MMPGS’s Health Impact Assessment Tool Kit ( Meridian’s form is here:
  • Some templates are being developed for Michigan communities by ______GLIN? Also, has some measured climate data (not just models) that may be available for the Lansing area. BJ (William Baule?) with GLISA may have this info
  • Bill McConnell, Meridian Environmental Commission, mentions that unfunded pension liabilities are strengthening the desire to save $.... i.e. energy savings can help with this goal. Bill also asked about balancing development and sustainability. Ideas included – helping businesses achieve their sustainability goals, including sustainability language in tax abatements, greening brownfield sites, offering fast tracking and tech assistance for “green” developments/buildings/landscaping.

Again, more comments, clarifications, and questions are very welcome. Thank you everyone!