Charity No. 103 0591
Newsletter January 2016
Happy New Year!We hope you had a great Christmas. All the staff would like to thank everyone for all the lovely Christmascards and presents they were given.
Pelynt Pre-school operates an open door policy and you are welcome to look at your childrens files at any time. Also we would really appreciateany achievements of the children’s to be written up on the leaves available in reception so that they can be shared with their friends at circle time and added to our WOW tree.
There is a Committee Meetingat Preschool on Thursday 28th January at 8pm. If you wish to attend please come along, if you are unable to attend but want to raise an issue please either speak to staff,Kim Alldritt (secretary) or Carol Gibbs (Chair).
Week 1: Settling In - Describing what we did at Christmas – If you have any photos please send them in for show and tell. (Likewise photos of special events are appreciated at any time to share at circle time) Learning to use positional language,
Week 2: Theme: Music. Musical Farm house attending, making shakers and learning ‘I’m a little teapot’ and ‘If you’re happy and you know it’.
Week 3: Theme -Farms and Animalsand the vets. Bubble wrap printing and learning Cows in the kitchen. Counting and comparing amounts.
Week 4: Theme - Occupations– Visits from Police, Fire Engine and hopefully lots of Parents (or Grandparents) coming in to share with the children what they do. Learning to draw Fire Engines.
Week 5 ThemeDisney and Health – Making crowns and tiaras and putting on dressing upclothes. Learning about healthy eating, tooth game, Lunch box game, Cutting out food, Looking at Shapes.
Week 6: Our Family,– Discussing different Families and different homes and how our families help us. Collaging homes, drawing families and making valentines cards.
Please make sure children have suitable coats, waterproofs, hats, wellies etc… so that we can take advantage of outdoor play. Please make sure that namesare clearly markedon all items of clothing. There is uniform available for those that need them.Book bags are £4, T-shirts are £5, polo shirts £10 and fleeces are £15. Please can you ensure each child brings a bag of some sort for their painting and creations.
Please see the menu for this term in the entrance hall, if you wish to see what your child has had for snack. We are very proud of our level 5 Nipper Nutrition Award, as part of this if your child attends for lunch please be aware that we will always have milk and water available for them to drink and that we would like them to bring a piece of fruit or veg. Dried fruit inc. raisinsand especially purees don’t count as they are very bad for their teeth but are fine as their treat. Can you also please make sure that use put ice blocks in your childrens lunch boxes to keep their food cool.
Pre-School are running a Library every Wednesday AM so please help your child to choose a book.
We would really appreciate your involvement with the preschool. It is beneficial to your child’s care and development for you to be as involved as possible with their early development. We have put up a rotafor you to enter your name. We realise this is not possible for everyone and perhaps not suitable until your child has settled in but would love to see you if and when convenient.This is a good opportunity to look at your child’s learning journeys and speak with your keyworker.
Please remember, if your child is either sick, has an upset tummy or diarrhoea they must be kept away from Pre-School for a minimum of 48 hours from the last episode of illness. This not only helps limit cross contamination for the other children but helps Pre-school stay open with happy healthy staff.
We will have a bag2school collection at the end of next half term so please try to save any clothes, shoes, soft toys etc… until then as this can be a good fundraiser for us.
If you do any shopping online please remember that Pelynt Preschool are registered with easyfundraising and that if you enter your shopping sites via easyfundraising then we may well be able to get a % sent to us. This does NOT affect how much you pay and we automatically get a cheque once a year.
Also please remember that you have all signed the photo consent form which informs us of your wishes regarding images of your child and states that:
I agree that any photographic or video images I as a parent or legal guardian might take at
Pre-school events will not be used inappropriately. E.g. Not being put on social networking sites.
I might also add that this may extend to adults and staff members too, please make sure that you have the permission of anybody on the photos before you put them online.
The Club have asked us to remind you that you must park in the correct parking spaces when using the Club Car Park, there are spaces allocated for Club, Joes and School. There are no spaces allocated for Pre-school.
Our last day this half term is Friday 12th February and we are back on Monday 22nd February.