It is a requirement of the South African School’s Act (No. 84 of 1996) that the governing body of a public school “adopt a Code of Conduct for the learners…aimed at establishing a purposeful and disciplined school environment, dedicated to the improvement and maintenance of the quality of the learning process”. Additionally it states that “nothing contained in this Act exempts a learner from the obligation to comply with the Code of Conduct of the school attended by such a learner”.
MILNERTON PRIMARY is committed to the pursuit of excellence in education, embracing academic, cultural and sporting principles, as well as a sense of service to the community.Our Code of Conduct requires learners, parents and staff to adhere to an agreed set of norms and values, and to accept responsibility in promoting an atmosphere of mutual respect.
We embrace a process of positive and restorative discipline at Milnerton Primary School. When a learner is in contravention of the Code of Conduct, the school will embrace a flexible approach, within the boundaries of the Code. The school will act within the best interests of the learner and the school in the application of disciplinary measures. Potential sanctions that are stipulated in this Code will be applied at the discretion of the Principal and /or Governing Body.
Notwithstanding the fact that a certain act or omission is not specifically covered by this Code of Conduct, any act or omission which, in the opinion of the Principal and/or Governing Body, constitutes behaviour unbecoming or not benefiting a learner of Milnerton Primary School shall be deemed to be a contravention of this Code.
Our vision is to create a positive, stimulating and caring, learning environment so that Milnerton Primary School pupils become well-rounded, happy and secure children who are well prepared to face future challenges; to reach their full potential and to contribute responsibly towards a global community.
This will be achieved by:
- Developing a positive self-value in each child.
- Respecting the individuality and diversity of all.
- Developing self-discipline, independence and responsibility in a secure and supportive environment.
- Stimulating and encouraging the child to reach their full, unique potential academically, culturally, spiritually and socially and to develop good sportsmanship.
- Promoting a strong moral code with emphasis on upholding our school motto of “Faithfulness and Truthfulness”.
- Striving for excellence in all we do.
- Valuing and encouraging family involvement in all school activities.
The School commits itself to provide and maintain the necessary facilities and to employ, develop and retain staff committed to excellence. This commitment is characterised by a set of rights of members. These rights demand that members uphold their responsibilities.
RIGHTS / RESPONSIBILITIES1. To be respected by other members of the school community, regardless of personal, religious or cultural differences. / 1. To respect all others.
2. To freedom of speech and to voice my opinion in an appropriate manner. / 2. To listen to and respect the opinions of others.
3. To educational facilities and resources necessary for effective learning. / 3. To respect and maintain these facilities and resources properly.
4. To safety and security. / 4. To uphold safety and security in the school.
5. To a balanced, controlled academic environment. / 5. To pay attention in class and to strive to work to the best of my ability.
6. To support in cultural and sporting activities. / 6. To uphold school spirit by my participation in and support of cultural and sporting activities.
7. To have school activities begin and end punctually. / 7. To be punctual in every aspect of school life.
8. To work in a clean environment. / 8. To maintain a clean environment.
9. To ask for help and advice. / 9. To do so at appropriate times and in an appropriate manner.
10. To be taught in a disciplined environment. / 10. To accept the code of conduct, obey all school rules and regulations and in doing so, enhance the school as a place for ordered and orderly learning.
All children are expected to behave in a manner which brings credit to themselves, their parents and the school. This applies to alllearners in uniform both in and out of school.Learners are expected to show respect for the staff, members of the public and one another.
The School rules are intended to establish a disciplined and purposeful environment to facilitate effective teaching and learning at the School. Nothing shall exempt a learner from complying with the School rules. Ignorance of School rules is, therefore, not an acceptable excuse.With this in mind, children must abide by the following rules:
ABSENTEEISM / The South African Schools Act (No. 84 of 1996), sections 3 & 4, explains the expectations regarding compulsory attendance.A note from the parent must be brought and handed to the teacher on the first day a learner returns to school after being absent. A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE must be brought after absence from formal assessment tasks or any other scheduled tests or assessments. Failure to do this may adversely affect results.
SICKNESS / Any learner who is taken ill at school must report to their register teacher / Mrs Fraetas. In the event of serious illness, parents will be notified by the office of the need to collect their child.
NB: No medication will be provided by the school.
Learners that need to take medication during the school day, and therefore have such substances in their possession while on school property, should inform the register teacher, who in turn will inform the Principal or Deputy Principal of this (see SAFETY & SECURITY below).
LATE COMING / Learners who arrive late in the morning must report to the secretaries' office. Leaners that are late three times without good reason will be requested to make up this time in detention.
APPOINTMENTS DURING SCHOOL HOURS / EARLY LEAVING / BEGINNING & END OF TERM / We kindly request that parents avoid making appointments which will necessitate their child’s missing school. Very few learners can afford to miss lessons. If such an absence is ABSOLUTELY UNAVOIDABLE please send a note of excuse to the Principal at least 24 hours IN ADVANCE. Permission will be granted at the discretion of the Principal. If permission is granted the learner must be collected from the front office and signed out by a parent.
Parents are reminded that continuous assessment takes place throughout the year; including the beginning and end of term, and it is an Education Department expectation that learners attend school at all times. We are not allowed to give permission for a learner to miss school. Parents are requested NOT to arrange to leave early for holidays or to return late at the beginning of a new term. This practice may seriously disadvantage their child’s studies.
ACCESS CONTROL / Learners are to enter and exit the school quickly and not linger outside the gates so as to hold up others. All equipment must be treated respectfully. Adults are given right of way.
TRUANCY / Learners may not absent themselves from school / classes without a valid excuse. A note from the parent must be brought and handed to the register teacher on the first day a learner returns to school after being absent. Unlawful absence will result in detention to make up for lost time.
If learners are absent from lessons without a valid excuse, such as illness, which must be reported to the office. Truancy will result in detention of 2 hours for every hour missed.
BULLYING/ OTHER THREATENING BEHAVIOUR / Fighting and bullying will not be tolerated.Sexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated.
No learner may be party to threats or intimidation of any kind against the school or any other parties. Involvement in such activities may result in immediate suspension, pending expulsion.
Criminal charges may also be laid.
CELL PHONES & OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES / Cell phones may not be brought to school. The school will accept no responsibility whatsoever.
If this rule is broken, the cell phone (and sim card) will be confiscated. The learner’s parent will have to come to the school to collect the confiscated phone and will have to present an identity document, passport or driver’s licence as a means of identification. Cell phones confiscated on a Friday will only be returned, therefore, on the following Monday.
iPods, MP3 players or similar items are not allowed at school under any circumstances. They will be confiscated.
CHEATING / Any learner found cheating in a test or examination will have their paper removed forthwith by the invigilator. See Assessment Policy.
DAMAGE TO PROPERTY / Property belonging to the school, teachers, parents or other pupils may not be damaged or defaced in any manner.
EATING / CHEWING GUM / Eating and drinking inside the building is forbidden.
Chewing gum is NOT allowed inside the school grounds, nor may it be chewed by any learner wearing a Milnerton Primary School uniform.
LANGUAGE / Swearing, offensive and abusive language of any sort will not be tolerated within the school, the grounds, on educational outings, at sports functions or at any other time or place where learners can be recognized as learners of Milnerton Primary School.
OUT OF BOUNDS AREAS / The following areas are out of bounds without the supervision of a teacher or coach:
- Swimming pool area
- Day-care rooms
- The hall and stage
- The foyer and reception area
- Staffrooms
- Computer room
- Any area where vehicles are parked.
- Library
- Learners may not be in the possession of or use alcohol, narcotics or cigarettes. If there is reasonable suspicion, learners may be searched for dangerous objects or illegal substances (See section 8A (2) of South African Schools Act). Contravention of this rule may lead to immediate suspension, pending expulsion. Criminal charges may also be laid in such cases. In addition, no learner identifiable as a learner of the school, whether in or out of uniform, should use these substances off the premises.
- Learners may not bring any (real or toy), weapon, knife, firework, explosive, lighter or matches to school under any circumstances.
- Pets and other animals may not be brought to school without prior, written permission by the Principal or Deputy.
- No learner may enter a classroom unless accompanied by an educator or with the permission of the educator concerned.
- Learners may not leave the school premises once they have arrived at school in the morning - not even to go to the shop on the corner.
- NO LEARNER may stand / sit on the verge outside, driveways or parking areas on the grounds during breaks or at any other time.
- Learners waiting for lifts must wait inside the school grounds in the designated area (sport stands nearest the Begonia Street entrance or under the roofed area next to the stands when raining).
PERSONAL POSSESSIONS / Learners are expected to take full responsibility for the safety of their possessions. All possessions, including school bags, stationary and uniform items, must be clearly marked. Learners should not bring valuable items or large sums of money to school.
NB: Possessions must never be left unattended.
RESPECT OTHERS & ENVIRONMENT / Disrespect of staff will not be permitted.
No stealing.
No littering.
No graffiti.
SCHOOL GROUNDS / As the safety of the children is paramount, the following rules must be observed:
- Children may only play in areas set aside for their grade.
- Hard balls may not be used in games. Games which are deemed dangerous will be banned.
- Pupils may not climb trees or onto the roof of the buildings.
- Keep left.
- Walk in QUIETLY in single file.
- No children may be inside the building during breaks or before school unless it is raining.
- No children may remain in the classrooms at break unless the teacher is present.
- Learners are expected to be quiet in the cloakrooms, passages and on the stairs, also ESPECIALLY in front of the offices and staff room. Movement between classes must be quiet and orderly, in single file and on the left of the corridor.
Pupils should be neat andwell-groomed at all times. Pride in uniform and appearance reflects an overall respect for oneself and the school. Inappropriate or indiscreet behaviour will be viewed as a lack thereof. School uniform is required for all school outings, unless permission to the contrary has been granted by the Principal or a Deputy Principal.
Uniforms, as prescribed in the dress regulations, are to be worn by all learners. Missing school badge, missing buttons, unravelled hems, frayed jersey cuffs, unacceptably short skirts, laddered stockings and the like will not be tolerated. Grade 7 pullovers may only be worn by grade 7 learners and with the school badge attached (ordered from our stockists through the school annually at the beginning of the Grade 7 year).
The school reserves the right to send home children with inappropriate / unacceptable hairstyles and dress.
BOYS / GIRLSSHOES / Clean black lace-up school shoes. Laces tied in a neat bow. Polished and in good condition. / SHOES / Clean black T-bar, lace-up or buckle school shoes. Laces tied in a neat bow. Polished and in good condition.
SOCKS / Grey school long socks. Turned over neatly and kept below the bend of the knee. / SOCKS / White school ankle socks. Turned over neatly and not rolled.
PANTS / Grey school shorts. Boxer shorts may not be worn. / SKIRTS / Grey school panel skirt. Boxer shorts may not be worn.
Skirt length should be approximately 8cm above the knee when kneeling. Unacceptably short skirts will not be tolerated.
SHIRTS / White short sleeved open neck school shirt with school badge. Shirts must be tucked in. Only white or skin tone undergarments (vests, etc.) to be worn so as not to be visible through shirts. / SHIRTS / White short sleeved open neck school shirt with school badge. Shirts must be tucked in. Only white or skin tone undergarments (vests, etc.) to be worn so as not to be visible through shirts.
JERSEY / May not be worn on its own as part of the summer uniform. / JERSEY / May not be worn on its own as part of the summer uniform.
BLAZER / Navy blazer with school badge. Optional in summer. School-related badges only (e.g. merit, diligence, monitor and prefect). / BLAZER / Navy blazer with school badge. Optional in summer. School-related badges only (e.g. merit, diligence, monitor and prefect).
HAIR / The accent is on neatness and cleanliness, which is of paramount importance. Conservative style; no fashionable, unusual, attention-seeking or exotic styles are allowed (e.g. uneven styles, shaven, zips, etc.).
No gel, streaks or colour/dye.
Must be neatly brushed or combed at all times.
Neat cut and off the collar, ears and eyes. / HAIR / The accent is on neatness and cleanliness, which is of paramount importance. Conservative style; no fashionable, unusual, attention-seeking or exotic styles are allowed.
No gel, streaks or colour/dye.
Must be neatly brushed or combed at all times.
Fringe to be kept off the face, clipped back, and no long, loose bits on sides.
Where hair is of shoulder length or longer, it should be tied back.
White or navy blue accessories only.
PERSONAL APPEARANCE / Nails: Clean and short.
Jewellery: No earrings allowed. No visible piercing is allowed (e.g. labret, tongue, nose, etc.). Covering a piercing with a plaster, or using a bristle to keep the hole open, is also not allowed.
Only plain conventional wristwatch; no bangles or similar wrist adornments. / PERSONAL APPEARANCE / Nails: Clean and short. No false nails, coloured nail polish or henna.
Jewellery: One plain gold or silver stud or sleeper; in bottom part of earlobe (and lowest pierced hole). NB: No other visible piercing is allowed (e.g. labret, tongue, nose, etc.). Covering a piercing with a plaster, or using a bristle to keep the hole open, is also not allowed.
Only plain conventional wristwatch; no bangles or similar wrist adornments.
Make-up is not allowed.
ACCESSORIES / Official navy blue windbreakers are available from our stockists, for rainy days. Only school windbreakers or navy blue raincoats will be allowed. / ACCESSORIES / Official navy blue windbreakers are available from our stockists, for rainy days. Only school windbreakers or navy blue raincoats will be allowed.
SCHOOL BAGS / Navy blue school bag with reinforced inners is compulsory in order that books are protected.
No writing or drawing, except name label.
Navy blue tog bag with no writing or drawing, except name label. / SCHOOL BAGS / Navy blue school bag with reinforced inners is compulsory in order that books are protected.
No writing or drawing, except name label.
Navy blue tog bag with no writing or drawing, except name label.
BOYS / GIRLSSHOES / Clean black lace-up school shoes. Laces tied in a neat bow. Polished and in good condition. / SHOES / Clean black T-bar, lace-up or buckle school shoes. Laces tied in a neat bow. Polished and in good condition.
SOCKS / Grey school long socks. Turned over neatly and kept below the bend of the knee. / SOCKS / Plain black tights of various weights.
No ladders or holes.
PANTS / Long grey school pants. / SKIRTS / Grey school panel skirt. Boxer shorts may not be worn.
Skirt length should be approximately 8cm above the knee when kneeling. Unacceptably short skirts will not be tolerated.
SHIRTS / White long sleeved school shirt. Shirts must be tucked in. Only white or skin tone undergarments (vests, etc.) to be worn so as not to be visible through shirts. / SHIRTS / White long sleeved school shirt. Shirts must be tucked in. Only white or skin tone undergarments (vests, etc.) to be worn so as not to be visible through shirts.
TIE / Regulation school tie that is pulled up properly at collar. Top shirt button must be tied at all times. / TIE / Regulation school tie that is pulled up properly at collar. Top shirt button must be tied at all times.
JERSEY / Regulation school jersey to fit properly - not too large.
Cuffs not frayed. No holes at elbows or cuffs.
May not be worn without blazer. / JERSEY / Regulation school jersey to fit properly - not too large.
Cuffs not frayed. No holes at elbows or cuffs.
May not be worn without blazer.
BLAZER / Navy blazer with school badge. Optional in summer. School-related badges only (e.g. merit, diligence, monitor and prefect). / BLAZER / Navy blazer with school badge. Optional in summer. School-related badges only (e.g. merit, diligence, monitor and prefect).
HAIR / The accent is on neatness and cleanliness, which is of paramount importance. Conservative style; no fashionable, unusual, attention-seeking or exotic styles are allowed (e.g. uneven styles, shaven, zips, etc.).
No gel, streaks or colour/dye.
Must be neatly brushed or combed at all times.
Neat cut and off the collar, ears and eyes. / HAIR / The accent is on neatness and cleanliness, which is of paramount importance. Conservative style; no fashionable, unusual, attention-seeking or exotic styles are allowed.
No gel, streaks or colour/dye.
Must be neatly brushed or combed at all times.
Fringe to be kept off the face, clipped back, and no long, loose bits on sides.
Where hair is of shoulder length or longer, it should be tied back.
White or navy blue accessories only.
PERSONAL APPEARANCE / Nails: Clean and short.
Jewellery: No earrings allowed. No visible piercing is allowed (e.g. labret, tongue, nose, etc.). Covering a piercing with a plaster, or using a bristle to keep the hole open, is also not allowed.
Only plain conventional wristwatch; no bangles or similar wrist adornments. / PERSONAL APPEARANCE / Nails: Clean and short. No false nails, coloured nail polish or henna.
Jewellery: One plain gold or silver stud or sleeper; in bottom part of earlobe (and lowest pierced hole). NB: No other visible piercing is allowed (e.g. labret, tongue, nose, etc.). Covering a piercing with a plaster, or using a bristle to keep the hole open, is also not allowed.
Only plain conventional wristwatch; no bangles or similar wrist adornments.
Make-up is not allowed.
ACCESSORIES / Official navy blue windbreakers are available from our stockists, for rainy days. Only school windbreakers or navy blue raincoats will be allowed.
Only navy blue gloves, navy blue scarves and navy blue beanies are acceptable. / ACCESSORIES / Official navy blue windbreakers are available from our stockists, for rainy days. Only school windbreakers or navy blue raincoats will be allowed.
Only navy blue gloves, navy blue scarves and navy blue beanies are acceptable.
SCHOOL BAGS / Navy blue school bag with reinforced inners is compulsory in order that books are protected.
No writing or drawing, except name label.
Navy blue tog bag with no writing or drawing, except name label. / SCHOOL BAGS / Navy blue school bag with reinforced inners is compulsory in order that books are protected.
No writing or drawing, except name label.
Navy blue tog bag with no writing or drawing, except name label.