2017Bethel Park Offseason Lacrosse Info
Offseason LAX starts Tuesday, September 5th and will run through February 22nd.The offseason is split into two (2) sessions, Fall and Winter.
Fall Session: September 5th – October 28th. Practices will be held at the turf fields from 6:30pm-8pm, followed by lifting from 8-9pm.
Includes USC Play Day (Sept. 30th), Seneca Valley Pumpkin Classic (Oct. 22nd), and Bethel Park Zombie Shootout (Oct. 28th)
Fall session cost is $125 and due by September 20th. The following are included in the cost: pinnie, coaching fees, lifting supervision, tournament t-shirts for players at Pumpkin Classic and Zombie Shootout, and three (3) tournaments (mentioned above).
Winter Session: December 5th – February 22nd. Practices are indoor at Cool Springs Tues. and Th. from 3:30-5:00 pm. Cost is $150 and due by Nov. 15th. Coaching fees and indoor training facility rental included in cost.
Not included in the Winter Session price are box lacrosse games or any indoor tournaments we might attend. More info will follow should the team decide to participate.
Cash or Checks will be collected the next few weeks at the beginning of practices by board members. You can pay tonight or mail payment to Scott Bradley (145 Highland Rd., Bethel Park, Pa. 15102). You may pay the two installments by due dates or combine price at $275 and pay by Sept. 20th.
All payments must be paid by due dates or your child will not be allowed to attend. Full payment is expected for each session no matter how many sessions/tournaments your child attends.
All players must register with US Lacrosse. If you played youth, high school, box at South Pointe you likely are already registered.
Coach was very clear in saying that sports in season come first; so if your son is playing football, basketball, hockey, etc., please follow those schedules, we’ll see you for winter training or the WPIAL season starting in March.
Zombie Shootout: This is the largest fundraiser we do all year, and we need all hands on deck, so we’ll need everyone to step forward and give a couple hours of your time that day. ASignUp Genius link will be sent around in the next few weeks to allow everyone to choose their spot. First tournament meeting is tonight immediately after so please attend if you are able.
Parent Account
Bethel Park Lacrosse has a greatoption available to help offset the cost of the Offseason and WPIAL season fees. We call this a parent account … it is “your money” and can be used to purchase a helmet, or pay for tournament registration or booster fees (note that money can be carried over from year to year, but no money will be refunded to you upon your child leaving the program – it’s a use it or lose it account). Monies can be added to your parent account in three ways:
Giant Eagle gift card program: Melissa Davin chairs this program- place an order for Giant Eagle gift cards through the BP LAX websiteand earn up to 5% of your order total back to your parent account. Giant Eagle gift card orders are due on the first Monday of the month, cards will be available for pickup on Thursday and checks will be cashed on Friday.
Example: If your family purchases $1,000 worth of gift cards in December for Christmas shopping, you would earn $50 into your parent account. When it comes time to pay for winter training, tell the Treasurer you want to use your parent account funds, and you pay just $100 instead of $150. You can use the funds anytime you want to, or save them and you could pay nothing out of pocket for your WPIAL booster fee. And the best part? You still earn FuelPerks when you spend the gift cards (even to buy other retailer gift cards)!
Parent contributions: At any time during the year, if you’d like to make a contribution to your parent account, just send a check with a note to Scott Bradley (145 Highland Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102)and he’ll record the deposit for you.
Leniks Flower Sale: Details will be provided in the spring.
Website: Molly Krapp is our webmaster. The website contains important information such as registration for fall and winter sessions, important dates, links, directions to games, tournaments, up to date news and events, email addresses of board members, etc.
Clothing Sale: Mary Jo Cassano/Maureen Campbell chair. Quick fall sale on now and due by Monday, Sept. 18th to either Maureen or Mary Jo with payment. T-shirts, polos, sweatpants, sweatshirts, etc. Delivery should be by Oct. 8th. Get geared up for the fall season!
Warm up suits will be for sale at end of October and should arrive by mid-November. In time for the holidays!
Volunteers and Chairs are needed for many activities for off season and WPIAL season.
Zombie Shootout, Videographer, Photographer, Marty Mason Dinner, Banquet, Senior Night, Away game meals, Pasta Dinners, Bowling Party, etc. Please speak to a board member for additional info on any of these committees.
Meeting for WPIAL season will be in January.
Important dates
September 5:Offseason begins, practice/liftingTuesday/Thursday, 6:30-9pm through October 26
September 20:Fall practicefee due, $125
September 25: Campiti’s Pizzeria Fundraiser 11 am- 9 pm 4603 Library Rd.
September 30:USC Play Day (Varsity/JV, 2 games each)
October 22:Pumpkin Classic at Seneca Valley (Varsity/JV, all day)
October 28:Zombie Shootout at Bethel Park (Varsity/JV, all day)
November 15:Winter practice fee due, $150
December 5:Practices move indoors to Cool Springs, T/H 3:30-5pm through February 26, lifting TBD
December 26/28:Holiday break
January 2:Cool Springs practice begins again
February 11:Marty Mason Scholarship Dinner 3:00pm-7:00pm
February 22:Cool Springs practice ends
March 1:WPIAL season begins, runs through June 1
Important Links:
BP Boys LAX site:
Giant Eagle:
US Lacrosse:
Contact information
President: Maureen Campbell ()
Vice President: Karen Ferris ()
Secretary:Denise Sauer ()
Treasurers:Scott Bradley ( and Lisa Bielozer()
Committee Co-Chairs
Paul Frank () – Tournament director
Dave Radcliffe () – Cool Springs liaison
Mike Ferris () - Concessions
Melissa Davin () – Giant Eagle program
Molly Krapp () – Webmaster
If you have any questions, comments, ideas, etc. please reach out to any one of us.
We look forward to a great lacrosse year!