41st Wood Family Reunion at bowral NSW
Saturday 23rdt March and Sunday 24th March 2013
The Southern Highlands is one of the most popular and beautiful tourist destinations in New South Wales. The unspoilt beauty, picturesque bushland, rolling hills, rugged mountains and waterfalls, makes a visit to the area a must. For the Wood family this area is very important to us being where William Wood was given a land grant from the Government to farm and settle permanently.
Travelling to Bowral
Travelling to Bowral by the F5 highway and taking the Old Hume Highway turn off from Sydney or Melbourne at Mittagong gives easy access to Bowral. Citylink also provides a regular rail service call 131 500 or visit
Accommodation contact: or telephone : 1300 675559
Program host David Wood
Saturday 23rd March.
12 Noon: Meet at the Bradman Park Cnr Bowral Street and St. Jude Street Bowral Welcome Table to register your attendance and chat with other cousins.
1.00pm: visit Bradman Museum admission cost..$14.. or optional Coach tour cost…$20…. visiting Berrima, Christ Church Bong Bong, William Wood land grant, and stopping at the David Wood Playing Field for afternoon tea and tree planting ceremony, with the Wingecarribee Shire Council providing the tree, returning to Bradman Park at 4.30pm. Leonie Knapman, a local historian, will be our tour guide.
7.00 pm: buffet dinner at the Mittagong RSL club Old Hume Highway, Mittagong. Telephone 4872 6700. More details on our website:
Sunday 24th March
9.00 am church service at Christ Church Bong Bong which William Wood assisted with building. The family will be making a presentation to the church to mark this occasion.
11.30am after the church service the family meeting will take place at The Briars, Moss Vale Road Burradoo, to discuss the 2014 reunion. Lunch can be purchased at additional cost.
RSVP 3rd March 2013. Don’t delay – book now!
------detach here
I will be attending the 2013 Wood Family reunion in Bowral New South Wales.
Names……………………………………...………….Contact number………………………
Contact email address:…………………………………………………………………………
Saturday 23rd Bus Tour including afternoon tea @ $20 each $......
Saturday night buffet dinner – Prepaid Adults number at $45 ea $......
Number of children under 5 yrs @ $10ea__ or under 12 yrs @ $15ea___ $......
Sunday meeting at The Briars - number attending ______
Prepaid donation to expenses, future reunions and gift presentation $......
Total enclosed $......
Please make cheques payable to Ken Howarth - Wood Family Reunion, and post to : PO Box 342 South Hurstville NSW 2221, Phone: (02) 9546 1506, mob 0409 461 506, Email: