Sample Layout: Title of Article Should Concisely and Accurately Specify Subject of Paper
A. P. Palma*, C. D. Dillon* and E. Parker**
* Department of Superficial Research, University of Life, 99 Crow Road, Addlestrop, UK
** BodgettBillhamplc, Hamilton House, HangoverSquare, London ,UK
Abstract; authordetails; example; headings; layout; title page
/ 9thInternational Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge /The abstract must be one letter page in length or less, and should be titled and include all contributing authors, names and affiliations. Please identify the name of the person who will be presenting the paper or poster, and add biographical sketches of the authors as a second page. Word 2010 documents are preferred.
Margins should be 2.4 cm top, bottom, and 3 cm right and left margins. The text should be single-spaced, 12-point size, Arial font, with no pagination, footers and headers. Paragraphs should be justified.
Major headings should be 14-point bold; minor headings should be 12-point not bolded. Affiliationsand keywords should be 10-point not bolded. There should be one blank line above and below all headings, except above major headings, which should have two blank lines.
Graphics or tablesshould not be used in abstracts.
You must indicate the topic of your abstract, please check the website the main topics list.
By virtue of submitting an abstract, the submitter(s) grants ISMAR9 the right to publish any accepted abstract or the right to decline any abstract. The Conference Committee will review abstracts and make final selections.If your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation and you agree to present, you will be expected to register and pay for the event using ISMAR9 online registration.
Journal Communique
Authors of abstracts please note that papers submitted to ISMAR9 will be evaluated for their suitability for publication in thematic editions oftwo open access journalswith exemptions from author fees.
Sustainable Water Resources Management("SWARM") (Springer), Chief Editor Jim LaMoreaux (up to 30 papers)
Water(IDMP), Chief Editor of Special Issue: Sharon Megdal (up to 10invited papers in addition to those prepared by the lead guest editors)
SWARMis a new journal, and in its first two years (to end of 2016), there will be no publication charges.
Wateris an established journal that produced a Special Issue based on papers from ISMAR8 and plans a Special Issue based on papers from ISMAR9. (2014 IF 1.428).
for special issue from ISMAR8 on policy and economics.
Please indicate when submitting your abstract whether you are willing for your full paper to be considered for journal publication in the most relevant thematic issue. Note that invitations will be issued after ISMAR9, based of reviews of full manuscripts and the content of talks.