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TD 662 Annex 1 Rev 1

STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 / TD 662 Annex 1 Rev. 1
English only
Question(s): / Geneva, 2-9 July 2007
Source: / Chairman, ad hoc group on ICTs and Climate Change
Title: / Indicative “Living List” or organisations and studies involved with ICTs and Climate Change

This indicative living list of organisations involved with ICTs and Climate Change had been developed to assist in identifying potential partners for the work of the Focus Group on ICTs and Climate Change (see TD 659R1).

Comments and updates should be sent to .

Part 1: Standards Development Organisations

Standards development organization involved with ICTs and Climate Change / Relationship with ICTs and Climate Change / Website / Contact
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) / Standardized assessment of equipment energy requirements, to reduce power consumption of selected equipment, and to restrict the use of certain hazardous materials (RoHS). Current efforts to be expanded based on output of July workshop of ATIS Board Member companies, which will assess green regulatory/policy, corporate operations, technical requirements, and compliance/conformity issues and determine ATIS’s next steps in being and supporting green. /
Contact: Tim Jeffries, .
Broadband Forum / Covering telecommunications, equipment, computing, networking and service provider companies. / Contact: Dugerdil Bernard [
Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) / Research and standards initiatives on the energy consumption of consumer electronics. Report on GHG emissions impact of telecommuting and e-commerce. /
Energy Efficiency Inter-Operator Collaboration Group (EE IOCG) / Worldwide telecom operators to lead the ICT sector efforts to increase its energy efficiency, pushing towards earlier availability of new equipment, for networks as well as for users, with reduced power consumption. Definition of a common strategy and input towards standardization bodies, fora and national/regional government authorities; development of appropriate actions towards equipment vendors / Website under development;
Contacts Dominique Roche (Orange) ; Flavio Cucchietti (Telecom Italia)
Energy Star / Standards for energy efficient electronic equipment /
European Telecommunications Standards Institute - Environmental Efficiency (ETSI EE) / Standardization work for the reduction of energy consumption in telecommunications equipment and related infrastructure.ETSI's “Green Agenda” is a Strategic item for 2008 /
Contact: Dugerdil Bernard [
European Commission / The European Actions to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Electrical Equipment. Codes of Conducts. Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) /
Fibre To The Home (FTTH) Council Europe / SUDEFIB (Sustainable Development Fiber) committee / Contact: Dugerdil Bernard [
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Initiative / Recommendations to quantify and manage greenhouse gas emissions /
Green Grid / Development and promotion of metrics and standards to measure data centre power efficiency /
Gridwise Architecture Council / Communications architecture and standards to promote the use of smart grid technologies in the US /
Home Gateway Initiative (HGI) / Open forum launched by Telcos in November 2004 with the aim to release specifications of the home gateway. Home Gateway Energy Efficiency Programme. /
Contact: Dugerdil Bernard [
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) / Standards and recommendations related to electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy /
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) / Standardization work and publications on energy efficient electronic technology /
The ICT Standards Advisory Council of Canada (ISACC) / Environmental standards for the reduction of power requirements of telecommunication equipment /
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) / Involved with standards development for climate change including a) monitoring climate change; b) Quantifying GHG emissions; C) Promoting good practice d) Opening world markets for energy efficiency /
ITU-R (Radiocommunication Sector) / Involved with use of ICTs (different radio and telecommunication technologies and equipment) for weather and climate change monitoring, prediction, detection and mitigation of hurricanes, typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes, tsunamis, man-made disasters, etc. /
ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) / As the preeminent global body for standardization in the field of ICTs, ITU will work to limit and ultimately reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and foster sustainable development, in particular by promoting the use of more energy efficient devices and networks and the development of technical standards (Recommendations) to limit and reduce the power requirements of ICT equipment and services. Work also focuses on the mitigation of climate change in other industries – including the automotive sector – using ICTs. /
TTA (Telecommunication Technology Association), Republic of Korea / IT standards-developing organization that develops new standards and provides one-stop services for the establishment of IT standards as well as providing testing and certification for IT products. /
TTC (The Telecommunication Technology Committee), Japan / A standards-development organization on ICTs in Japan. It has recently established a Task Force and started discussions on TTC standards on ICTs and climate change and their dissemination. /
Part 2: Other organizations involved with ICTs and Climate Change
Other Organisations involved with ICTs and Climate Change / Relationship with ICTs and Climate Change / Website / Contact
Carbon Monitoring for Action (CARMA) / Massive database containing information on the carbon emissions of over 50,000 power plants and 4,000 power companies worldwide /
Climate Savers Computing Initiative / Group of consumers, businesses and conservation organizations dedicated to promoting smart technologies that can improve the power efficiency and reduce the energy consumption of computers /
European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO) / Promotion of commitment to environmental and sustainability standards. Reports on efficient energy use and ICT-based solutions to reduce CO2 emissions for Europe’s telecoms /
European Council for an Energy Efficient Eeconomy (ECEEE)) / Information service on energy efficiency /
Storage Networking Industry Association / The Green Storage Tutorial. /
Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) / Promotion of technologies for a sustainable development. Report on ICTs impacts in climate change /
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) / Set up under the Kyoto Protocol, it is a collection of leading scientists that produces authoritative assessment reports every five years or so /
ITU-D (Telecommunication Development Sector_ / As a core function of its development mission, ITU will assist Member States in the use of ICTs for e-environment and sustainable developmentand to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, including the use of emergency telecommunications and alerting systems for disaster relief /
TERI – The Energy Resource Institute (India) / Delhi-based think tank on energy use in developing countries. Host organisation of IPCC's Dr Rajendra Pachauri /
UNEP / United Nations Environment Programme. Energy-related policies and strategies. /
UNESCO / Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment (PACE) /
UNFCCC / Global warming related issues, policies and strategies. Kyoto Protocol. Adaptation to climate change. /
World Meteorological Orgnisation (WMO) / Climate change monitoring and information management. Major scientific and technical climate related programmes (including World Weather Watch) /
Part 3: Major Studies of ICTs and Climate Change
Major studies of ICTs and Climate Change / Name of study / Website / Contact
American Electronics Association / Advanced Electronics and Information Technologies: The Innovation-Led Climate Change Solution /
CBI Climate Change Task Force (Confederation of British Industry) / Climate Change Task Force Report /
Climate Risk pty / Towards a low-carbon, high bandwidth future: Telecom-based opportunities to reduce GHG emissions /
European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO) and WorldWide Fund for Nature (WWF) / Energy Report June 2008
Saving the Climate @ the speed of light, October 2006
Sustainability report: Ten years and beyond 2006 /
Ericsson / Sustainable energy use in mobile communications: White Paper, August 2007 /
FTTH Council Europe / FTTH Network solutions are sustainable and contribute to a greener Europe, April 2008
FTTH Solutions for a Sustainable Development, February 2008. /
Green Grid / Five ways to reduce data center server Power consumption /
Global e-Sustainability Initiative/The Climate Group (GeSI) / SMART 2020: Enabling the Low Carbon Economy in the Information Age /
HM Treasury (United Kingdom's economics and finance ministry) / Stern Review on the economics of climate change /
MonashUniversity Telecommunications Journal of Australia / Broadband communication enables sustainable energy services /
OnRelay / Green Benefits of Mobile PBX /
World Bank / Environment Matters 2007
Climate Change /
