<abstract template page>
Registration Form and Abstract Submission Guidelines
2015 Western New York ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium
D'Youville College, Buffalo, NY
Saturday, April11, 2015
Name of Attendee / Presenter:Mailing Address:
Phone: ()
For confirmation of registration, you
must include your e-mail address. E-mail:
A $5 registration fee will be collected at the door from each symposium participant
To submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation at the symposium,
please complete the following:
Do you want your presentation to be considered for a 10 minute oral presentation? / Select Presentation Type______Poster Only Poster or Oral Presentation
*** Submit by March20, 2015 for consideration as an Oral Presentation ***
Since time for oral talks is limited, all papers not selected for a talk will be placed in the poster presentation session.
Prepare your abstract using the instructions below and the accompanying abstract template.
All attendeeds shouldsubmit completed registrations byThursday, April 2, 2015.
E-mail registrations and abstracts to
Dr. Timothy Gregg
Further information about the Symposium is on the WNYACS website.
Schedule of Events Saturday, April 11, 2015
D'Youville College
Buffalo, NY
8:00 am- 8:45 amRegistration
8:45 am - 9:00 amOpening Remarks
9:00 am-10:00 amKeynote presentation:
Professor Huw M. L. Davies, Emory University
"Collaborative Approach to C-H Functionalization"
10:00 am-11:30 amStudent Oral Presentations
11:30 am - 12:30 pmLunch
12:30 pm - 2:00 pmStudent Poster Session
2:00 pmSymposium Awards and Closing remarks
Instructions for Preparation of Abstracts
2015 Western New York
ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium
The accompanying abstract template may be used to prepare your abstract for submission to the symposium. Use of this template, with a word-processing program such as Microsoft Word, is a benefit to the author in that the entire abstract (text, tables, and graphics) may be submitted in one file.
Using the template
- In typing your manuscript directly into the template, select (highlight) the formatted text of the template that you want to replace and begin typing your manuscript (i.e., select the Title section for typing in your title).
- To insert graphics within the text or as a figure, chart, scheme, or table, create a new line and insert the graphic where desired. If your graphic is not visible, ensure that the Word Style is “Normal” with an automatic height adjustment. If the size of the artwork needs to be adjusted, re-size the artwork in your graphics program and re-paste the artwork into the template. Please keep the size of pasted graphics under 1 MB so the abstract remains manageable.
- Delete all sections from the template that are not needed.
- Save the file with the graphics in place: select Save As (File menu) and save it as a Word document file (.doc or .docx).
- Proof a printout of the abstract to ensure that all parts of the document are present and clearly legible.
- Send the Word document file as an attachment with your registration form by e-mail to by the specified deadline.
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