The Royal British Legion, Northumbria
County Report.
1st October 2011 – 30th September 2012.
his report is based and compiled according to the requirements of the County Plan, which was proposed and accepted by the 4th Northumbria County Conference on Saturday 12th January 2012. Contributors include; those County officials, members of the committee, chairmen of sub-committees and all branches in the County, named in the County Plan as those responsible for reporting at stated times and prior to the County Conference. This report will inform conference of the achievements and progress made during this fourthyear of what is an ongoing plan.. The report will also highlight the failures to achieve some of the objectives, the reasons why and how we intend to achieve them in the coming year. Finally, this report will outline the plans to reach objectives for the coming year, which will be adequately funded and should be, with hard work, your supportand goodwill, easily attainable.
ll posts in the County are currently filled except for 3 positions on the County Committee. The Welfare department is in the process of being re-organised according to “Pathway for Growth” with the County Manager being re-appointed Area Manager North and the Welfare footprint now including Cumbria and the Isle of Man. A Welfare Team leader has been appointed and is based in Kendall but with overall responsibility for the area. The Welfare Staff at County Office are currently advisingthe County committee, branches and caseworkers on all aspects of County welfare work. County Sub-committees appointed are; Finance, Conference and Recruiting.
xtensive communication, training and examination of administration and procedures have been carried out in 2011/2012, but despite this, only moderate improvementhas been noticed in the number of receipts regarding information from branches, on welfare activities, management administration, appointments, fund raising, membership and public awareness in the County. Returns from those branches who dorespond to County leadership have shown much improvement in most aspects of Branch administration including leadership, recruiting, retention, fundraising, welfare and ceremonial.However, it remains the case that some branches are still resistant to changeleadership and instruction and do not respond to County or Legion management and direction and the gap between these and the former is widening year on year.
2012/2013.It is proposed to appoint each County Committee Member to look after a number of Branches in the County. His/her responsibility will be to see that Branches that do not conform to Legion policy and minimum requirements as contained in the Royal Charter, the Branch Management Handbook and the Model Branch Bye-Laws are identified, contactedvisited and if necessary, advised. He/she will look at each individual Branch and work with it to improve its viability and working practices, and report back to the County Committee on a regular basis. Branches they identify as at risk will be recorded in the National Branch Risk Register which is contained on the National Database.
ll County Officers and Committee have reached the minimum attainment required to be in post, except the County Youth Officer who is still waiting for a National Course.
2012/2013.All new County Officials and Committee Members will be expected to attain at least minimum qualification required for their post within their first year; and encouraged to attend further Legion courses to broaden their knowledge and increase their effectiveness to the County.
very successful Branch Secretary’s training seminars was held again in County Office in 2012. Subjects discussed were “Pathway for Growth”, Branch Management and County Communications. Common problems were also discussed and solutions put forward. Take up for these seminars was excellent with over 45% of Branch Secretaries attending. On a very similar vane and with similar Training/Discussion, a successful Branch Chairman’s Seminar was also held, with 50% of chairmen attending. All those attending saw the need to continue these seminars on a yearly basis and that all Branch Chairman /Secretaries should be encouraged to attend, the ideal being 100%. The highlight of our training year however, was having three National Membership Training Courses held in the County Office; Branch Management, Branch Treasurers and Independent Examiners. These were extremely successful with 18 Secretaries attending the Branch Management,
In addition, two Professional Caseworkerscourses, two National Caseworkers Courses and two Caseworkers Update Courses have been held in the County.
2012/2013.Secretaries and Chairman’s Seminars will be repeated, as will the Caseworkers courses and the Branch Treasurer’s Seminar will be re-introduced.Three more National Courses have been booked through Membership Training for 2013 and it is hoped to get all untrained Branch officials through the Branch Management Course and the maximum number of Treasurers/potential Treasurers through the Treasurers and Independent Examiners courses.
he establishment of a County Newsletter, on top of all usual communication between National, County and Branch, has improved the passage of information, however fiscal constraints have restricted it’s distribution. Three have been produced this year, two by the County Secretary inSpringand Summer 2012 and the latest by a local publisher in Autumn 2012. This is being produced for us free of charge, the publisher making his money through advertising etc. These have been very successful and widely distributed to the Membership and many other outside agencies and the larger community; however 100% distribution has not yet been achieved. The Magazine has been supplemented with interim newsletters and newsletters being produced and distributed by Welfare and Fundraising, giving our County potentially the best possible communications infrastructure.
The County Road Show, established last year is still a regular event, meeting to discuss Legion issues, common problems and matters where we can work together to make improvements in Legion administration and core objectives.
he County Website still goes from strength to strength and has proved very popular, receiving more “hits” than any other County Website in the Legion. Our Webmaster, Paul McClintock has held training sessions for Branch Secretaries so that Branches can set up there own Web sites. This continues and has become an addition to our Training capabilities within the County. By publishing as much information as possible on the site, continually updating it and linking with our own Facebook and Twitter sites, the site has become the main information site for our Internet Joiners and web browsing members who are able to keep completely up to date with what is going on in the County.
2012/2013. County Communications willcontinue to build on its present level and continue to improve. Work is on-going to build branch websites which mirror the “Corporate” image of the Main legion website, and which will be fully integrated into the County Website. Fund Raising will continue to develop its own Facebook and Twitter sites to improve communications within the County Network of Supporters and Fundraisers.
he County Welfare Office remains busy and, as always the staff are very grateful for the effort, time and dedication of our volunteer caseworkers, both members and non members of the Legion. This year saw a re-organisation of Staff and welfare delivery through “Pathway for Growth”. The Welfare Foot Print of our area now includes Cumbria and the Isle of Man and has been re-named Northern Area. The County manager, Andrew Drake was successful in being appointed Area manager, and he is now responsible for this new Welfare Area. Also, a new post of Area Welfare Team Leader ha been created to look after the Welfare needs of the whole area, reporting to Andrew. This year saw as many applications for assistance as in previous years but it is noticeable that not only are the cases becoming more complex but more clients are from the younger age groups. The needs of this group and others are becoming more complicated and this is keeping the Welfare officers and Caseworkers particularly challenged. The Client Support Officer, whose role is dedicated to supporting veterans who find themselves homeless or suffering from mental illness, has been particularly engaged with this Client group. This role has been strengthened by forging strong links with other organisations, statutory and non-statutory. The Legion continues to support the vocational pathway course at Finchale College Durham which provides for rehabilitation and re-training of veterans who are unemployed. Another application for funding is presently under consideration.
he complex nature of many cases means we rely more heavily on the expertise of the caseworkers and partner organisations such as Citizens Advice. It is the aim that every Branch should have a caseworker but only 40% of the County Branches provide this important need. Any Branch that requires advice or assistance with selecting a caseworker should contact the County Office.
2012/2013. As ever, more caseworkers must be recruited to ensure that increased welfare cases are dealt with promptly and effectively. Every Branch should have a Welfare representative and at least one Qualified Caseworker. Courses and updates are run at County office on a regular basis and support and guidance from the Welfare Officers at County is of the highest standard. Welfare delivery is going through change under “Pathway for Growth” with more avenues in delivery being assessed, so please, do your best to recruit anotherCaseworker this coming year!
TRBL Northumbria Membership Statistics – 2010/2011.
As at 30 September 2011As at 30 September2012
Total members 5113 4793
New Members 546604(3.3% increase)
Note:This represents a decrease of 6% on last year in total
Members Lapsed/Deceased/Transferred*
875 930 (8% increase)
Members paying by DDSP. 1858 (1089)38.77% (21%)
Members pledging Gift Aid. 1678 (1833)35% (36%)(last years figures in brackets)
N increase on last years percentage of members paying by DDSP of 18% is offset by the disappointing Gift Aid figures. This is due mainly to current cash paying members not renewing their Gift Aid last year and new younger members not signing up But, despite a marked upturn in new members, thanks mainly to on-line joining, membership is still haemorrhaging at an unacceptable rate. Branch membership secretaries are to push DDSP and Gift Aid to both current and new members to improve retention..and members paying by DDSP are 70% more likely to be members next year. 2012 saw the closure of Annfield Plain Branch due to failing membership and lack of Officers and a Committee. However there is good news in that a new branch has opened in the Willington and Crook area of Co Durham. The Branch is called Willington, Crook & District and is up and running as we speak with 20 new members doing fantastic things in that area. Also, The Washington Branch has recently been rejuvenated with a new band of members at the helm and many more members recruited.
2012/2013.It is hoped that the Berwick-upon-Tweed Branch, currently a sub-Branch of Crookham will return to full Branch status in 2013. The Crookham Branch is currently undertaking an action drive to do so. Branches must continue their efforts to keep members interested. Boring meetings and no social activity make ex-members. As stated in the Branch Management Handbook, all branches to initiate a simple induction process when members join. This will make them feel as though they belong to an organisation committed to supporting the aims and objectives of the Legion. Current members who have bank accounts are to be encouraged to convert to DDSP and all new members should be given that option only, unless they do not have a bank account. All events at County & Branch level should be viewed as recruiting opportunities. Branches should have a recruiting stand at these events. Please liaise with the County Secretary to organise this.Everybody must play their part!
011/12has been a record breaking year for the Poppy Appeal in the County. For the first time, Northumbria has smashed the million mark raising an unbelievable £1,154,363.37p. This is an incredible achievement; Danny Cassidy (CPAC) and I (Rachel Jobson CFR) would like to thank everyone for their time, effort and commitment to the Poppy Appeal. The dedication of Poppy Appeal Organisers (PAOs) and their teams of volunteers never fail to astonish.
he year has been filled with highlights, from the well supported Lord Lieutenant’s Evening, which saw over 200 young people awarded on the night; to our fantastic runners in the Great North Run. A particular highlight was the four day fundraising extravaganza from 30 members of the Royal Signals. Over four days, street collections, golf days and social evenings were organised to raise funds for the Royal British Legion. Nearly £15,000 was raised in total and it was a delight to receive such warm support from the Armed Forces.
n the past year, thirty support visits were made to Poppy Appeal Organisers throughout the County and the two Poppy Seminars organised in September were very well attended by over 50 PAOs and their volunteers.
The success of the 2011/12 Poppy Appeal has been recognised both on a Regional and personal level. We were delighted that PAO fro Hartlepool, Sian Cameron was awarded “Fundraiser of the Year” in the Hartlepool Mail Awards; and regionally, the Poppy Appeal was a finalist in the Chartered Institute of PR Awards. New PAO for Gateshead, Ian Proud was also a finalist and eventually the winner of the Evening Chronicle Armed Forces Champion Awards. It has been wonderful seeing volunteers being recognised for their work!
2012/13Over the next 12 months we will again be working towards ensuring that there is full PAO coverage of our area. Branches are again reminded that we are stronger when we are able to work flexibly with one another. In this increasingly difficult fundraising environment created by the poor economic climate and increased competition from elsewhere, it is more imperative than ever that branches communicate and work together to achieve success. If we can achieve this, I have no doubt we will have another record breaking year.
011/12has surpassed our expectations andevents in this year have been at the forefront of the County’s efforts. Beside the events mentioned in other parts of this report, such as for the Poppy Appeal, Fundraising and Remembrance, the recruiting team under the leadership of Paul McClintock, have taken the Poppy Marquee to the Armed Forces Day at South Shields, the Sunderland Air Show, the Northumberland County Show at Corbridge, the RBL Golf Day at Newbiggin, the Seaham Carnival and the Warkworth Show. All of which proved successful both in Recruiting, PR and Fundraising. At many of these events we have been accompanied by members of the Riders Branch and this association has proved very productive and rewarding. May I take this opportunity to thank them and hope that our relationship will continue in the future?
All the above events including will be attended in 2013, and events such as Saltwell Park and the Durham cathedral Concert will be repeated. However, the highlight of the year it is hoped will be an Armed Forces Day at Alnwick Castle on Sunday 23rd June 2013. Planning is well into the advanced stage now and the event will include a parade, side shows and games, a Concert and a Sunset Service. Already, many Service Units are signed up for this and other organisations are flocking to take part. We will need the support of the membership, in particular branches in Northumberland. So please, contact the Vice-Chairman, Keith Laws soonest if you want to take part! We also need to know if your Branch is holding or supporting any events in your area. If so, we can give you support if it is worthwhile.Branch Secretaries, please contact the County Secretary now if you need support for an event in your area!
His has mainly come from Legion events throughout the County, Remembrance Events, the continuing situation in Afghanistan and the continuing number of funerals of military personnel attended by County and Branch Standards continues to be a factor in the public mind. TV and radio in particular have continued to carry more stories and items then ever this year andas a result the Legion in the County has had very high media coverage. Our Remembrance events, especially Saltwell Park this year have helped reinforce our status as the “Custodians of Remembrance”
With help from our PR Consultant, Claire Thorburn, Staff and Volunteers have taken part in numerous radio and television interviews on both TyneTees and Newcastle radio and television stations, highlighting the Legions workin the region. This has drastically improved awareness of our work and raised the Legion’s profile in our area.