Support for Women and Ante Natal Service
Information Sharing
Local agencies are increasingly working together. To work effectively agencies need to be able to share information about the services they provide and the people that they provide these services to.
SWANS is a multi agency service that supports pregnant women who have complex social factors.
The purpose of this protocol is:
- To provide the basis for an agreement between local agencies, and other associated organisations, to facilitate and govern the effective and efficient sharing of information. Such information sharing is necessary to ensure that individuals, and the population as a whole, can and do receive the care, protection and support they may require.
- To identify the purposes for which information may be shared. This document is supported by local operational policies and procedures within each agency that underpin the secure and confidential sharing of such information. (NICE guidelines), (Local safeguarding Board Procedures)
- To promote and establish a consistent approach between the agencies to the development and implementation of information sharing agreements and procedures.
Criteria for referral:
- Women who experience Domestic Abuse
- Women affected by substance misuse
- Women affected by alcohol use
- Women involved in sex work
SWANS is a service of two parts:
- Multi agency Risk assessment service
- Support Group
Support Group:
This group happens every week and it is based in an informal, non - clinical setting i.e. (children’s centre). The group allows pregnant women to receive regular ante natal checks, listen to baby’s heart beat and to take part in ante natal education/activities. Women who attend this group are treated with respect and are given opportunities to share any questions or concerns they may have as part of a group or on a 1-1 basis. Service users are asked to agree and sign to a confidentiality statement that respects all women who attend the SWANS group.
Every week the group offers ante natal education and/or therapeutic activity. The midwife is available to do any ante natal checks needed or answer any questions.
Multi Agency Risk Assessment Service:
This a monthly meeting where key partner agencies share information, record and review information and highlight any risk factors that may impact on the safety, health and well – being of both mother and un born baby and identify any support needs.
This process applies to any pregnant women that are referred into the SWANS service.
This meeting is crucial to collate relevant information to protect the adult/children and UN born child.
The information that should be shared in this meeting should be:
- Up date of ante natal care
- Up date of any drug/alcohol misuse
- Update of any relevant medical information
- Update of domestic abuse incidents
- Update of any safeguarding concerns or involvement
- Update of issues relating to housing/benefits
- Update from any support services involved with the family
Information or concerns should be highlighted that may impact on the safety and wellbeing of adults, children and the un –born.
Information Sharing
Information discussed in the SWANS risk assessment meeting by agency representatives is strictly confidential and should not be discussed with third parties unless required to do so. This is not the case when an adult, child or UN born baby is believed to be at significant harm/risk.
The representatives attending the meeting should share clear, concise information and a clear distinction should be made between fact and professional opinion.
Information discussed will be documented on the SWANS assessment review form and actions highlighted. Minutes from the meeting will
be distributed to the relevant parties. All agencies should ensure that information is retained in a confidential and restricted manner.
All information shared at the meetings should be without prejudice and with a commitment to equal opportunities
It is the role of SWANS risk assessment meetings to ensure the health and well being of mother and baby and determine any risk factors or safeguarding concerns. It is the role of each representative/agency to carry out any noted action and report appropriately.
All professionals/agencies should work according to Kirklees Safeguarding Board procedures and report any concerns accordingly.
Please note: A referral to SWANS risk assessment meeting should never replace a referral to Social care.
When considering Information Sharing it is good practise to remember the ‘Seven Golden Rules of Information Sharing’
- Data Protection Act is not a barrier for sharing information
- Be open and honest with the people/families you work with
- Seek advice if you are in any doubt
- Share with consent where appropriate
- Consider safety and Well – Being
- Necessary, Proportionate, Relevant, Accurate, Timely and Secure
- Keep a record of your decisions and reasons.
Those members that will sign this document should refer to these golden rules when sharing information.
Pregnant women referred to SWANS should be informed about the risk assessment process and where possible it is good practise to receive consent when making a referral to SWANS risk assessment process. However if consent cannot be gained then we must consider on what grounds we can over ride this:
- Safeguarding children/adults
- To protect vulnerable people
- If a member/professional believes that gaining consent may impact on the safety and well being of adults, children and the un born(i.e. putting them at further risk)
Agencies should record any decision to share information when consent has been refused or not sought. (Information to be shared stated on page 3)
Relevant Legislation
Data Protection Act 1998
Human Rights Act 1998
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Health and Social Care Act 2001
Children Act 1989/2004
NHS and Community Care Act 1990
Benefits/outcomes for pregnant women referred to SWANS service:
- To identify at an early stage any risk factors for children/un born in relation to Domestic Abuse/ violence and/or substance misuse
- To encourage pregnant women who may be vulnerable and/or have complex needs to seek early ante natal careand if appropriate receive treatment
- Professionals to recognise the social, medical and safeguarding needs for adults, children and un born baby and provide appropriate services to address these
- To establish an action plan to meet the needs of the pregnant women, her baby and other children
- To encourage communication between all professionals so advice to the pregnant woman is consistent and that any concerns relating to Domestic abuse, Substance misuse and/or safeguarding is dealt with appropriately
It is believed that early intervention and prevention is the key to empowering people to make positive lifestyle changes that impact on the safety and well being of adults, children and un born.
I the undersigned acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to the Information Sharing Agreement
I…………………………………………………………(name of signatory)
On behalf of………………………………………(name of agency)
Hereby agree to the following:
- To subscribe to the principles contained within the agreement
- To work to the principles contained within the agreement
- To ensure that the agreement is fully implemented within the agency and all relevant staff are trained in these principles
Named agencies involved in SWANS
Kirklees Council – Safeguarding adults, Domestic Violence Team, CHYPS, SWEET Project
Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Lifeline Kirklees
Ontrak Alcohol Service
West Yorkshire Police (Safeguarding Unit)
Other agencies/professionals may be added to this list