5 May2017
Dear Parents
PE Kit
Just to remind you children are expected to wear school uniform PE kit. This comprises of a red plain T-shirt or PE T-shirt from Mick Martin, black plain shorts, black leggings, and black plain joggers. Please check r child’s PE day so PE kit can be in school. Please can I ask that children do not bring patterned or brand named PE kit. And lastly, please make sure it has your child’s name is clearly marked. Thank you.
Congratulations to Class1B, 2M and 6Lwho all had99.1% attendance this week.
Class 1B / 99.1% / Class 4H / 96.3%Class 1S / 96.6% / Class 4K / 92.5%
Class 2M / 99.1% / Class 5G / 94.8%
Class 2S / 97.3% / Class 5H / 98.3%
Class 3ON / 89% / Class 6L / 99.1%
Class 3R / 95.4% / Class 6W / 98.2%
Friends of Front Street
FOFS invite you to join them for a planning meeting Monday 8th May at 9am in the Harry Clasper (breakfast optional and little ones welcome!). We are a small but friendly group and really need new members to make fundraising and fun events for our children possible. We look forward to seeing you there!
Next week the sound of the week is 'h'.
We will be looking at wild animals next week. If anyone has any story books or non-fiction books about wild animals please send them in named. Thank you.
Thank you for all of your donations of tissues, they are much appreciated!
Some of the children have spent some time in the hall taking part in some exercise and using the soft play. Please make sure your child has their names in their shoes and socks/tights. It was great to see how many of our children can take off and put onput their own shoes and socks. If you think your child struggles with thisplease support them at home to develop this skill. Thank you!
Year 1
Reminder – Phonics meetings Thursday 11th May.
Year 4
Growth Mindset assemblies - Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to attend last term's parent sharing assemblies. We hope you all enjoyed finding out about Growth Mindset at Front Street and how it can have an impact on learning in the classroom. Further information can be found on the website
Year 6
There is no homework for Year 6 this weekend - exceptrest, relax and enjoy the sunshine! The children have done all of their preparation now and are more than ready for the tests next week. Monday starts with the reading paper. There is an optional breakfast club from 8:20am with a special hot breakfast on Thursdayif children wish to attend. However, children must be in school for 8:55am prompt.
If any child is feeling unwell, please send them to school as normal and we will ring for the child to be sent home if they need to be. Afternoons next week will be a combination of revision, PE, art, ICT etc. so please can children have kit in school all week.
On Friday, the children will have a 'treat day' where they are going to be planning and making their own lunch for s special picnic! Thank you againfor your support - we're nearly there now!Good luck Year 6!
School Finishing Times – Reception to Year 2 finish at 3:15pm
Year 3 to Year 6 finish at 3:20pm
After School Clubs finish at 4:20pm (Gymnastics at 5:20pm).
ASC – We have spaces in the following Clubs – Monday Dance, Tuesday Breakfast Basketball and Friday Breakfast Karate. Please contact the office if you would like to join.
We are updating our waiting lists so can you please let the office know if your child would still like a place in any of the After School Clubs.
Just to remind you this is a Safeguarding School and we have a duty to pass on any concerns to Children’s Services.
Our staff are also trained in Team Teach techniques in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
Yours sincerely
HJ Gladstone