California Lutheran University
2105Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament
Friday-Sunday, January 2-4,2105
Thousand Oaks, California
Dear Coach:
The Cal Lutheran Debate Team and the La Reina Speech and Debate team invite you and your squad to participate in our Fourth Annual Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament to be heldon Friday-Sunday, January 2-4,2105. We are experimenting with the "Fullerton style" schedule so all Individual Events rounds areFridaywith all Debate roundson SaturdaytoSunday. Obviously it will be much easier to double enter in both Events and Debate. You can double enter within the Events pattern but not in the Debate pattern.
We are also happy to have the help of the La Reina High School program in co-hosting the tourney atCLU. Due to the size of theCLUcampus, we may limit the total entry into the tournament at some point prior to the published deadline to registration, so early registration is advised.
We again use DUAL topics in LD and Public Forum! We will have Open and Novice divisions in both the January/February NFL LD topic and the November/December LD topic, and the January Public Forum plus the December Public Forum topic. Just register for the topic your students prefer. Double check your registration to make sure you have registered for the correct topic. Topics and divisions with less than 10 entrants may be canceled or combined.
Parliamentary debate will be given 3 topics per round; each team allowed one strike each. All Individual Events will be combined into one pattern to make the schedule more efficient. Double entries in Events are allowed. We will also offer one division of Student Congress.
Happy New Year!
MelanJaich, Debate Coach, California Lutheran University
Matt Conrad, Debate Coach,
La Reina HS
Web Registration
Entries will only be accepted on-line at the new
It will take you a few minutes to set up your school's account, but once that is done the system is a breeze. Plus, the system will enter all your judges and competitors - so when you enter the next tournament that uses this system you will not have to type the judges and competitors names again. You will also be able to make changes to your entry up tonoon Monday, December 29, 2014, with no additional fees. If you are new to the online system, you will need to first "Set up a new account" for your school. After the account is set up, go to "Tournament Calendar" and it will let you click on "Entry." Often you need to select number of slots first and names second.
The system will accept entries and changes untilMonday, December 29, 2014. Make drops and adds on the web page. As ofnoon Tuesday, December 30,, 2014, fees will be set and changes will not be allowed on-line. If you have drops after that date, please email them to me . Changes or drops afterTuesday, December 30, 2014 at 6pmwill be charged a $10 nuisance fee. All space in debate and events will be allocated on a first come, first served basis; register early.
Each judge covers two teams (Parli or Policy); four Public Forum teams/ four Lincoln Douglas debaters/duo entries or six event entries in each pattern. Please call if you have questions about your judgingrequirements. Schools will pay a judging penalty fee per event slot, Congress entry, Lincoln Douglas/Duo Interp or debate team not covered by school judges.
School Fee $40
____ number of Event entries/Congress entered X $10= _____
____ number of Duo Teams entered X $20 =_____
____ number of Parli. teams/P. F. teams/ LD entries X $20 =_____
____ number of Policy Teams X $35 = _____
Penalties for Not Providing School Judges
____ Event entries/Congress entries uncovered X $10 = _____
____ Duo entries uncovered X $20 = _____
____ Parli.or PF teams/ L-D entries uncovered X $75 = _____
____ Policy Teams uncovered X $100 = _____
Total Fees = ______Please make checks payable to "CLUDebate".
Debate Topics:
L/D Debate Topic: November/December ORJanuary/February Topic
2014-2105Policy Debate Topic
Public Forum Topic: December ORJanuary Topic
Parliamentary Debate: Three new topics will be provided each round.
Novice and Open Division in Debate and Events except Congress. Novice is normally defined as the first year of competition. Patterns: Debate Pattern: Policy, Parliamentary, Public Forum and
Lincoln-Douglas Debate plus Congress are in one pattern. Events Pattern: Extemporaneous/Dramatic Interpretation /Expository/Original Prose Poetry / Oratorical Interpretation/ Impromptu /Persuasive /Humorous Interpretation/Thematic Interpretation and Duo Interpretation.
General Rules:
School registration in part or whole may be rejected due to space considerations - please register early! Every year several schools cannot attend or have their entries restricted. The tournament will consist of six preliminary debate rounds and the three preliminary rounds of events. Novice are those students in their first year of competition. All divisions will receive trophies. We reserve the right to combine divisions if the entry warrants.
Because of the novel schedule this year we will offer two Sweepstakes sets of awards: 1rst thru 3rdin Events and 1rst thru 3rdin Debate.
Events Rules:
Students may double enter in Events. Generally we use CHSSA rules but not in all cases. Exceptions include: Persuasive will include both advocacy and other "persuasive" speeches. Extemp is combined national and international. OO, Persuasive and OA are combined as "Oratory". Semifinals will be held in individual events with 50 or more entries or the discretion of the tournament director. Under subscribed events may waive finals.
Debate Rules:
We will accept hybrid teams in debate but you cannot double enter in the debate pattern. We do not accept single person teams. Team debate must be two person. Brackets will be broken to avoid teams from the same school hitting each other. Debate will advance to octofinals if entry warrants. Check the schedule at registration to determine divisions going to octofinals. Parliamentary Debate uses the CHSSA format.
Computers are allowed in all events except during the Parliamentary rounds. For parliamentary debate, computers may only be used during prep.
Congress Rules:
Congress will have one open division only. Please designate the PO's with a 'po' for every ten entries.
Judges Rules:
Schools should provide one judge for every two teams, four Lincoln Douglas debaters/ Congress entries/duo or part of judging one round past where the school drops from competition. Judges are assumed to be experienced and prepared to judge their assigned events or debate formats. Debate judges are free to determine style questions at the beginning of each round. School judges who fail to check in at the judging table when assigned may have their team fined the aforementioned penalties per round.
SCHEDULE California Lutheran University Invitational2105
(Please note there is also free street parking nearby)
Friday, January 2,2105
Directions toCLUcan be obtained from
1:30-2:30 p.m.Events School Check In Registration - Overton Hall
3:30-4:00 p.m.Extemp Prep
4:30-5:30 p.m.Events Round I
5:30-6:00 p.m.Extemp Prep
6:00-7:30 p.m.Events Round II
7:30-8:00 p.m.Extemp Prep
8:00-9:00 p.m.Events Round III
10:30 p.m.Events Break Posted Online
Saturday, January 3,2105
8:00-8:30 a.m.Extemp Prep Final Round
8:30-9:30 p.m.Final Rounds All Events
10:30-11:30 a.m.Late Registration for Debate Only Schools - Overton Hall
11:30-1:30 a.m.Debate Round I Congress Rd. I Bills 1-2
12:00 p.m.Events Awards
1:30-3:30 p.m.Debate Round II Congress Rd. 2 Bills 3-4
3:30-5:30 p.m.Debate Round III Congress Rd. 3 Bills 5-6
5:30-7:30 p.m.Debate Round IV Congress Elims Posted
Sunday, January 5, 2013
8:30-10:30Debate Round V Congress Final Bills 7-8
10:30-12:30Debate Round VI
1:30-3:30 p.m.Debate Elim 1
3:30-5:30 p.m.Debate Elim 2
5:30-7:30 p.m.Debate Elim 3
8:00 pmDebate Elimination rounds continue as needed.
2015 CONGRESS BILLS(thanks to Long Beach State and the TCFL)
1. A Resolution to Reduce Police Paramilitary Tactics
WHEREAS,the 1033 Program, created as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997, has militarized police forces across the nation by providing surplus military equipment including helicopters, tanks, and military-grade weapons through low- or no-cost grants; and
WHEREAS,Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams and other paramilitary police units, designed to be the last resort in hostage or high-risk situations, have increasingly become the first option for a variety of traditional police duties; and
WHEREAS,currently SWAT teams in the US violently smash into homes an average of 100-150 times each day to enforce laws against predominantly non-violent crimes; and
WHEREAS,information giving rise to these raids is often based on unreliable and unverified information from police snitches; and
WHEREAS,police department statistics indicate that as many as 1 in 10 of these “no knock” paramilitary raids may be perpetrated at the wrong address; and
WHEREAS,any perceived noncompliance by occupants in these raids is typically met with potentially lethal force; and
WHEREAS,these paramilitary style raids threaten the foundation of the 4thAmendment's search and seizure protections; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED,By the Congress here assembled that the 1033 Program should be abolished; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the use of SWAT and other similar paramilitary police units should be restricted to their original duties of hostage negotiation and interventions in situations deemed to be of extreme danger.
2. A Resolution to Raise the Federal Minimum Wage to Ten Dollars per Hour
WHEREAS,the federal minimum wage was established in 1968 to combat poverty and has been adjusted several times for inflation; and
WHEREAS,if the federal minimum wage had kept up with inflation in the ensuing forty-six years it would currently stand at $10.74 per hour; and
WHEREAS,the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is not adequate to support oneself; and
WHEREAS,raising the minimum wage would affect the pay of 28 million Americans, stimulate the economy, increase productivity and keep families off federal welfare; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED,that the Congress here assembled increase the federal minimum wage to $10.00 per hour
3. A Bill to Reduce Prison Overcrowding & Assist in the Rehabilitation of Convicted Criminals
Section 1.Federal prisoners convicted for non-violent and/or victimless crimes be granted the option to provide professional services for which they are qualified to the public free of charge, and/or serve in the United States Military to reduce time off of their sentences.
Section 2.Time volunteered will determine time of sentence reduced.
Section 3.A. Inmates which test positive for any communicable diseases will not be permitted to serve in the US Military.
B. Inmates convicted of violent crimes or demonstrating violent behavior during while serving their sentences will not be permitted to participate in this program.
SECTION 4.This law will take effect within twelve months of passage.
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
4. A Bill to Subsidize Space-Based Solar Panels (SBSP) to Establish Renewable Energy Infrastructure with India
Section 1.The United States congress shall denote an initial five-year $20 million program to the US-based National Space Society to develop contributing technologies and build a competent work force culminating in a roadmap for a demonstration prototype
Section 2.This implementation will be conducted under the NSS-Kalam Initiative, a joint partnership between the United States and India in order to implement Space-Based Solar Panel technology.
Section 3.The US Department of State shall oversee the enforcement of this legislation.
•The Department of Energy will work with the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) oversee that this subsidy is effectively used for the purpose of developing SBSP infrastructure
•The US Secretary of State shall further engage with the Indian-based International Space Society (ISS) to ensure similar development is made.
SECTION 4.This subsidy shall be given in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2015.
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
5. A Resolution to Ratify the Mine Ban Treaty
WHEREAS,Over 110 million land mines are currently deployed around the world; and
WHEREAS,Over 1 million people around the world have been killed and injured by anti-personnel landmines; and
WHEREAS,Several hundred thousand children are currently disabled due to injuries sustained because of landmines; and
WHEREAS,The United States remains one of the largest producers of landmines and retains one of the largest stockpiles of landmines; and
WHEREAS, The United States government recognizes mines as weapons of mass destruction when used by individuals or organizations; and
WHEREAS,The United States continues to refuse to ratify Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction (Mine Ban Treaty); now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED,That the Congress here assembled ratify the Mine Ban Treaty; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the definition of “weapon of mass destruction” be expanded to include use of mines by governments and militaries.
Submitted by Shawn Haq from El Camino Real Charter High School
WHEREASaccess to quality public education in the United States is deteriorating and we need to change our public education system to better adapt to 21stcentury workplace demands, and
WHEREAStablets are much lighter than printtextbooks andhave the capacity to increase student productivity and creativity,and
WHEREAStextbookscurrentlyharmtheenvironmentwithenormoususeofpaper, now,
Therefore be itRESOLVEDthat the Student Congress here assembled recommend public schoolsacrossthecountryreplacetextbookswithdigitaltabletsimmediately.
7) A Resolution to Abolish the U. S. Department of Education
Submitted by Anastasia Lisovska, Sherman Oaks CES
WHEREASthe United States Department of Education has failed to improve education for public school students, and
WHEREASthe U. S. Department of Education has had its budget increased six times since its creation in 1979 but has shown little or no impact in improving student test scores in math, reading, or science, and
WHEREASthe United States is ranked 24th out of 65 countries in its public education system, now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEDby this Student Congress to dissolve the United States Department of Education. All decisions regarding the oversight and funding of public education shall be left to the States.
8) Bill to Mandate Universal Mental Health Background Check to Restrict Firearm Possession
Topic suggested by Emily Horak, Hart High School
Be it enacted by the Student Congress here assembled to ensure that all individuals currently prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under federal law for reasons of mental health be listed in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives.
•The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will maintain in a central location the records necessary to identify persons prohibited from possessing or obtaining firearms or other dangerous weapons due to a medically diagnosed or legally adjudicated mental disorder.
•The HHS will make those mental health records available for inclusion in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System upon FFL inquiry.
•An FFL can initiate a background check only in connection with a proposed firearm transfer.
•Applicants with disqualifying mental health backgrounds will be denied.
•All health agencies andentities both public and private and Institutions of Higher Education are required to disclose to the HHS the minimum necessary identifying information about individuals who have been medically diagnosed or legally adjudicated as mentally defective.
•Failure to comply with this Act will result in the loss of federal funding.
•25 percent of the amount that would otherwise be allocated to a State under the Omnibus Crime Control Act shall be withheld following each year of non-compliance.
•Each college, university, or postsecondary institution that receives any form of federal funding, including participation in any federally funded or guaranteed student loan program, risks losing its eligibility to participate in federal fund assistance for each academic year following each year of non-compliance.
•SECTION 2.This law will be enforced by the Attorney General of the United States.
•SECTION 3.This law shall go into effect onJune 30, 2016.
•SECTION 4.All laws in conflict are hereby declared null and void.
9)A Bill to Revive Repealed provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act
Topic suggested by Eleanor Nishioka, Hart High School
The purpose of this bill is to reduce risks to the financial system by limiting banks’ ability to engage in certain risky activities, and to reinstate certain Glass-Steagall Act protections that were repealed by Congress in 1999.
Section 1: Findings and Purposes.
•Congress finds that in response to a financial crisis and the ensuing Great Depression, Congress enacted the Banking Act of 1933, known as the ‘‘Glass-Steagall Act,’’ to prohibit commercial banks from offering investment banking and insurance services;
•in 1999, Congress enacted the ‘‘Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’’, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act separation between commercial and investment banking and allowed for complex interconnections between commercial and investment banks.
•The purposes of this Act are—
•to limit banks’ ability to engage in activities other than socially valuable core banking activities;
•to protect taxpayers and reduce moral hazard by removing government guarantees for high-risk activities outside of the core business of banking; and
•to eliminate conflicts of interest that arise from banks engaging in activities from which their profits are earned at the expense of their customers or clients.
Section 2: Sections 20 and 32 of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act are hereby reinstated upon this
bill’s passage.All laws in conflict with Sections 20 and 32 are hereby declared null and void.