
Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS)

StrategicReference Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) – March 2017

What do you mean by a strategic issue?

We mean the big issues that are impacting, or could affect the city and local people, which the VCS can offer a perspective on. Examples might include back-to-work challenges, social isolation or housing issues for excluded groups. We do not mean issues about the VCS sector per se, e.g. voluntary sector infrastructure and funding.

One Nottingham has recently strengthened its focus on fairness and aspiration. Information on this and its other priorities can be found on .

How will the Group represent the VCS?

The purpose of the Group is to identify and recommend responses to strategic issues. It is not intended as a system for representation of the wider voluntary sector, and will not replace any of the existing organisations, networks, or partnerships that seek to do this.

If organisations wish to raise a strategic issue, the Group’s contact details will be available on the One Nottingham website. The Group will work closely with Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service (NCVS), and may wish to take part in any engagement events that consider strategic issues. The Group will also support the existing VCS One Nottingham Board Members, (covering the general VCS, BME, and Faith sectors).

How does this fit with other partnership, networks and VCS groups?

The Group isn’t intended to replace other partnerships and networks. Others are welcome to raise an issue or opportunity with the Group, but it must be with a view to gaining strategic advice.

Individuals that are part of other networks and partnerships are welcome to apply, particularly where this gives them access to a wider perspective.

How long would I be a member for?

We want to give the group time to become established, so we envisage initial membership lasting for around two years. Any future calls will need to fit with changes to ON Board VCS representation, as the Group is intended to support those individuals.

Membership is voluntary and, whilst we hope people will remain members, they are free to leave the Group.

What happens if there are more applications than places?

In the event of over-subscription, a Panel comprising the Chair, elected VCS representative and independent business representative of the One Nottingham Board, will decide who to offer membership to, based on how they have demonstrated their ability to meet the requirements in their application.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in joining the Group, please submit a short (2 page maximum) note outlining what you hope to achieve and how you will fulfil the requirements. Expressions of interest should be sent, together with your contact details, to .ukby 5pm, Tuesday 4th April 2017. We will notify the successful applicants by the end of April and publish the outcome in our bulletin.

For more information contact Lorel Manders, Partnership Manager, One Nottingham


Telephone: 0115 8765000