IGC Constitution
Last Update: March 2, 2012
Passed on: N/A
Independent Greek Council Constitution
Seeing the need for a diverse representation of Greek Organizations not affiliated with the existing Greek Councils at the University of Central Arkansas and acknowledging that only through the unification ad empowerment of all recognized Fraternities and Sororities with the goal of increasing multiculturalism, friendship, unity, and representation for each organization in academics, social interaction, service, chapter development, and brotherhood/sisterhood, as well as serving as a resource for these organizations, the members of the Independent Greek Council do hereby adopt this Constitution.
Article I: Name
Section 1.
The name of this Council shall be the “Independent Greek Council” and shall be further referred to as “IGC.”
Article II: Purpose and Aims
Section 1.
The purpose of the IGC is to serve as a resource for those organizations within the Council and will act as a liaison among organizations, the executive boards, and their respective national boards. The Council will not be used for political actions and will only serve as a resource to those organizations within the Council.
Section 2.
The purpose of the IGC is to promote and foster positive Greek relations, communication, and development of all fraternal organizations through mutual respect, leadership, honesty, professionalism, and education.
Article III: Organizations of the Council
The organizations that are part of the Council are collegiate Greek organizations composed of men and women of all cultures and backgrounds. This Council will consider recognizing and supporting Greek organizations, under proposal and admission to IGC, that are not affiliated with the existing Greek Councils at UCA. Furthermore, these organizations must comply with the aims of IGC. The founding organizations of the IGC will be Sigma Phi Lambda (Alpha Eta Chapter) and Beta Upsilon Chi (Alpha Gamma Chapter).
Article IV: Membership
Section 1.
Membership within this Council shall be open to recognized UCA Greek Letter Organizations that comply with the standards set by the Office of Greek Life at UCA. Chapters joining the board shall have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.3, in accordance with UCA Greek Life standards, and shall maintain this minimum GPA. Membership shall be attained by submitting official membership application to the Council, a letter of recommendation from the organization’s advisor, an interview by and a presentation to the General Body of the IGC, and finally the vote of membership by those organizations within IGC.
- The fraternities of the UCA IGC and their dates of recognition are as follows:
- Beta Upsilon Chi – 2009
- Sigma Phi Lambda - 2011
Section 2.
If a chapter that is of a “colony” status is voted into IGC, they will be considered “Associate Members” until they reach chapter status. Associate Members are prohibited from voting or holding execute positions on the Independent Greek Council.
Section 3.
All Chapters must abide by the UCA recruitment policies. (See Greek Life Office)
Article V: Government
Section 1.
IGC will be maintained by two elected positions, whose chain of command is as listed: President and Chief Justice. These two positions will be aided with one delegate from each organization. Potential delegates will submit applications to Chapter Presidents in order to be selected for the council. Officers must have a cumulative GPA of 2.3 and be in good standing with UCA.
Section 2.
The duties of the two elected positions, President and Chief Justice, are as follows:
- President: The President will act as the head of the council and represent the views and opinions. Until further time when the council grows, the President will also act as the Treasurer.
- Chief Justice: Chief Justice will deal with any interdisciplinary problems that crop up with any of the fraternities involved with the council. Until further time when the council grows, the Chief Justice will also act as the Secretary, recording minutes and acting as the communications chair.
Section 3.
The delegates to the committee will be responsible for picking up jobs that the officers pass to them. They will help communicate ideas to other councils as well to the fraternities involved in this council.
Article VI: Elections
Section 1.
In order to run for IGC elected position, the member must either have been or currently be a delegate or have served on or is currently served on executive boards for the Chapters. Elections will be held with the former officers and the new delegates.
Section 2.
Elections will occur at the end of the fall semester in November. The term will be from January 1st to December 31st.
Section 3.
If for any reason it is deemed that an officer cannot fulfill his or her duties, seventy-five percent of the council must agree to vote them off. At this time, nominations will occur to fill this spot from the delegates. Once the new officer is elected, a new delegate will be selected to fill the open delegate position.
Article VII: Meetings
Section 1.
Meetings will be held weekly on Tuesday’s during x-period (1:40pm – 2:30pm). Meetings will not be held if there are no chapter meetings that night.
Section 2.
Special meetings of the Independent Greek Council will be called by the President when necessary and shall be called by him or her upon the written request of any member of the IGC.
Section 3.
The President will call meeting to order; if the President is unable to attend, the Chief Justice will be responsible to lead the meeting in his place.
Section 4.
Parliamentary Authority will be dictated by the standard procedure set up by Roger’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
Article VIII: Quorum
Three-fourths of the council shall constitute as quorum for the transaction of any business by the Independent Greek Council.
Article VIIII: Committees
With so few involved at this time, all responsibilities will be dealt with as a group. In future case of growth, seventy-five perfect of the council must agree to form a committee. Heads of the committees, in the future, will be an elected position.
Article X: Finances
Section 1.
The fiscal finance year for the Independent Greek Council will be from January 1st to December 31st.
Section 2.
There will be no dues paid by each member of the council. Instead, all money the council obtains will be through fundraising purposes and will go back into the community.
Section 3.
Before a check can be processed, it must be signed by the President and approved by the advisor.
Section 4.
If the council dissolves, the money will be split among those Greeks that constitute the council. If none of those groups are in existence either, the money will be donated to the University of Central Arkansas.
Article XI: Advisor
The advisor will be chosen by a joint decision of the President and Chief Justice. The role of the advisor will be to lend advice when needed and be someone the group can look to for leadership when needed. The advisor must be a faculty or staff member at the University of Central Arkansas.
Article XII: Contracts
In order for a contract to be binding, both advisor and President must sign the contract. All contracts must comply with Board Policy #416.
Article XIII: Amendments
Amendments to this constitution may be proposed in writing by any active members of Independent Greek Council during any regular meeting. Proposed amendments will be voted upon at the next general meeting by the representatives of those organizations within Independent Greek Council. An amendment may be adopted only by the vote of three-fourths of all representatives. The amendment will go into effect following the approval. The Chief Justice will then add the new amendment to the constitution and distribute the revised copy to the presidents of each recognized organization of the Independent Greek Council.