Course: World History Fall 2016
Mr. Mims
Course Description
World History course focuses on developing students' understanding of world history from approximately 8000 B.C.E. to the present. The course has students investigate the content of world history for significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in six historical periods, and develop and use the same thinking skills and methods (analyzing primary and secondary sources, making historical comparisons, chronological reasoning, and argumentation) employed by historians when they study the past. The course also provides five themes (interaction between humans and the environment; development and interaction of cultures; state building, expansion, and conflict; creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems; and development and transformation of social structures) that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places encompassing the five major geographical regions of the globe: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.
The following are topics that will be addressed in this course:
- Early Civilizations
- Classical India
- Classical Greece and Rome
- The Rise and Spread of Islam
- World Religions
- Forms of Government
- The West and the Changing Balance of World Power
- Cause and Effect of WWI
- The Impact of WWII
- World Wars
- Historic and current public policy issues
- U.S. in world affairs
What you should bring to class every day:
- spiral bound notebook
- pen, pencil,
- any assignments needed
- There will be daily warm-ups at the start of every class. Begin on them as soon as class starts and complete them in a timely manner. All of the warm-ups must be kept together in a folder. You will have a quiz based on your warm-ups every few weeks.
- Daily assignments will consist of taking notes, chapter assignments, media research, power point presentations, written work, small group work, short answer essays, class discussions and individual and group projects.
- Read assigned text and be prepared to actively participate in class discussions based on the reading.
Grade Categories:
- Warm-ups
- Class work
- Participation
- Homework
- Projects
- Tests & Quizzes
Missed Work Due to Absence:
Make up work due to an absence is your responsibility as a student. Please come to me to collect missed work. I will not track you down to give you assignments. Assignments and assessments may be completed during my tutorial time. An assignment due on the day a student is absent will be due the day the student returns to school.
Academic Support
- Scheduled Tutorials
The grading scale:
93-100%= A
90-93% = A-
87-90% = B+
80-83% =B-
77-80% = C+
73-77% = C
70-73% = C-
63-67% = D
60-63%= D-
0-60% = F