Eaton Board of Education Regular Meeting

November 22, 2011

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  1. Opening of the Meeting
  1. Call to Order – President
  1. Roll Call – President

J. Ferriell ___ D. Mowen ___ R. McKinney ___ B. Pool___ J. Renner ___

B. Neavin___ P. Dodson ___ C. Neanen___ S. Couch___

K. Carpenter___ K. Powell___ P. Friesel___

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Adopt the Agenda

Motion by ______, seconded by ______to adopt the agenda.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______

  1. Recognition of Visitors
  1. Executive Session (only if necessary)

To discuss.

Motion by ______, second by ______to convene

executive session.

Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

President convenes executive session at ______p.m.

President resumes open session at ______p.m.

  1. Other Opening Business
  1. Treasurer’s Business – Priscilla Dodson
  1. The Treasurer recommends approval of the following:
  1. Approve minutes of the October 10, 2011 Regular Board Meeting and the October 26, 2011 special Meeting
  2. Submission of Warrants
  3. Submission of Financial Report
  4. Submission of Investment Report
  5. Approve Appropriations for FY12
  6. Transfer $86,426.05 from General Fund 001-0000 to General Fund 001-9164 HB 264 #1 to paySinking Fund obligation and interest.
  7. Approve Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting (OCBOA) for auditing beginning FY12.
  8. Approve moving the following teachers on the pay scale:
  9. Ty Tolliver to a Master’s Degree, retroactive to October 17, 2011.
  10. Ann Tolliver to a Master’s Degree, retroactive to October 17, 2011.
  11. Jennifer Hopkins to a Master’s Degree, retroactive to November 14, 2011.

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item II. 1.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Old Business
  1. Miami Valley Career Technology Center Report – Doug Mowen
  2. Parks and Recreation Board Report – Joe Renner
  3. Project Manager’s Report – Tom Doseck
  4. Superintendent’s Report – Brad Neavin
  5. Director of Education’s Report – Cindy Neanen
  6. Principal’s Report – Kip Powell
  7. Other Old Business
  1. New Business
  1. Resignations

The Administration recommends acceptance of the following resignations:

  1. Chad Tinstman – Social Studies Department Head – M.S.
  1. Employment – Non-Certificated Staff

The Administration recommends the employment of the following personnel. Employment contingent upon certification (where applicable), criminal record check, and all other state and local requirements. Salary and duties per Board Policy, Negotiated Agreement, and Administrative Rules and Regulations.

  1. Russell Farmer, Bus Driver, effective November 28, 2011.
  1. Employment – Non-Certificated Staff Extra-Curricular Contracts

The following positions have been posted and no certificated staff members have applied. The Administration recommends the employment of these nominees on one-year limited contracts for the 2011-2012 school year. Employment contingent upon certification (where applicable), criminal record check, and all other state and local requirements. Salary and duties per Board Policy, Negotiated Agreement, and Administrative Rules and Regulations.

  1. Wade Guthrie, Assistant Middle School Wrestling Coach
  2. Nathan Hans, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
  3. Lori Spence, 7th Grade Girls Cheerleading Advisor for Basketball and 8th Grade Girls Cheerleading Advisor for Basketball
  1. Employment – Certificated Staff Extra–Curricular Supplemental Contract.

The Administration recommends approval of the following supplemental contracts for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 or as noted). Salaries and duties per Board Policy Negotiated AgreementAdministrative Rules and Regulations, and any applicable state requirements

  1. Aaron Hemmert as AcademicTeam Advisor for Eaton High School.
  2. Ray McCampbell as Hi-Y Advisor for Eaton High School.
  3. Jennifer Anderson as Science Department Head for Eaton Middle School.

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV. 1-4.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

5.Employment – Certificated Staff – Home Instruction Tutors

The Administration recommends employment of AshleeTaylor as a Home Instruction Tutor on a one year limited contract for the 2011-2012 school year on an as needed basis, at a rate of $20.00 per hour retroactive to November 16, 2011.

Motion by ______, seconded by ______, to approve agenda Item IV. 5


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Employment- Certificated Staff- Substitute Teachers/Tutors, as certified by the Preble County Education Service Center

The administration recommends approval of the following additions to the substitute teacher/home instruction tutor list as certified by the Preble County Educational Service Center.

  1. Renee Cola’j
  2. Mary Hudson

Motion by ______, seconded by ______, to approve agenda Item IV. 6.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Employment – Non Certificated Staff – Substitutes

The Administration recommends employment of the following substitutes for the 2011-2012 school year. Employment contingent upon certification (if necessary), criminal background check, and all applicable state and local requirements. Salary and duties per Board Policy and Administrative Rules and Regulations with no fringe benefits

  1. Karen Hamilton, Substitute Aide


Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV, 7.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Approval of Graduation Date and Time

The Administration recommends that the Eaton High School Graduation Ceremony be held on Sunday, June 3, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV, 8.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Approval of Out-of-State Employee Travel

The Administration recommends approval of out-of-state travel for the following employee.

  1. Ray McCampbell to attend the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, retroactive to October 21, 2011


Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV, 9.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Memorandum of Understanding with Sinclair College

The Administration recommends the approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Board and Sinclair College for a series of dual credit classes. (Attachment A)

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV. 10.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Memorandum of Understanding for Classified Employees on Calamity Day 6,7 & 8

The Administration recommends the approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Board and the ESSP. (Attachment B)

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV, 11.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Resolution Opposing HB 136
  1. The Administration recommends the approval of the following Resolution opposing HB 136.

WHEREAS, the Ohio House of Representative is currently considering legislation thatwould significantly expand the availability of vouchers for students to attend private orparochial schools; and

WHEREAS, this legislation would grant vouchers to any public school student in Ohio torequest and be granted a voucher, subject only to a family income standard of $95,000 or less; and

WHEREAS, such vouchers would be granted without regard to the academicperformance of the public school that the student is assigned to attend; and

WHEREAS, the bill provides that students already enrolled in private or parochialschools would be eligible for such vouchers; and

WHEREAS, students receiving vouchers would be able to retain any excess funds inthose instances where the cost of tuition is less than the value of the voucher for use inany private school or college in Ohio; and

WHEREAS, the operation of the proposed program would take dollars directly from thealready financially beleaguered local public school districts resulting in fewer resourcesfor the education of the remaining students;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Eaton Board of Education

does hereby express its opposition to this legislation, HB 136 School Choice; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Eaton Board of Education expresses itsopposition to any legislation that seeks to transfer public dollars to support privateeducation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be directed to spread this resolutionupon the minutes of the Board of Education and that copies of the resolution beforwarded to members of the Ohio House of Representatives.

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV. 12.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Surplus Items List

The Administration recommends the approval to declare certain items as surplus/obsolete and to dispose of them.

  1. East Elementary, 207 Outdated/damaged library books.

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV. 13.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. OHSAA Gym Rental Fee

The Administration recommends approval to charge the Ohio High School Athletic Association a special rate of $50.00 per hour for rental of the Eaton High School gym to conduct the Southwest District Division II Wrestling Sectional Tournament on February 17 and 18, 2012.

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV. 14.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Agreement with Preble County Educational Service Center

The Administration recommends the approval of an agreement with the Preble County Educational Service Center to provide Psychologist Serviceson a per case basis to be paid for through Federal Grant funding during the 2011-2012 school year.

Motion by ______, seconded by ______, to approve agenda Item IV. 15.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Approval of Volunteers

The Administration recommends approval of the following volunteers for the 2011-2012 school year; contingent upon completion of all state and local requirements, including criminal background check if necessary.

  1. Scott Trunck, Volunteer High School Wrestling Coach
  2. Brandon Wilson, Volunteer High School Wrestling Coach
  3. Stephanie Auld, Volunteer High School Softball Coach
  4. Corey Mowen, Volunteer High School Track Coach
  5. Cory McKinney, Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
  6. Wes Monebrake, Vounteer High School Wrestling Coach

Motion by ______, seconded by ______, to approve agenda Item IV. 16.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Donations

The Administration recommends acceptance of the following donations:

  1. Preble County Pork Festival, Inc. to the Eaton Middle School National Honor Society Fund.
  2. Richard and Cynthia Mitchell to the Eaton High School Library Fund in memory of Howard Deacon.
  3. Alpha Garden Club to the Eaton High School Library.
  4. Rick Sheldon to the Eaton High School Football Team
  5. McDonalds Restaurant to the Bruce Elementary Principal’s Fund.
  6. Denise Clouse to Eaton High School.

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV. 17.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Other New Business

Motion by______, seconded by______, to approve agenda Item IV. 17.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

  1. Executive Session (if necessary)

To discuss ______

Motion by ______, second by ______to convene

executive session.

Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

President convenes executive session at ______p.m.

President resumes open session at ______p.m.


Motion by______, seconded by______, to

adjourn the meeting.


Ferriell ___ Mowen ___ McKinney ___ Pool___ Renner ___

President declares motion ______.

President adjourns meeting at p.m.

Upcoming Meeting:

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, December 12th, 2011 – 6:00 p.m.

Hollingsworth East Elementary

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Sinclair Community College


Eaton Community School District

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into this22nd day of November, 2011 (Retroactive to August 24, 2011) between Sinclair Community College (Sinclair) and Eaton Community School District. Sinclair will offer a series of dual credit classes to Eaton High School students, during the regular school day, and taught by certified high school teachers. Courses offered under this MOU will be offered during the 2011-2012 academic year.

  1. Course Offering

Sinclair will offer a series of dual credit college courses agreed upon by representatives from the appropriate academic departments at Sinclair and Eaton High School, subject to any additional final approval that either party may require. Students enrolled in acorresponding high school class(es) who meet eligibility requirements will be eligible to also enroll in the Sinclair course and earn both high school and college credit. The courses will run during Eaton High School’s regular school day. All instruction will be conducted during the class period in which the corresponding high school class is delivered.

  1. Tuition/Books/Misc. Fees
  1. A one-time Admissions Application fee of $20 will be charged for all new students upon registration.
  2. Students will be responsible for paying their own tuition, fees, books and other course materials. Tuition and fees will be based on effective tuition rates. Current rates can be viewed at
  3. Online courses have a $5.00 per credit hour fee beyond tuition. Other courses have additional course fees and can be discussed when determining course options.
  1. Registration Process
  1. Sinclair will provide information and application materials for students and their families. Sinclair will work with Eaton High School to host a parent/student information session to learn about the process of applying and enrolling in dual enrollment courses or online courses monitored during the high school day.
  1. Students may register for the course during designated registration periods. Full payment will be required by established Sinclair deadlines. No registrations will be accepted after the established deadline. No retroactive college credit will be granted. Students who have not paid their tuition and fees in full by the established deadline will be de-registered for the course and will not earn college credit.
  1. Faculty Issues/Pay
  1. The instructor for the course will be a Eaton High School teacher who has been approved as an adjunct faculty member for Sinclair. The instructor will have all of the responsibilities of a Sinclair Adjunct Faculty member and be bound by all Sinclair requirements for such faculty.
  1. Eaton High School will invoice Sinclair and Sinclair will pay Eaton High School for the instructor’s services. The amount invoiced and paid will be Sinclair’s standard Lecturer 1 rate for adjunct faculty which is presently $500 per credit hour. Class enrollment of less than ten students will be compensated at 0.2 Sinclair payload per student, which is presently $100 per student.
  1. Eaton High School may determine separately if any amount will be added to the instructor’s compensation as a school district employee as a result of the instructor’s teaching of classes covered by this MOU.
  1. Class Requirements

The high school curriculum and the expected outcomes from the class will be evaluated by representatives of the appropriate Sinclair academic department for purposes of determining whether they comply with Sinclair’s course curriculum requirements. The instructor will work with representatives of Sinclair’s academic department to ensure that all Sinclair course requirements are met.

  1. Physical Facilities

Eaton City School District will be solely responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the physical facilities used for the purpose of this MOU. Sinclair will promptly report any safety hazard or dangerous circumstance observed to Eaton City School District.

  1. Insurance

Sinclair and Eaton Community School District will obtain and maintain insurance policies covering general liability insurance, property damage, and such other coverage’s in amounts mutually agreed upon between Sinclair and Eaton Community School District from time-to-time. Sinclair and Eaton Community School District will provide each other Certificates of Insurance showing the coverage’s agreed to be maintained by each party. All such insurance coverage’s will have waiver of subrogation clauses to the benefit of the other party, and such policies will provide the other party thirty (30) days written notice prior to cancellation of any such insurance coverage.

  1. Independent Contractor

This MOU does not create any agency relationship between the parties.

  1. Liability of Parties

Each party agrees to be responsible for any personal injury or property damage caused by the negligent acts or negligent omissions by or through itself or its agents, employees and contracted servants and each party further agrees to define itself and themselves and pay any judgments and costs arising out of such negligent acts or negligent omissions, and nothing in the MOU will impute or transfer any such responsibility form on to the other.

  1. Termination

This contract may be terminated by either party with a 30-day written notice to the other in writing. Such termination will be effective at the conclusion of any course which has commenced as of the date of the 30-day notice.

  1. Governing Law

This MOU will be construed and enforced under the laws of the State of Ohio. This Agreement is made and entered into on the year and date first mentioned above.



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