Minutes of the UUCA Board of Trustees Meeting
March 28, 2017
Board Members Attending: Jon Johnson, Christian Harden, Erin Stanfill (president elect), Melissa Marion-Landais (president), Mike Kuhar, Carol Ann Arvan, Jane Mengel (recording), Cindy Hoffner, Paul Deckard.
Staff Members Attending: Rev. Anthony Makar
Spirit and Community
Chalice Lighting: Jon Johnson lit the chalice with words by Susan Davison Archer.
Announcements: Announcements were reviewed as listed on the agenda. Specific mention was made of the Murder Mystery event/fundraiser on April 30th. This is replacing the Floralia Dinner.
Thank You Messages: Messages will be sent to UUCA members John Hinckle and Jerolyn Lowry for their volunteer contributions.
Circle of Connection: Members responded to the following question: “Aside from the Board, what other UUCA connection is (are) important to you?”
Executive Report
Finances: Rev. Makar reported that pledge and plate donations are 5% ahead of budget for the first two months of 2017. Expenditures are below projections and there have been no extraordinary costs. UUCA received a $2353.00 stock gift and Growth Initiative Funds received donations in memory of Iris Frank.
Announcements: On April 9th Susan Frederick-Gray, a candidate for president of the UUA, will be at UUCA to speak after the second service. April 30th is the next 5th Sunday collection for UUA dues. Mary Catherine Morn, Director of Stewardship for the UUA, will be joining us.
AVOM and Year 4 Implementation Plan Overview: Rev. Makar reported that Mary K. Roarabaugh has been hired as a part-time Director of Development and Membership. In addition, pledging friends and lapsed members are being contacted as part of a membership drive. Jessica Seales and Karen Roy are following up on that. Rev. Makar is looking into a consultant to help improve areas including membership and volunteerism.
Conversation with Dan Hotchkiss: Dan will continue to consult with UUCA. He and Rev. Makar spoke regarding teams necessary for UUCA's upcoming move and specifically about the Strategy Committee and its oversight of the process.
Middle Hour: Rev. Makar reported that the Middle Hour continues to be successful. He will be offering a course for adults on Emotionally Intelligent Relationships.
Current State of ARAOMC at UUCA: Rev. Makar then reviewed a comprehensive memo regarding ARAOMC activities at UUCA. The Enter Culture Team has disbanded after more than two years of service toward adoption of the ARAOMC Statement. Two new individuals will come on board to further work in this area - the new Intern Minister, Taryn Strauss, brings a passion for ARAOMC and will work with Jessica Seales. A new part time Social Justice Coordinator will help focus on this area. This comprehensive report will serve as a measuring device as we move forward in ARAOMC and will be helpful for the Strategy Committee.
Decisive Action
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the February Board meeting were approved by email.
Committee Reports
Nominating Committee Liaison: Melissa Marion Landais reported that the Nominating Committee has completed its work on the slate of officers to be put forward at the May Congregational Meeting.
Real Estate Status: Melissa reported that a system is in place for monitoring the requirements of the PSA with CHOA (Children's Health Care of Atlanta). Dave Spierman and Karen Roy are working together on this. The process is moving quickly and smoothly.
Finance Committee: Paul Deckard reported that the committee met last week. They reviewed executive limitations with respect to financial policies and procedures and found no problems with the documents. Pledge and plate donations are up 5% for the first two months of the year and expenses are down. Growth Initiatives are up. He stated a separate restricted account should be set up for real estate related transactions. More specific financial reports were made available to the board by email. The Finance Committee is working on options for managing the income from the sale of the property.
Paul also announced he will be moving to Denver, Colorado to accept a new position there. Board members congratulated him and thanked him for his excellent service as Finance Trustee.
PEM: Erin Stanfill reported the committee has one monitoring report left to do. The Board self evaluation has gone out to all members. The committee will be drafting the Sr. Minister evaluation and will get that out early in April. Discussion about the evaluation will be in Executive Session at the board meeting.
Congregational Life: Christian Harden reported that the anticipated completion date for the survey report is the next board meeting in April. He discussed the new introductory paragraph for the survey that the committee added due to the changes in circumstances for UUCA since the initiation of the survey. The survey should now be interpreted with an eye toward the upcoming move from our current location. He also discussed the committee's ideas about the “core” group that completed the survey and how they are indicators of an aging congregation. The need for a younger demographic was put forward. Regarding the Long Range Planning Committee, Christian stated that the decision has been made to postpone the LRP until after the move. It is not practical to undertake that project right now. Dan Hotchkiss will continue to be a planning consultant with a shift toward the move. Christian and Melissa have spoken to LRP committee members and urged them to get involved in other areas and consider returning to the LRP when it begins again.
Board Education
Open Question: Mike Kuhar shared a document concerning what it means to be a “Flagship Congregation”. He summarized comments from a UUA leader, Rev. Makar, and other ministers. A congregation can be a flagship within the UUA, within a region and/or city and within the religious community of the area. Rev. Makar pointed out the need to be more focused and to stop trying to do too many things in the social justice arena. He believes the move may help us focus. The board discussed ways of achieving a continuing or alternating focus. The need for communal care within the congregation was also mentioned. A possible future Open Question could be “How to be more of a beloved community.”
Real Estate Negotiations: Erin Stanfill reviewed the suggested teams required for completion of the move. The Site Strategy Committee will oversee the following: Site Discovery and Purchase, Site Renovation and Construction, Moving and Garage Sale Committee, Communication Team, Celebrations Team, and Programming and Marketing Team. There will possibly be a need for a Interim Relocation Team. The board discussed the teams and the job of the Strategy Committee. It was suggested that the Finance Team would add an additional member(s) to oversee the operating budget and restricted funds and those funds available from the sale. Membership of the Site Strategy Committee was discussed. It was suggested the committee should include a staff person, a board person and volunteers. Team members will be appointed by the Board and Rev. Makar. Rev. Makar will give thought to the role of staff people in this process. Co-chairs may be appropriate with one of those being a project manager. It was agreed something should be presented at the May Congregational Meeting and that the process of having conversations with congregants should start soon. The Facilities Study Team report will be a good jumping off point. Open Questions for the Strategy Committee were suggested. Erin will send out the names of those who have volunteered and ask for more.
Observer's Insights: Mike Kuhar shared observations on tonight's meeting.
Extinguishing the Chalice: Jon Johnson extinguished the chalice with words from Martha Munson.
The meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting: April 25, 2017
Meeting Host: Erin Stanfill
Above Board due April 14
Process Observer: Mike Kuhar
Chalice Lighter: Melissa
Upcoming Meetings
Bylaws and Governance: as needed
Open Questions: as needed
PEM: 3rd Wednesday
Finance: 3rd Mondays
Congregational Life: 3rd Sunday