2017-2018 VENDED MEALS
DUE DATE: December 9, 2016
Seneca Family of Agencies (Seneca) participates in the School Breakfast Program (SLBP) National School Lunch Program (NSLP) for students.
Seneca Family of Agencies is accepting bids from qualified outside food vendors to provide breakfast under SBP and lunch under NSLP for approximately 150-175 students in grades Preschool-12 from January 2017 to June 2018.
SUBMISSION DUE DATE: December 9, 2016
We have 5 non-public school sites:
Building Blocks – Oakland, CA
· Serves breakfast, lunch and snack
Catalyst Academy – El Sobrante, CA
· Serves lunch and snack
James Baldwin Academy – San Leandro, CA
· Serves breakfast, lunch and snack
Pathfinder Academy – Fremont, CA
· Serves lunch and snack
Hillside High School - Petaluma, CA
· New site
· Serves breakfast, lunch and snack
See Appendix A for detailed school information.
Seneca is seeking an organization that is familiar with the following programs:
· The School Breakfast Program (SBP)
· The National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
The ideal food vendor will have the following qualifications:
Ø Ability to provide fresh, nutritious, tasty, and visually appealing meals.
Ø Ability to comply with all food specifications listed on page three of the IFB.
Ø Ability to provide appropriate utensils and napkins as needed for the meals.
Ø Ability to provide consistent quality control.
Ø Ability to provide nutrition advocacy.
Ø Ability to provide responsible and responsive account manager.
Ø Previous experience working with multiple school sites.
Ø Ability to provide SBP and NSLP compliant meals and snacks (all meals must be eligible for state and federal reimbursement).
Ø Ability to provide SBP and NSLP menu recordkeeping and planning necessary to receive reimbursements.
Ø Familiarity with State and Federal regulations pertaining to operations in a school setting.
Ø Comply with all state, county and city health and sanitation requirements. Seneca Family of Agencies reserves the right to inspect Vendor’s facilities at any time during the contract period.
Ø Has valid certifications and insurance documents.
Food qualifications:
Ø No frozen foods.
Ø Provide fresh vegetable with every lunch meal.
Ø Provide fresh fruit with every lunch. No canned/frozen fruits.
Ø No hydrogenated oils.
Ø No tropical oils (coconut palm oils).
Ø No artificial trans fats.
Ø No more than 30% of calories from total fat, and no more than 10% of calories from saturated fats.
Ø No deep fried foods.
Ø No overly processed foods.
Ø No high fructose corn syrup.
Ø No artificial preservatives, colors, flavors or sweeteners.
Ø Foods with little or no added sugar.
Ø Meats shall be free of nitrates and nitrites.
Ø No animal by-products.
Ø No mechanically separated meats (aka “pink slime”).
Ø Provide lowfat or nonfat milk with each lunch meal. Milk shall be rBST-free.
Ø No L-Cystine.
Ø Whole grains must be offered.
Ø Provide a daily vegetarian option and dairy-free option.
Ø Use organic and locally produced ingredients whenever possible.
The Vendor shall be responsible for the following:
· Provide the necessary utensils and napkins in sufficient quantity for the number of meals ordered.
· Deliver meals to location(s) at times specified by Seneca.
· Condition or care of meals until they are delivered to the school.
· Provide to Seneca no later than one (1) week prior to the end of each month, a monthly menu covering the meals to be served for the following month.
· Provide Seneca with sack lunches for field trips when requested. All meals for field trips must meet the appropriate meal pattern requirements.
· Maintain the proper temperature of the lunch and snack components until they are delivered.
· Maintain all necessary records on the nutritional components and quantities of the meals served at Seneca non-public schools and making said records available for inspection by State and Federal authorities upon request.
Seneca Family of Agencies will be responsible for the following:
· Ordering meals needed.
· Condition and care of meals once accepted upon delivery.
· Service of meals to students, implement Offer vs. Serve for all students.
· Maintenance of the premises, equipment and facilities where meals will be served, and will adhere to the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitary practices to ensure compliance with state and local health and sanitation requirements related to the food service program.
· Distribution and collection of applications, determining student eligibility, counting meals served in accordance with eligibility, consolidation of counts of meals served to students, and claiming of meals for reimbursement.
· Maintenance of records required to substantiate free and reduced-price meals.
· Payment of invoices to the vendor using net 30 terms.
o No payment will be made for meals that are spoiled or unwholesome at time of delivery, do not meet the specifications, or do not otherwise meet the requirement of the agreement. However, no deduction will be made unless Seneca Family of Agencies provides written notification of the meal service for which the deduction is to be made, specifying the number of meals for which we intend to deduct payment and setting forth the reasons for the deduction.
Contract Period:
The contract period will be January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.
Bids must include:
· Description of services including but not limited to the following:
o Menu development rationale
o Placing orders
o Equipment needed
o Nutrition advocacy
o Duration and extent of experience in the operation of school meal services
o Additional services
· Cost per meal (and snack)
· Sample 21-day cycle menu for breakfast, lunch, and snack including nutritional information showing compliance with federal and state meal program requirements.
· A copy of current health certifications for the food service facility in which it prepares meals for the NSLP.
· Proof of liability insurance and proposed indemnity language
· Materials/supplies provided
· 3 professional references; include name, title, phone, email and description of services provided
The selection of a vendor shall be based upon:
· Description of services (20 points)
· Menu appeal (20 points)
· Proposed price (30 points)
· Confidence in the provider (20 points)
· Compliance with IFB specifications (10 points)
Seneca Family of Agencies retains the right to terminate services if the service is unsatisfactory. Seneca Family of Agencies reserves the right to reject all bids.
Interested vendors must submit 1 copy of their response to this Invitation for Bid via mail (post mark not accepted) or email no later than December 9, 2016. Late proposals will not be considered under any circumstances.
Via Mail:
2275 Arlington Dr.
San Leandro, CA 94578
Attention: Alejandra Mugica
Via E-mail:
Vendors are requested to submit any questions regarding the IFB in writing to Alejandra Mugica at . Once bids are reviewed, food vendors may be contacted for a follow up interview and/or oral presentation.
Submittals must be valid for 60 days following the submission deadline.
Appendix A
School Information
School Name and Address / # Students Enrolled by Grade / % F/RStudents / Estimated #
Serving Days / Meal Times
Building Blocks
2370 Grande Vista Place
Oakland, CA 94601 / Pre-K: 15
K-1: 5
Max Enrollment: 24 / F: 80%
R: 5% / 346 / B: 9a
Sn: 10:15a & 10:45a
L: 12:20p
Catalyst Academy
1060 Manor Rd.
El Sobrante, CA 94803 / K-5: 6
6-8: 9
9-12: 9
Max Enrollment: 36 / F: 60%
R: 7% / 336 / Sn: Varies
L: 11-11:45a
James Baldwin Academy
2275 Arlington Dr.
San Leandro, CA 94578 / K-5: 28
6-8: 22
9-12: 32
Max Enrollment: 85 / F: 30%
R: 10% / 334 / B: 8:45a
Sn: 10:30a
L: 12:00p
Pathfinder Academy
40950 Chapel Way
Fremont, CA 94538 / 6-8: 10
9-12: 21
Max Enrollment: 35 / F: 11%
R: 4% / 311 / Sn: 10:35a
L: 12:30p (12p on Wed.)
Hillside Academy
365 Kuck Lane
Petaluma, CA 94952
New school site / 9-12: 4
Max Enrollment: 24 / F: 33%
R: 0% / 292 / B: 8:15a
L: 12:15p
Note: School calendars are attached.