This instructor’s manual, created to help you in the classroom, goes beyond the usual “answers to the questions” and lecture outlines put together as an afterthought to most textbooks. Although those elements are certainly present here - each chapter is outlined for you, and all answers to the “Consider” problems, the case questions, the “Ethical Issues,” and the chapter problems are provided – there’s much more to help you with the students’ learning experience. For example, all of the cases are briefed for you. You can take this manual into class, and with its outlines, answers, and briefs you will be prepared to present the materials.

Included with this edition are expanded transparency masters and Power Point slides for enhancing your class activities and presentations. Also available separately for adopters of the text is the package of fully prepared lesson presentations designed with adjunct teachers and new instructors in mind. Qualified and registered instructors can download the lesson plans at the JenningsBusiness: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment, Eighth Edition ( These lesson plans offer instructors ideas and formats for presentation of the fundamental concepts to be presented in a one-semester legal environment course. For information on other supplementary materials, visit

There are the continuing tools available in this manual that were designed to enhance the classroom experience. Each chapter contains special sections called “Supplemental Readings” and “Interactive/Cooperative Learning Exercises.” In these sections you will find several helpful teaching tools. The supplemental readings could be used to provide depth to your presentation. The readings could also be appropriately assigned to your students for reports, presentations, or analysis.

The interactive/cooperative learning exercises have been updated and expanded in this edition and were created to help students with application. For example, in Chapter 1 the first exercise requires students to find a copy of a city ordinance. No matter how they obtain the ordinance, they will be exposed to statutes, city governments, and the subjects covered by municipal regulation. The cities’ various ordinances could be compared in groups or discussed in class.

This edition continues the Business Strategy Application exercises with the exercises now available on the web.

The cooperative learning exercises throughout the manual were designed to promote interaction and application. Many universities and colleges now encourage cooperative learning programs, and this manual provides instructors with a ready-made format to adapt to changing educational needs and mandates. I have used and developed these exercises over the years to promote an active learning environment. In my experience, students respond positively to these exercises and retain more about the legal and ethical issues that affect businesses due to their hands-on classroom experience. Further, you now have the Business Strategy interactive materials for helping your students.

Knowing the time constraints all instructors face, I prepared this manual to be an efficient aid. I continue to rely on it for my own classes. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with questions, ideas, or suggestions at (480)727-6655.

Marianne M. Jennings

Professor of Legal and Ethical Studies

W.P.CareySchool of Business