Teacher Education Program - Clemson University
Student Teacher: Date:
School: Classroom Teacher:
University Supervisor: Semester:
Unsatisfactory Developing Proficient
Domain 1: Planning
APS1: / Long-Range Planning / Score / Rationale1A / Obtains/analyzes student information and uses
this information to determine student learning
needs and to guide instructional planning / 1 2 3
1B / Establishes appropriate standards-based
long-range learning and developmental goals
for all students / 1 2 3
1C / Identifies and sequences appropriate
instructional units in a manner that facilitates
the accomplishment of long-range goals / 1 2 3
1D / Develops appropriate processes for evaluating
and recording students’ progress and
achievement / 1 2 3
1E / Plans appropriate procedures for managing the
classroom / 1 2 3
APS2: / Short-Range Planning of Instruction / Score / Rationale
2A / Develops unit & lesson objectives that
facilitate student achievement of academic
standards and long range learning goals / 1 2 3
2B / Develops unit & lesson plans (content,
strategies, materials, resources) that are
appropriate for all students / 1 2 3
2C / Uses student performance data to guide
planning of instruction / 1 2 3
APS3: / Planning Assessments and Using Data / Score / Rationale
3A / Develops/selects and administers
a variety of appropriate assessments / 1 2 3
3B / Gathers, accurately analyzes, and uses
assessment data to guide instructional
planning / 1 2 3
3C / Uses assessment data to assign grades
that accurately reflect student progress and
achievement / 1 2 3
Domain 1: Planning Subtotal -
Domain 2: Instruction
APS4: / Establishing and Maintaining HighExpectations for Learners / Score / Rationale
4A / Establishes, communicates, and maintains
high expectations for student achievement / 1 2 3
4B / Establishes, communicates, and maintains
high expectations for student participation / 1 2 3
4C / Helps students assume responsibility for their
own participation and learning / 1 2 3
APS5: / Using Instructional Strategies to
Facilitate Learning / Score / Rationale
5A / Uses appropriate instructional strategies / 1 2 3
5B / Uses a variety of instructional strategies / 1 2 3
5C / Uses instructional strategies effectively / 1 2 3
APS6: / Providing Content for Learners / Score / Rationale
6A / Demonstrates a thorough command
of the discipline he/she teaches / 1 2 3
6B / Provides appropriate content / 1 2 3
6C / Structures content to promote meaningful
learning / 1 2 3
APS7: / Monitoring, Assessing, and Enhancing
Learning / Score / Rationale
7A / Monitors student learning during instruction
by using informal/formal assessments / 1 2 3
7B / Enhances student learning during instruction
by using info from informal/formal assessments / 1 2 3
7C / Provides appropriate instructional feedback to
all students / 1 2 3
Domain 2: Instruction Subtotal -
Domain 3: Environment
APS8: / Maintaining an Environment thatPromotes Learning / Score / Rationale
8A / Creates and maintains a safe physical
environment that is conducive to learning / 1 2 3
8B / Creates and maintains a positive affective
classroom climate / 1 2 3
8C / Creates and maintains a classroom
culture of learning / 1 2 3
APS9: / Managing the Classroom / Score / Rationale
9A / Manages student behavior appropriately / 1 2 3
9B / Makes maximum use of instructional time / 1 2 3
9C / Manages non instructional routines efficiently / 1 2 3
Domain 3: Environment Subtotal -
Domain 4: Professionalism
APS10: / Fulfilling Professional Responsibilities / Score / Rationale10A / Advocate for the students / 1 2 3
10B / Works to achieve organizational goals in order
to make the entire school a positive and
productive learning environment for the students / 1 2 3
10C / Effective communicator / 1 2 3
10D / Exhibits professional demeanor and
behavior / 1 2 3
10E / Active, lifelong learner / 1 2 3
Domain 4: Professionalism Subtotal -
Electronic Portfolio Total Points