H:\Subdivisions\Richardson Lands\Draft Conditions - 30 April 2010.doc
File: D07-16-08-0002
The City of Ottawa's conditions applying to the approval of the final plan for registration of Regional Group's Richardson Ridge Subdivision (File No. D07-16-08-0002) are as follows:
This approval applies to the draft plan certified by Edward M. Lancaster, Ontario Land Surveyor, dated 23 February 2010, showing 421 lots, 15 street townhouse blocks, 2 multi-residential block, 1 heritage block, 2 park blocks, 8 Open space blocks, 11 pathway blocks, 1 proposed stormwater management block, 3 servicing blocks, 2 future development block, 1 floodplain block, 1 road widening block, 17 public streets, and the proposed Terry Fox Drive road allowance.The Owner agrees, by entering into a Subdivision Agreement, to satisfy all terms, conditions and obligations, financial and otherwise, of the City of Ottawa, at the Owner’s sole expense, including, but not limited to, the phasing of the subdivision registration, the design and construction of roads, all water, wastewater and stormwater systems, and utilities in accordance with City Specifications and Standards, all to the satisfaction of the City.
Agency to Clear
Prior to commencing construction, the Owner shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the City. The subdivision agreement shall, among other matters, require that the Owner post securities in a format approved by the City Solicitor, in an amount of 100% of the estimated cost of all works, save and except non-municipal buildings. The aforementioned security for site works shall be for works on both private and public property and shall include, but not be limited to, lot grading and drainage, landscaping and driveways, roads and road works, road drainage, underground infrastructure and services (storm, sanitary, watermains), streetlights, stormwater management works. The amount secured by the City shall be determined by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, based on current City tender costs, which shall be reviewed and adjusted annually. Engineering, Inspection and Review fees will be collected based on the estimated cost of the works as noted herein and in accordance with the City's Fees By-laws, as amended. / OTTAWA PlanningThe Owner acknowledges that this Subdivision shall not be registered nor shall any Works be permitted to commence until such time as all required approvals have been obtained and satisfactory arrangements, such as a pre-servicing agreement, for the provisions of roads, sewers and water supply to the Subdivision has been made to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management, and a Commence Work Notification has been issued. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner acknowledges and agrees that any residential blocks for street-oriented townhouse dwelling units on the final Plan shall be configured to ensure that there will generally be not more than 25 units per block. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner shall provide tothe City’s Legal Services Branch an acknowledgement from those purchasers who signed a purchase and sale agreement before the Plan was draft approved, that the Plan had not received draft approval by the City. The Owner agrees that the purchase and sale agreements signed prior to draft approval shall be amended to contain a clause to notify purchasers of this fact, and to include any special warning clauses, such as but not limited to Noise Warnings and easements.
The Owner acknowledges and agreesthat any person who, prior to the draft plan approval, entered into a purchase and sale agreement with respect to lots or blocks created by this Subdivision, shall be permitted to withdraw from such agreement without penalty and with full refund of any deposit paid, up until the acknowledgement noted above has been executed. / OTTAWA Legal
The Owner, or his agents, shall not commence or permit the commencement of any site related works until such time as a pre-construction meeting has been held with City staff, and until the City issues a Commence Work Notification. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner agrees, prior to issuance of any building permits on the lands, to remove all farm structures that would conflict with any proposed residential development as per the Minimum Distance Separation guidelines. / OTTAWA Planning
Prior to the registration, the Owner shall obtain approval of a road closure for those lands (Part of Richardson Side Road, being Part 1, Plan 4R-23681) the applicant proposed to acquire from the City and acquire said lands from the City prior to Final Approval in order to include said lands on the final plan of subdivision. / OTTAWA
The Owner agrees that the development of Block 440 will be via a future Plan of Subdivision application. / OTTAWA
The Owner agrees that prior to registration of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall ensure that the proposed Plan of Subdivision shall conform with a Zoning By-law approved under the requirements of the Planning Act, with all possibility of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board exhausted. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner undertakes and agrees that prior to the registration of the Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall deliver to the City a certificate executed by an Ontario Land Surveyor showing that the area and frontage of all lots and blocks within the Subdivision are in accordance with the applicable Zoning By-law. / OTTAWA Planning
Roadway Modifications
The Owner shall pay all expenses associated with all works related to roadway modifications, and shall provide financial security in the amount of 100% of the cost of implementing the required works. / OTTAWA PlanningHighways/Roads
The Owner shall retain a licensed or registered professional with experience in the field of transportation planning and/or traffic operations to prepare a Transportation Impact Assessment. The study shall comply with the City of Ottawa’s Transportation Impact Assessment Guidelines. The Owner agrees to revise the Draft Plan in accordance with the recommendations of the study to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner shall provide for temporary turn-arounds for all streets terminating at the edge of any phase of development, prior to registration of the Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. The Owner agrees that it will provide any temporary easements that may be required in order to establish the temporary turn-arounds. Turning circles may include a 0.3 metre reserve along the perimeter of any temporary turning circle(s), to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. For any portion of the temporary turn-around easements that do not form part of the permanent road allowance, the easements shall be removed at the expense of the Owner. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner shall convey to the City, at no cost, an unencumbered road widening along Richardson Side Road adjacent to the subdivision lands, in accordance with the Official Plan, or the approved design of Richardson Side Road. The Owner further acknowledges that any required road widening will be entirely along the north side of Richardson Side Road. The required widening shall be illustrated on the Draft M-Plan and Final Plan of Subdivision as a dimension from the existing right-of-way edge to the required widened limit. If it is determined that a widening is not required, the Owner’s Surveyor shall illustrate the distance from the existing centerline of the Public Highway to the existing road limit on the Draft M-Plan and the Final Plan of Subdivision. All of which will be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and the City Surveyor. / OTTAWA Planning
City Surveyor
Any dead ends and/or open spaces of road allowances created by this plan of subdivision shall be terminated in 0.3 metre reserves. This shall include a 0.3 metre reserve along any temporary turning circle(s). / OTTAWA Planning
A 0.3 m reserve adjacent to the widened limit of Terry Fox Drive and Richardson Side Road and Street No. 13 shall be indicated on the plan submitted for registration and conveyed at no cost to the City. The Owner shall place 0.3 metre reserves on the following locations:
- Rear of Lots 344 to 356 (adjacent Richardson Side Road)
The Owner shall be required to enter into an agreement with the City for the operation and maintenance of any traffic signals that are required to be installed in advance of meeting the City’s approved criteria for Traffic Signals Warrants and until the Director, Transportation and Parking Operations approves the assumption of the lights. / OTTAWA (Planning)
The Owner agrees to provide a construction traffic management plan for the subdivision prior to the earlier of registration of the Agreement or early servicing. Such plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Director, Infrastructure Services. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner acknowledges that should the plan be registered in phases, the first phase of registration shall include:
- Terry Fox Drive right-of-way
- Richardson Side Road right-of-way and upgrade
- Parkland, walkways, and Open Spaces within the applicable phase
All streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Director, Building Code Services Branch and in accordance with the Municipal Addressing Bylaw or the Private Roadways By-law as applicable. / OTTAWA Planning
The design of all roads and intersections shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner covenants and agrees that, where warranted, for all multiple residential blocks, it will register a Condominium Agreement on title, setting the obligations between the co-owners of the common elements for the operation and maintenance of the private streets, private watermains, private hydrants and private water services, such agreement to be to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner acknowledges that the construction of buildings may be restricted on certain lots and/or blocks until such time as Road connections are made so that snowplow turning and garbage collection can be affected to the satisfaction of the Director, Infrastructure Services. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner acknowledges that Richardson Side Road will be stopped up and closed west of the intersection with Street No. 1 to the future Terry Fox Drive. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner hereby covenants and agrees to deed to the City at no cost the future Terry Fox Drive, 45 metres in perpendicular width and a possible additional 15 metre temporary easement if required by the City for grading purposes extending from the north side of Richardson Side Road across the whole of the lands, as shown on a drawing prepared by Dillon Consulting titled “Terry Fox Drive, Draft Preliminary Design, Alignment Through Regional Group Lands” numbered 01-9761-RGL1 and dated September 19th, 2003. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner(s) acknowledges and agrees that Richardson Side Road shall be upgraded to a collector street with transit service. The Owner further agrees, upon the City’s determination of the requirements for Richardson Side Road, to implement required upgrades to Richardson Side Road from Kanata Avenue to Street No. 1, including, but are not limited to requiredroad widening, municipal services and sidewalks. Costs associated with the final design and implementation of upgrades to Richardson Side Road will be shared as part of a cost sharing agreement with abutting owners. Phasing of subdivision registration may be restricted for the subdivision until the future requirements for Richardson Side Road have been determined, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management and prior to the registration of the subdivision. / OTTAWA Planning
The Owner acknowledges and agrees that commencement of construction of any phase, timing of any phasing, and release of Building Permits for any phase, shall be determined by, but not limited to, the following:
- Completion of Terry Fox Drive to Street No. 1
- Water and sanitary sewer servicing
- Stormwater management
- The capacity and/or upgrading of the Signature Ridge sanitary pumping station.
Public Transit
The Owner shall design and construct, at its expense Streets 1 and 2, and the upgraded Richardson Side Road, which have been identified as transit service routes, to Transportation Association of Canada standards, including right-of-way width, horizontal and vertical geometry. The Owner shall design and construct, at its expense transit passenger standing areas and shelter pads, to the specifications of the Transit Services Branch. / OTTAWA
Transit Services
The Owner shall ensure that the staging of the Subdivision, including the construction of dwellings, roadways, walkways, and paved passenger standing areas, or shelter pads, shall occur in a sequence that permits the operation of an efficient, high quality transit service at all stages of development. / OTTAWA
Transit Services
The Owner shall orient dwellings and vehicular accesses in the vicinity of bus stops in a manner as to avoid traffic conflicts and visual intrusion and to submit plans for approval by the City indicating the orientation of all dwellings and private accesses in the vicinity of all bus stop locations. / OTTAWA
Transit Services
The Owner shall inform all prospective purchasers, through a clause in all agreements of Purchase and Sale and indicate on all plans used for marketing purposes, those streets identified for potential transit services, the location of the bus stops, paved passenger standing areas, or shelters pads and shelters, which may be located in front of or adjacent to the purchaser’s lot at any time. / OTTAWA
Transit Services
The Owner agrees to implement a Transit Service Strategy as per section 4.3, policy 5(b) of the Official Plan. The Owner together with the City will determine the method and means by which the developments, as well as adjacent areas, can be efficiently and effectively serviced by transit. The Owner shall enter into an agreement with the Transit Services Branch, prior to final approval of the subdivision, to outline the provision of interim bus service. Said agreement shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Establishment of routes and stops and levels of service; and Provision and maintenance of stops and turnarounds. Said agreement may include: Funding and cost-sharing arrangements; and Timing and triggers for the transfer of responsibility to City. / OTTAWA
Transit Services
Prior to approval of the Grading and Drainage Plan, the Owner shall submit a slope stability analysis for the development of lands adjacent to the ravine or escarpment in accordance the City’s Approved Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications, as may be amended from time to time. The Owner shall convey all lands required by this analysis in accordance with the Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications to the City, at no cost. The analysis and any required conveyances shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. / OTTAWAPlanning
The Owner shall submit a geotechnical report prepared in accordance with the City’s Approved Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications by a geotechnical Engineer, licensed in the Province of Ontario, containing detailed information on applicable geotechnical matters and recommendations which matters may include, where applicable, but are not limited to:
- existing sub-surface soils, groundwater conditions;
iii.design and construction of underground services to the building, including differential settlement near any buildings or structures;
iv.design and construction of the shared water services and sewer services below the stacked units and confirmation that the soils will support the pipes and building, and that any settlement will not adversely effect the pipes;
v.design and construction of internal roadways, fire routes and parking lots;
vi.design and construction of retaining walls and/or slope protection;
vii.design and construction of engineered fill;
viiidesign and construction of building foundations;
ixsite dewatering;
xtree planting;
xidesign and construction of swimming pools;
xii any restrictions to landscaping, in particular type and size of trees and the proximity of these to structures/buildings; and
xiii sensitive marine clay soils.
xiv design and construction of park blocks. / OTTAWA
Sidewalks, Walkways, Fencing, and Noise Barriers
The Owner shall construct a 2 metre asphalt pathway within Blocks 424, 426, 427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 433, 437, 464, and 465. The pathways within Blocks 424, 426, and 431 shall extend across Block 425 and the First Line Road allowance to connect to Blocks 198 and 200 on Plan 4M-1362, and Block 249 on Plan 4M-1380, respectively. The Owner shall also construct fencing (1.5m vinyl-coated chain link behind the front wall line, post-and rail between the street line and the front wall line) and plantings (to be determined), all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management. / OTTAWA