First name: / Family name:Place of birth: / Date of birth:
Nationality: / Sexe:
Phone number:
Number of sportscard RSC(this card is mandatory): / Number of studentscard:
I would like to join a competition team / Trainings team 1x / Trainingsteam 2x / Activity member.
In which team? ______
!!! If you’re going to be a member of a competition team, please hand in a passport photo!!!
In the last three years I was a member of another footballclub in The Netherlands:
Name of the club:______
Which Level: ______
Are you going to study abroad or traveling (leave the country for a few weeks/months) a certain period of time during the next season? If yes, from when til when?
Comittees of FC Kunde
The board think it is in everybody’s interest that everyone does something for te club. This is possible at several ways:
I’m interested in:
- The activities committee
This committee organizes activity every month on the first Wednesday of the month The most important is that you attend on the evning itself. You are one of the organisers of a great evening.
- The Sponsor committee
De sponsor committee is a group of active Kunde members who are looking for new sponsors for the club. .
- The tournament committee
Every year around the month May/June we organize the legendary Kunde tournament. The tournament committee organizes the whole tournament.
- The magazine committee
Every eight weeks the club magazine will be published. You have to gather team reports, write funny articles and make a nice layout.
- The recruitment committee
Every year Kunde needs new Members. You will think about actions that will enhance FC Kunde among all students in Nijmegen. During the introductionweek you will attend during the intromarkets, sports day and of course in the evening during the best parties!
- As Referee
Every footballmatch need a referee. If you sign up as referee you will lead occasionally a match.
- As trainer/coach
Our teams (especially training teams) are trainer by our own. Do you think you like to train and/or coach a team, alone ow with someone elseplease sign up and become a trainer/ coach at our club.
- As assistent referee
Lots of our teams doesn’t have a assistent referee, however it will be nice to have one. Do you to like it to be a assistant referee then sign up!
Its mandatory for every member to select at least one of the options above.
For more information about committees go to: commissies.
The contribution will be 86 euros for members of a competitionteam and 70 euros for members of a training team a year. This amount will be taken up automatically in two terms.
Hereby I declare to be informed well en give permission to NSVV FC KUNDE to earn the contribution from my bankaccount:
IBAN: ______
BIC: ______
Name and City of the bank:______
In name of:______
Signature :