Minutes of the Planning Committee Party Meeting held on Monday 22nd January 2018 at Hound Parish Hall, Woolston Road, Butlocks Heath, Southampton, SO31 5FR at 7pm
MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllrs Forder (p), Roberts (p), Keane (p), Guillan (p) and Mrs Queen (p)
(p) Denotes present at the meeting
Also present: Mr David Nevin, Parish Clerk and 53 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence
All members were present
(Power used: Local Government Act 1972 s85)
2. To receive and accept declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests under section 33 of the Localism Act 2011
No declarations of interest were received
(Power used: Localism Act 2011 and the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012)
3. To approve dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests under section 33 of the Localism Act 2011
The Clerk advised that this item was not required on this occasion
4. To approve minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 16th October 2017
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th October 2017 be accepted as a true record of the meeting
(Power used: Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12 Para 14 (1))
5. Planning applications
(i)F/17/82001 - Osborne Quarters Police Training Centre, Royal Victoria Country Park - Conversion of existing buildings from Class C2 to Class C3 to provide 40 dwellings
Moved via resolution to agenda item 4.
The Chair outlined a letter from HCC and their current objection and stated the points as requested by a member of the public. Chair then invited those present who wanted to speak to put their views to the committee. 18 members of the public mainly expressed comments and concerns around increase in traffic, construction traffic, access and egress, overdevelopment and the safety of pedestrians, children, cyclists etc in both RVCP and on Hound Road. Each member of the planning committee outlined their thoughts and a proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour to object using 59 BE overdevelopment.
RESOLVED: That HPC object on 59BE over-development.
(ii)T/17/82052 - 31 The Badgers, Netley Abbey - T1 Silver Birch, T2 Silver Birch, T3 Silver Birch & T4 Silver Birch, reduce height by 2m
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour of concurring with the EBC Arboriculturalist
RESOLVED: That HPC concurs with the EBC Arboriculturalist
(iii)NC/17/82129 - West Lodge, Netley Abbey - Notification of intent to: Fell 2 x Sycamore
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour of concurring with the EBC Arboriculturalist
RESOLVED: That HPC concurs with the EBC Arboriculturalist
(iv)PN/17/82067 - The Paddock, Bursledon - Notification of Prior Approval for Change of Use of Agricultural Building to dwelling house
Cllr Queen and Forder commented that HPC historically approved them permission on the agricultural building and its size stated that it was so big due to storage of hay bales.
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour to agree with EBC’s letter to refuse Prior Approval was approved.
RESOLVED: That HPC concurs with EBC’s refusal of Prior Approval
(v)T/18/82271 - 3 Waverley Avenue, Netley Abbey - T1 & T2 Oak - Crown reduction by up to 1.8m
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour of concurring with the EBC Arboriculturalist
RESOLVED: That HPC concurs with the EBC Arboriculturalist
(vi)T/18/82268 - 1 Latelie Close, Netley Abbey - T1 Lime - Pollard by 8 - 10m or T1 Lime - Reduce and reshape by 3m - 4m to previous pruning points
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour of concurring with the EBC Arboriculturalist
RESOLVED: That HPC concurs with the EBC Arboriculturalist
6. To receive list of planning decisions made between 17th October 2017 and 15th January 2018 from Eastleigh Borough Council
The Chair read through the list from EBC and confirmed that permission had been granted / no objection raised for the following applications:
44 Victoria Road
9 Waverley Court
100 Station Road
2A Waverley Avenue
6 Castle View
3A Manchester Road
6 Pound Road
1 Victoria Glade
Land to the north side of Grange Road
2 Culver
Apartment 9 Netley Castle
The following applications were part refused, part consent:
Netley Court Care Home
12 Denham Gardens
The following applications were refused:
6 Whitwell
25 Newbridge
4 New Road
Land Adjacent to The Roll Call
7. To receive resolution to exclude members of the public and press from confidential matters to be discussed ‘that in the view of the confidential/special nature of the business about to be transacted, it is in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw’
A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour that the remaining members of the public be instructed to withdraw
RESOLVED: That the remaining members of the public be instructed to withdraw
(Power used: Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s2)
8. To receive EBC enforcement list
The enforcements were received
Date of next meeting is Monday 19th February at Hound Parish Hall, Woolston Road, Butlocks Heath at 7pm.
Meeting closed - 20:46